Hi, I just wanted to say hello, and ask about this forum. I just married my husband, and he still has 3 more years of residency to go. I haven't experienced any problems (yet), but would love to join everyone here for discussion/advice from time to time. nice to meet everyone!
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New to the forum
Hey, nice to meet you! I live in Texas, San Antonio. New York, huh? I have never been there. Don't get me wrong, I like to think I have been around the states, since we moved about 8 times. But, I have never been to really urban areas..trendy places, I guess. So your boyfriend is in the middle of finals, I imagine. I am taking a gross anatomy course with the medical students here, so I only get a taste of what they go through, but certainly not anything near the amount of stress and class load that they do. Are you a student as well?
I'm working as and admissions counselor for one of the colleges in my area. I'm most likely going to start taking some graduate classes starting in January for early childhood/special education. One of the perks of my job is that if you work for the school you can take free classes, so I figure that I should take advantage of it! With my boyfriend studying all the time, I might as well join him!
My bf just finished finals so there was a little break for Thanksgiving, but now it's back to study, study, study!!! What kind of degree are you working towards? What are you hoping to get into?
Hi Dee,
Welcome to the boards. I'm Jill, the wife of a third year resident who will be starting ID fellowship in July. Are you taking anatomy just to see what it's all about or are you working toward a degree? When my husband was in med school he brought me to the anatomy lab and let's just say I didn't breathe through my nose for an hour! Anyway, welcome and nice to "meet" you.
san antonio
so nice to meet you guys...did not expect an active board like this. I was a high school science teacher for a few years, and then moved to san antonio to get a grad.degree in human anatomy, because I really really like dissecting (i know, it does smell though!!). I really wish (stress on the wish) one day to get to teach medical anatomy. We'll see, though. My husband (we just married, so I almost want to call him my boyfriend) is a radiology resident here.
In fact, today, he is 'on call' and working at the hospital, while I am in the lab where I work, doing an experiment. I love company during my breaks, though..please tell me all about yourselves as well.
Hi Dee,
Welcome to the Forum. Glad to have you join us. Congrats on your recent wedding, too!
Wow! Human anatomy! My hat's off to you. I'm way too squeemish to even get 100 yards of an anatomy lab. 8O
Anyway, I'm Dures and I live in Los Angeles. My BF is currently a 4th year med student applying for neurology residencies.
I love company during my breaks, though..please tell me all about yourselves as well., there's more about us at the below links. Check us out. I think we're a cool bunch. 8)
Well, glad to meet you and I hope to get to know you better.
Hi Dee! Nice to have you join us. I'm Trisha, my husband is an Emergency Medicine attending in Columbus, Ohio. We are both originally from Texas and miss it very much. In fact we are considering moving back so we can actually see the sun between the months of October and March, plus the no State Income tax is kinda luring us back, LOL.
You will find lots of support here during your residency years and beyond. Look forward to getting to know you better.
HI! I'm hoping from your name that you are indeed a runner! I'm the resident running geek here so we could talk road racing below.
Congrats on your recent wedding! I look forward to meeting you below.
KellyIn my dreams I run with the Kenyans.
Running, Residency Years, and........children?
Well, guys..I appreciate the link to the introductions of the other gals. thanks..I hope to know you more as I come here more often.
Running geek??? Me, too?? what are you training for now? We are hoping to do a trail run in February..but, you know how it is with the residents..you plan something, then all of a sudden they are on call that weekend. No biggie, I am getting used to it. We just take a run around the neighborhood in that case, eh?
Well, what about kids...I am already 31, and he is 34, so we are hoping to have kids, but don't know weather we should wait till he is through (2 and 1/2 years..) opinions from those of you who have been there/done that? or considering?
Dee -- good luck with all your anatomy work. In response to your question about when to have kids, we also are trying to figure that one out. We initially were going to wait til about 18 months from now but we recently moved that up to about 12 months (or maybe even less!) from now to start trying. My Dh is starting an ID fellowship in July so we are trying to have kids til he's in his second year of fellowship, with more free time. It's fun to plan but also hard to wait!
Thanks for the response..I guess it might sound insenstive to ask that kind of question on the forum. its a personal preference for each and evey one of us, and probably a very private thing. I guess I just like to bounce ideas off people, to really help me pinpoint what it is that I am feeling about the baby situation. My husband and I discussed waiting, too, but then thought about the fact that when he is out of residency, the child would be of age to travel more (I have a big family, and his family lives out of state). In other words, he has 3 more years, and we have been told by his sisters that their darlings are more comfortable traveling now (3-4 years) than of course as infants. I'll want to spend more time at home with them as infants, I believe...well..thanks for the answer. take care! Hope everyone is h aving a great holiday season.
I am Luanne and I am not a runner!!!!!
I am a nurse and my husband is a pulmonologist. We live in NJ. We have two children each, I have two daughters 17 & 19 and he has a son 17 and a daughter 20. I can offer no suggestions for when to have children on this roller coaster, I was 25 when I had my first child and my first husband was not in the medical profession.
wife, mother, nurse practitioner
"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)
Hi Luanne!
thanks for all the advice...I think I am worrying over nothing, really..today is such a great day here in texas..the weather is about 70 degrees, no less. I think I would not survive up north. I know that is a change of subject, but just wanted to see how you northerners were doing?