Hi everyone! I'm so glad I found this site. My boyfriend of 4 years just finished MS2 and is taking Step 1 in two weeks. He goes to USUHS, the military med school in Bethesda, MD, and so he'll owe the Army 7 years after he finishes residency. I already know we're in for a long tough road ahead but am optimistic we can do it
Since bf and I don't live together, it's already tough to get time to spend together, and three of his rotations this year will be at military medical centers on the other side of the country! I'm working hard on enjoying the time we do have, though, and trying to involve myself in other things when he's busy (I quickly learned this year that me sitting around moping improves nothing, but sometimes it's hard not to mope!). Luckily my job keeps me pretty busy, and I've recently joined some groups and classes to try to meet more people. I have a couple friends in the DC-area, but find that many of them simply don't understand the time commitment that med school involves and think my bf is a "bad bf" for never spending time with me. And they're all married or in long-term couples, so I often feel like an extra wheel when I spend time with the couples and my bf can't come. Anyway, it's refreshing to see a group of spouses who know this angle of things. I look forward to meeting you all and I'm sure I'll have lots of questions on how you all survive 
