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Wedding Top 10 Fun!

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  • Wedding Top 10 Fun!

    What are some of the funniest things that happened to you while you were planning your wedding/or during the ceremony?!

  • #2
    Yes, I'd like to hear. I'm not married yet but will be soon. I want to have a simple wedding here in AZ. When my fiance's mom found out we finally decided to get married next year, she insisted it be a "big" event and now she's planning, planning, planning it to be in LA. I told my parents too and my dad has been talking "limousines." It's just getting out of hand! I was planning a simple wedding in the morning and then lunch - that's it! My family, his family, and also my friends want this extravagant ball! Help! I would be interested in hearing your thoughts...

    - Rachel


    • #3

      Jory & I were married in November. It was a second marriage for both of us. We were married outside, down at the river. VERY CASUAL. Jory wore jeans and a sport coat, I wanted to wear jeans, but my daughters were mortified. I wore a silk skirt & silk sweater, then changed into jeans afterwards. Just our families and a few friends were at the ceremony, then we had a big party at our new home that evening.

      Oh well, I guess this was supposed to be funny. It was a really fun time!!!!

      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        That sounds nice, Luanne. I guess I just don't want it to get out of hand and be so exhausted with the planning that I can't even enjoy my own wedding. I've had friends do this. My fiance told me there was a patient in the hospital who was telling him about her own wedding. She and her husband were so exhausted with the planning that they just went to sleep on the first night of their honeymoon. Jeez, what a way to spend your honeymoon! My friends and family tell me it has to be big b/c it's this "once in a lifetime event." Seems like a big PR event to me! I've heard about couples fighting and getting so stressed about planning their weddings. It can get so crazy. My cousin is getting married next month and she's stressing big time. She's having the traditional wedding with all the bells and whistles...the bridal shower, rehearsal dinner, rehearsal ceremony...and whatever else is involved. They are spending $35,000 on their wedding! To me, that's just plain crazy! I had a friend who spent over $50,000 on her wedding. She told me it was really big and most of the people who attended she didn't know b/c they were friends of friends of friends. She felt like she was just feeding people. My fiance and I are going to be going to CA next month for my cousin's wedding. We're planning to talk with both my parents and his parents about our wedding. The hard thing about this is that my parents want to pay for the wedding and so does his. So, I guess they feel they have a say b/c they are going to be paying for it...But, then again it's our wedding and not theirs...

        - Rachel


        • #5
          It sounds like a nice wedding, Lu....

          Our top funnies:

          ~I wore white gloves and when Thomas tried to put the ring on my finger it got stuck...he kept struggling with it and the minister cracked up

          ~Our service was in Germany, and the left side of the church is where the Americans sat...the right side is where the Germans sat. We had come up with two diff. formats for our wedding ceremony...and had printed out an english version and a german version. We knew that the Germans wouldn't attempt the american songs and the americans wouldn't attempt the germans songs, so we printed the german songs for the germans and the english songs for the "Amis" and looked forward to hearing the different groups do their bits...

          Anyway, my brother passed out the english copies to the germans and the german copies to the they americans tried to sing the german songs and the germans tried to sing the english songs.........uuhhh...very interesting! We have a video and it is really funny to listen to the church music!

          ~After all was said and done and the reception was over, we went back to our house...and within 10 minutes, my maid-of-honor called to say that she had left her hotel keys at our house and couldn't get into her room...she had to come and pick them up (german 24 hour service!). She was such a nervous wreck about it that she made it over and then babbled and fumbled all over the place and left WITHOUT her keys!!!! She had to come back again!!! Thomas gave up and went to bed while I waited up for her



          • #6
            i must admit that i probably went over the top with our wedding planning but i cannot say that i regret it at all. the day and night really fly by and before you know it, you have been married for one month! ....and then when your husband is off at the hospital for hours, you can sit on the couch and daydream about the day!

            some fun and funny moments -

            we were married at 6pm and the reception (walking distance) was to begin at 6:45pm - well, just as we are walking out of the chapel to take some photos outside, BOOM. thunder and pouring down rain. our photographer was a genius and took a few photos of us standing in the doorway with the rain in front of us and my dress is blowing. i can't wait to see them - he said they have a moody quality. i can't make it to the reception b/c it is pouring so they wrap me in plastic. the coordinator found a ton of plastic bags and she just wrapped them around and taped them up! then my husband and my dad carried me (in plastic) under two large umbrellas to the reception site - we arrived an hour late. but all was very good after a few minutes! i think we will always remember that.

            this was fun, too - i rode to the chapel in a limo with my bridesmaids and my sister and my parents - i was starting to get really nervous while we were waiting in front b/c the photographer was taking some photos of my fiance so i couldn't look or get out of the limo yet. i have to admit that i have a liking for hip hop music at times so one of my girls just pumped up the radio and the perfect hip hop song was on and we all danced in our seats and let off some serious nervous energy - my husband likes to ignore the fact that i like that music!


