I guess since I've been skulking around the back hallways of the site I should introduce myself.
My name is Ron, I'm an ER Doc in Colorado. I'm married (25th Anniversary this past May .. Whooo Hooo), have a 19 y/o daughter in college and a 15 y/o son in high school.
I went to undergrad at Colorado State University, medical school at University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and residency in Emergency Medicine at Denver General Hospital (now known as Denver Health Medical Center .. all hoidy-toidy now .. LOL).
I was a late starter, age 30 when I started medical school. Had a varied past prior (some things have been sealed by the Federal Government; I can't talk about those .. LOL).
I'd be happy to talk to anyone about my perspective on the whole medical school/residency/practice thing.
I also dabble in computer programming, if you have programming questions I'll do my best to help out.

I went to undergrad at Colorado State University, medical school at University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and residency in Emergency Medicine at Denver General Hospital (now known as Denver Health Medical Center .. all hoidy-toidy now .. LOL).
I was a late starter, age 30 when I started medical school. Had a varied past prior (some things have been sealed by the Federal Government; I can't talk about those .. LOL).
I'd be happy to talk to anyone about my perspective on the whole medical school/residency/practice thing.
I also dabble in computer programming, if you have programming questions I'll do my best to help out.
