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  • Hey everyone!

    Hey there everyone - My name is Sherri and I'm new to the site and so glad I found it. My husband is a 3rd year med student currently doing his surgical(ugggh) rotation. He is thinkng of specializing in either psychiatry or neurology. I am a graphic designer and just started a new job. We have a year and a half left in this little town we moved to and I'll be ready to leave. It's a really cute place but it's a little too small town for us. I have had trouble meeting people and it seems the older you get the harder it is to make new friends. We are kind of isolated as we chose a great house with cheap rent but further out from the school (and anything to do ). We don't have children yet and that is something on my mind a lot lately. I guess no time is better than any other, but finances feed into the decision. Also, I'm 34 and a little worried about my age and getting pregnant the longer we wait. Any advice on dealing with living in a small town, making new friends, or chilling out on my baby fever would be great :!:

  • #2
    HI Sherri!

    Well, we have advice on everything. and opinions on everything too! Come on down to the other sections and post your questions there! Also, read some of the stuff that's currently going on- we have alot of people dealing with those same issues!




    • #3
      Welcome Sherri!
      My way of chilling out the "baby fever" was to have a couple of babies ! Seriously, though--you'll find lots of great advice here.
      It does seem harder to make new friends when you're older--are there any other medical spouses you have clicked with? It is nice to have a pal that is in a similar situation--actually that is what is so great about this place!
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        Hi There!

        I'm new here too. I think we must have found this site the same day. I am kind of in the same situation. We recently moved to a very small town from a bigger city. My hubby is doing his first yr neuro residency here in frigid Minnesota. The program here has spouse groups and different other groups, I have found some very nice friends but still feel isolated and alone. We have two children under the age of three, so they do keep me busy but we are rather bored to say the least. We bought a house when we moved here last April and we will probably have to stay here another 4-5 years because my hubby wants to hopefully do a fellowship here. I really miss my family. I have two grandparents that were quite sick when I left and have feelings of guilt for not being there. It is so much harder being away than I thought it was going to be but hopefully things will get easier in the spring.
        As far as having a baby and being worried about your age. I wouldnt be. It does sound like the perfect time to have one though. I'm almost 28 and am on the fence about having another child myself. I would advise you not to wait until things are better financially. You know what....that could be quite a while. We learned a long time ago that there is never a perfect time to have a child. There is no better time than the present. If your clock is ticking and it's sending you a message listen to it. Trust me when you hold the cute little bundle in your arms later you'll find yourself wondering how you could have even considered waiting Good luck to you!


        • #5
          Hi SheBC --
          My husband is looking at the Wake Forest derm program and I was wondering if you had any thoughts on the winston-salem area. I haven't spent much time in that part of the country. He really likes the program but is not sure how I would like it there. We are putting the rank list together and trying to decide where the program should be.
          He is doing a research project at wake forest in a few weeks and we will be travelling with him for part of the time -- so that should help.
          Any thoughts you have would be appreciated!


          • #6
            Welcome Sherri!

            I think that you will find that you have a lot in common with the group members here. Jump right in and let us know if we can be of any help.

            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


            • #7
              You will find this to be a wonderful place full of people going through very similar issues, and many more. We are a unique group with, with many "issues" in common. Welcome.
              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


              • #8

                hey there , just read your post. We have considered Winston-Salem, too, although I really don't know much about it. I do know that you are supposed to be able to purchase very affordable homes near the hospital. We drove through there on our way home from Christmas, but we didn't get to see much. It sounds like an interesting town though. Strong Arts school there, which leads me to think there would be interesting cultural things to do as well. We love NC and will try to stay near family and hopefully within the state. We are considering Chapel Hill too.
                Let me know how you two like the city when you visit.


                • #9
                  Hi Sherri,
                  Thanks for your feedback on the winston-salem area. We are going to winston-salem next Thursday through Monday. I'll let you know what we think when I get back. We will also be in Chapel Hill part of the weekend visiting with friends. Wish we had UNC as a choice as well (no interview offer extended).
                  My SO was there at the end of December for the interview and liked. We are just wondering if it will feel too small town for us. We've been checking the site for houses in the area -- and you are right -- you can get some great homes close to hospital at amazing prices. (Compared to Denver, anyway). That is a huge draw for us. The idea of having a lower house payment is very tempting. He said that the arts are impressive too for a town the size of winston-salem. The attendings he spoke with are very happy with the public schools -- most send their children there rather than private.
                  So....we'll see how it feels. It is in our top three choices (also Portland OR and Providence RI).
                  I'll give you the full report when we return!

