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Spouse of med student going into otolaryngology-any others?

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  • Spouse of med student going into otolaryngology-any others?

    Hi, My name is Laura and my husband is ending his third year of medical school and will be entering his fourth year to prepare for an otolaryngology residency. I am very interested in what the years to come will be like and would like hear about other wive's experiences with husbands who are in otolaryngology. I would also like to learn about the different programs and what they are like for the resident as well as for the spouse.
    I look forward to hearing from you all! Thanks for your help, Laura

  • #2
    Hi Laura!

    I can't believe that you're the only otolarnyx spouse here so those of you who are lurkers, come on in and introduce yourselves!

    Residencies run the gamut from great to toxic. That's why we encourage everyone to rate their spouses residency program so that others may benefit from our "insider" information. The nice thing is that the ratings can be done anonymously. So again, those of you who are lurkers- post your insider information to help everyone entering their 4th year of med school!

    Anyway, Laura, I hope you get some support for your spouses specific choice, but feel free to come below and post away about the general issues related to being a medical spouse- and there are plenty enough of those!


    (PS, my husband is a 3rd year peds resident (3 more rotations!!!) and then we're off to DC (my hometown) for a pediatric neurology fellowship (for him) and a new job (for me) and a new house and a new never ends!!)


    • #3

      Welcome. My hubby is a third year surgery resident and deals with a lot of preliminary (i.e. intern) surgery residents who go into surgical subspecialties like ENT. From what we hear, the lifestyle is a heck of a lot better but the work is still interesting to those who enjoy procedures. You and your hubby will probably be very happy with your choice. There have been times when I wish that we were in a surgical subspecialty as well instead of dealing with the horrors of a transplant rotation or the like. Ahhhh...but this is a ramble for another day.

      Welcome to the boards. We are glad to have you.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        Thanks Jenn for your reply. I hope there are other otolaryngology wives out there too! It is interesting that your husband is entering a neurology peds fellowship because my father-in-law has been a neonatologist for some 30 years...similar route! What a fulfilling field! Thanks again, Laura


        • #5
          Thanks Kelly,
          It is nice to have some encouragement concerning my husband's choice. I will definitely have to let him know what you and your husband's thoughts are about subspecialties. Thanks again! Laura


          • #6
            Hi Laura! I have a friend whose husband is currently doing his ENT residency in Oklahoma. To my knowledge she hasn't joined this group yet, but I can tell you that she and her husband were THRILLED when he managed to match in ENT. Apparently the lifestyle post-residency is very nice and he still gets to practice surgery. The first year (surgical intern year of residency) is supposed to be killer though - depending on where he matches. Good luck!
            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
            With fingernails that shine like justice
            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


            • #7
              Hi Laura --
              My husband was interested in ENT as well. A big concern for him was that it was so competitive and he didn't feel like he had laid the groundwork to do it (he was on more of an internal medicine path). So, since your husband already knows he wants to do it he probably knows what is needed on his application. Also, he wasn't too keen on the intern year (surgery and he heard it could be brutal). The intern year would probably be worth it though for the lifestyle later. As an aside, he has now switched to derm and will be starting that next year.

              Welcome to the board!