            • #7
              First- some advice-

              The wedding- while a lovely event, is not the single most important part about getting married- that would be the being married part- which often gets left out during the planning stages.

              Second- DO NOT let other people dictate what you want for your wedding. I allowed people to convince me to have the Big-Do the first time I was married and I can tell you that from start to finish I have never been so miserable in my life. From the moment I woke up to the moment I fell asleep it was AWFUL. What we had wanted was small and simple and what we got was huge and it developed a life of it's own. It became "The Wedding" and it sucked.

              So, for the second marriage I informed everyone that we were going to foot the bill, thereby guaranteeing it would be small and simple! We were married in my parent's living room, the reception was in the backyard and the rule was only people who could be there in a 10 minute drive were invited. (Of course the exceptions were his family from out of town- but the hotel was only 10 minutes away! It was SOOOO much fun. I think the grand total was 30 people.

              The funny part was that we woke up the day of the wedding and it was gray and cloudy- it had been raining the previous few days and of course my mom panicked- I believe her head was spinning. My aunt just took matters in to her own hands and out came the leaf blowers, the portable window fans and every spare towel in the house. We literally blew dry the yard and the patio! I'm sure the neighbors thought we were nuts.

              But it worked- the caterers were able to put up all of the table and it looked gorgeous.



              • #8
                We knew that we would have to decide between a huge event or a very limited, private event. We are blessed with many friends and family and trying to host a medium size event probably would have created hard feelings. Consequently, we decided on a small ceremony in the chapel attached to the church that I grew up in. Our guest list totaled 29 people and consisted of only immediate family members. It was absolutely beautiful and we both cried throughout the ceremony.

                In retrospect, we both feel that this ceremony represented exactly what we wanted for our wedding day. I wouldn't have done it any other way. I get nervous in front of a lot of people and we had to pay for our wedding ourselves. I can honestly say that it was one of the two best days of my life.

                In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                • #9
                  The day of our wedding I was supposed to show up 30 minutes before the ceremony at the temple. Well I was about 10-15 minutes late, and my inlaws teased Matt that I was going to be a no-show. I showed up and he was happy.

                  But it was funny that I was late, because I am usually on-time and Matt is late.

                  The night before the wedding, I got about an hour of sleep.

                  Gas, and 4 kids


                  • #10
                    Hi Everyone,

                    Ok, I think I mentioned that my cousin's wedding is this weekend. Today, I went out and bought her present using the "bridal registry." Well, that was an interesting event for me. I was a mess and couldn't find anything - matching up SKU numbers to the list and deciding on what to get. Fortunately, a nice girl helped me out and even wrapped up my gift for me! I can't wrap at all!

                    Now, I have the task of trying to find something to wear. The wedding is in the early afternoon around 2pm. Then, there's the reception at 6pm. Any wardrobe suggestions? I've read a couple of books and they say sundresses are nice as well as pant-suits. What are your thoughts? (Ok, I'm not the fashion queen. I'm used to wearing suits being the "workaholic" I am).

                    It's so easy for guys! All they have to do is put on a suit and they are ready!

                    I know this is kind of late, but I can use the advice!



                    • #11
                      I suggest to wear what makes you feel comfortable and makes you feel good about yourself. If this means wearing a suit, by all means, go for it. If you prefer a softer look, go with a sundress. Weddings are great "date nights" and have the added bonus of someone else footing the bill.

                      Have a blast!

                      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                      • #12
                        Well, recommends:Below you will find the traditional guideline in wedding guest attire.

                        Female Wedding Guests

                        Very Formal Daytime - Floor length dress or gown

                        Semi-Formal Daytime - Knee-length or short cocktail dress

                        Informal Daytime - Nice afternoon dress

                        Very Formal Evening - Formal, floor-length gown or evening dress

                        Semi-Formal Evening - Evening cocktail dress

                        Informal Evening - Cocktail dress

                        Male Wedding Guests

                        Very Formal Daytime - Very dark, conservative three-piece suit

                        Semi-Formal Daytime - Dark, three-piece suit

                        Informal Daytime - Dark, three-piece suit

                        Very Formal Evening - Black Tuxedos (Black Tie)

                        Semi-Formal Evening - Dark, conservative three-piece suit

                        Informal Evening - Dark, three-piece suit

                        I'm with Kelly on this one...just pick something that you're comfortable in and go and have a great time...


