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Songs to Describe How We Feel Right now...

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  • Songs to Describe How We Feel Right now...

    I would like to dedicate the song "Walk On" by U2 to describe the way I am feeling about the tragedy this week. We are strong and we will walk on...

    If you would like to listen to the song, check it out at:


  • #2
    Has anyone heard Joan Baez 's "With God On Our Side"? A very poignant song (probably written by Dylan) about the atrocities of war, and killing in the name of God.

    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      Freiheit (Freedom) by Marius Mueller Westernhagen

      (this is only the musical rendition...text is below)


      Die Verträge sind gemacht

      Und es wurde viel gelacht

      Und was Süßes zum Dessert

      Freiheit Freiheit

      Die Kapelle rumtata

      Und der Papst war auch schon da

      Und mein Nachbar vorneweg

      Freiheit Freiheit

      ist die einzige, die fehlt

      Freiheit Freiheit

      ist die einzige, die fehlt

      Der Mensch ist leider nicht naiv

      Der Mensch ist leider primitiv

      Freiheit Freiheit

      wurde wieder abbestellt

      Alle die von Freiheit träumen

      sollen's Feiern nicht versäumen

      sollen tanzen auch auf Gräbern

      Freiheit Freiheit

      ist das einzige was zählt

      Freiheit Freiheit

      ist das einzige was zählt

      Edited by: kmmath  at: 9/16/01 11:37:36 am


      • #4
        I considered putting the translation next to it, but it just isn't as "beautiful" in the direct words don't flow/rhyme together....some things can't be appropriately translated....

        Here is the point of it though...

        The treaties have all been made and signed and people have celebrated ie laughter,etc ("was Süßes zum Dessert" something sweet for dessert)

        ....celebrating freedom...

        The church bells resound and the pope and neighbors are present for the event....the only thing that is missing is freedom....

        Humans aren't naive...they are primitive

        freedom has again been postponed...

        Everyone who dreams of freedom

        should not miss the opportunity to celebrate it..

        The should dance across the graves (presumabley of those who have fallen in the name of freedom)

        Freedom is the only thing that matters...

        Note: this is NOT a thorough and complete translation at ALL...just a way to get across the main point....


        • #5
          I'd have to add "Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson.

          I have felt so overwhelmed, useless, and helpless over the past few days. Money and blood donations seem trivial in the face of such catastrophies. But the fact is that I can become more informed, more involved, more tolerant, and more compassionate in my immediate world. These are small contributions within my power that I intend to make in order to find some solace.

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            That's a very moving song, Kris. Even though I do not know German (took French in high school and college), I can just feel the emotion in the music. Luanne, I found a link to the song you mentioned:




            • #7
              Sorry, Luanne. I think I gave you the wrong link. That one was by Bob Dylan. Here's the one by Joan Baez:



