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  • Hello

    I can't believe after four years of med school, nearly three years of residency (just three more months) that I'm just now finding this site!! Boy the number of times I've could have used this place over the years.

    I guess the quickest way to introduce myself is a short bio.

    My name is Amy and my husband's name is David. He's a third year internal medicine resident who just signed on to be a hospitalist this coming July. We have been married nearly five years but together for way before all this medical stuff, ha,ha. I knew him when he just said, "Someday I"m gonna be a doctor."

    I'm 30 and he's 29. We have a 13 month old baby girl named Sarah. I worked in journalism for more than 10 years until I had her. Now I'm a SAHM/business manager and personal secretary for my husband (being saracastic here...though I am,ha,ha).

    As I said before, my hubby just signed, literally a few days ago, his first contract to be a hospitalist. We have been in Memphis,TN for med training and now will be moving back to where we grew up for him to work. It's a very stressful time for us right now trying to get moved etc. In fact today we found out that he can't qualify for one of those great doc mortgage loans you're always hearing about because he doesn't have a long credit history. I was shocked and very upset because we've worked very hard to have basically no debt..including student loans. Yup, he's loan free from med school. But because he's paid cash and not taken out credit cards etc. himself during all his training and I'm not working now and can't have my credit history considered, the two banks we've talked to so far wouldn't give him a no down payment loan. But I digress, that's just my gripe for today.

    I'm really glad to have found this site because as we all can attest to being the spouse of a doctor is very difficult to say the least sometimes. I've had it pretty rough all this time with no family nearby or close friends. Many, many nights, days, weeks alone. And now with raising a toddler and a husband who is too worn out most days to help out or who is gone...well you guys know. I'm looking forward to getting to here other spouses stories and maybe get some moral support as we go down yet another stressful road in him becoming a doctor.

  • #2
    Welcome! (not sounding like AOL!)
    Congratulations on all the great things that are going on in your life right now. I am sure that it is difficult trying to get everything in order for your move, but you can only take it one step at a time. You will be able to find some type of home loan to your liking, the options are basically endless, they just may take some searching. I am in awe of being free of student loans and still in residency (and not in the military).

    You have found a great source of information and friendship. Look forward to hearing about your 'new' adventures!


    • #3
      Welcome, Amy,

      We are glad that you have found us -- better late than never, right? I am Sally, married for 12 1/2 years to Travis, an Air Force OB/GYN. He has been out of residency for almost 2 years, and we have 2 years left in the Air Force. We have three boys, aged 7, 4, and 18 months. I look forward to getting to know you better as you post.

      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


      • #4

        Welcome to the boards. We are happy to have you!
        I think that you will still find this board relevant as you move on to new and exciting issues of the medical life. I hear that every stage presents its own challenges.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          Welcome, Amy!
          I echo your feelings about finding this board. I wish I had known about it during my husband's intern year!
          My husband started in IM, completed an intern year, then started a derm research fellowship and applying to derm residencies. We know that he matched in derm and will find out where on Thurs at 1pm EST.
          We have a 2.5 yo daughter. I am a SAHM and work as an independent consultant (work from home).
          Your life sounds hectic right now with finishing residency and moving. I do think that post-residency things will be better. Good friends of ours were pretty unhappy as they approached the end of their residency -- but now 3 or 4 years out are happy -- one as a part time geriatrician and the other as a hospitalist.


          • #6
            Welcome Amy! Glad you finally found us. I'm Jill. My DH is also a third year medicine resident but he is starting an ID fellowship in July. I have to say I'm envious your husband is starting a "real" job after residency...we will have two more years. I am in the journalism field now, so we have some similarities! Interesting tip on the mortgage loan...I need to check and make sure our credit card is also in my husband's name so he can build up credit as well.

            Anyway, welcome and post often!



            • #7
              Amy- Nice to meet you and glad you found this site. My husband is a few months from finishing a neonatology fellowship. Finally! He signed a contract a couple months ago and we are planning to move to another state, selling our current home and buying another one. Sorry to hear about the no money down loan. We are going to have to try for one ourselves. Unfortunately, we aren't able to come away from medical training debt free. Congratulations on that! It must have been hard work.

              We have an 18-month old and another one on the way (September) and I am a SAHM for the time being. Lots of changes coming up! Good Luck and welcome to this site.


