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It's good to be here

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  • It's good to be here

    This is a test. I tried making a long post earlier, but then I didn't see it posted. Now that I have found you all I expect to spend alot of time here. My name is Laurel and my husband is finishing up a nuclear medicine fellowship in Philadelphia and we are looking for an attending position somewhere out there. Let's see if this works this time.

  • #2
    A sight for sore eyes!!!

    Great!!! It worked. I don't know why I couldn't get the first one to work. Oh well---now for more of an introduction......

    I have allergic conjunctivitis, so that explains the sore eyes. I was hoping to find a forum like this when I started my google search this afternoon. I only wish I would have found it a few years ago.

    I grew up in Southern CA, then went to grad school in NYC, where I earned my MSW. I met my husband who had a degree in biomedical engineering and was working at a small family retail business. He decided to take some premed classes and then went on to NY Medical College. We got married after his 2nd year. I was then working full time at a family services agency and doing a training program in family therapy.

    My husband initially decided to pursue a general surgery residency and he matched in Buffalo, NY. So, I quit my job of 7 years and we shuffled off to Buffalo. While there, we had 3 kids with complicated pregnancies and congenital disorders that have since mostly resolved. During my bedrest with the last baby, my husband took a family medical leave of absence to take care of me and our 2 toddlers. During this period, he decided he didn't want to continue with the surgery lifestyle and began looking for a radiology residency---after the match.

    We did a nationwide search and found very few post-match positions. There was however a fellowship in nuclear medicine in Philadelphia. He thought it was a great opportunity. During a 2 month period, we had our 3rd baby, my mother died unexpectantly, my husband interviewed and was hired in Philadelphia, we scrambled to find a house to rent over a weekend, our baby became very ill and required 2 surgeries and 2 weeks in intensive care, and then we moved.

    So, now we are finishing up the nuclear medicine fellowship and our baby is about to turn 2. He is now searching for an attending position in nuclear medicine and interviewing here and there. He is also toying with the idea of doing a PET fellowship and even a radiology residency.

    I am feeling very much in limbo and getting increasingly stressed out as time is going by. Well, so there ya have it. That's my story.


    • #3
      Welcome Laurel! WOW, you have had a stressful time. I am so glad you found us. Everyone on here is so helpful. We are all going through different times in schooling, residency, practice etc. My name is Jessica. I am married to a 1st yr med student and we have 2 kids ages 5 and 3 and one on the way. Again, welcome.



      • #4
        Welcome, welcome!

        Isn't limbo fun? We're in that very state right now- we know where we're going but when and where exactly- well, that remains to be seen.

        I'm Jenn, my husband is a 3rd year peds resident who begins his fellowship in peds neuro in July at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. I'm from the DC area originally so I am very much looking forward to going home.

        Glad you found us!



        • #5

          Welcome to the boards. It sounds like you have been through a lot. I'm glad you made it here, a place that has been really great for me. I'm Jill, wife of a third-year medicine resident who will be starting an ID fellowship in July. Post often, and welcome!



          • #6

            Welcome!!!!! You sure have been through a lot and I hope things start to calm down for you in the near future. This is a great place for support!

            My name is Robin and my husband is an intern for two more months (almost done!!!! ) and then he goes into anesthesia. We are in San Antonio for residency but I grew up in Oregon and my husband is from Colorado. We have four boys who keep us busy.

            I hope your husband finds exactly what he is looking for. After all the work it takes to get to this point, it is important that they enjoy it! Again, Welcome!



            • #7

              I'm sorry to hear that the universe is bent on sending challenges your family's way! Nonetheless, you will find that you have a lot in common with the members here. Hopefully, things are starting to turn around. Welcome aboard, we are hear for you.

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8

                I am glad you found us. Sounds like you are ready for some calm to descend on your family. I hope your husband will find a job that suits him perfectly.

                I am Sally, mom to 3 boys, aged 8, 4 3/4, and 19 months. My husband is an OB/GYN with the Air Force, and he has been done with residency for almost two years. We live in Texas, but are originally from Indiana and hope to get back that way when my husband finishes his Air Force committment two years from now.

                Nice to "meet" you! Hope to see you post often.

                Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                • #9
                  Hi Laurel!
                  I'm Sue--mother of two girls and wife of pulmonary/critical care soon to be second year fellow. I'm glad you found the boards! It is hard being at that stage of not knowing what the future holds. I was just telling my husband that I would kill for a crystal ball that would just show me what city we will be living in when he finishes fellowship! Anyhow, I'm glad you found us. I am finding this a great place to come vent the frustrations of medical spouse life as well as share the positivies!
                  Awake is the new sleep!


                  • #10
                    Laurel -- I'm glad you found this website! Whew, sounds like the last few years have been full of change and challenges.
                    I'm Nellie, my husband is currently doing two years of research and will start a dermatology residency in July 2004. He switched specialties from internal medicine and recently matched in derm. We have a 2 1/2 year old daughter.


                    • #11
                      Laurel - Oh how I wish you had posted about nine months ago! There was a radiology residency position available in Burlington, Mass! My husband is a radiology resident at Brigham and Women's and he suggests that your husband should visit regularly to check for any radiology residency openings if he is still investigating that option. He also said it would be MUCH easier for him to slip into a vacated spot since he's already obviously completed an intern year. His other suggestion is that your husband check into joining the Air Force if he was deadset on being a radiologist. The reason is they will fund his residency and thus he can go to a program that may not have any vacancies but has enough radiology teaching staff. That last option would entail a four year commitment to the Air Force, though.

                      A little about me: I am the wife to the above mentioned rads resident in his second year of the five year residency (intern year was last year). We have four children (boy 6, twin girls 4, 15 month old girl). I TOTALLY understand you on the difficult pregnancies/congenital problems area - been there, done that !!!

                      I am glad that you joined this group!
                      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                      With fingernails that shine like justice
                      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                      • #12
                        Thanks everyone!!!!

                        Wow, this is great!!! Thank you so much for the warm welcome and words of wisdom and comfort and support!!!!!! You are all making me feel very much at home here. Thanks again. Now I just have to try to figure out a system for remembering who is who around here. That may take some time.


                        • #13

                          Rapunzel, thanks so much for all of your info. That has been especially helpful.


                          • #14
                            Welcome Laurel,
                            It sounds like you have had a tough time. You will find lots of support here. I am Luanne, I live in NJ, my husband is a Pulmonologist. I look forward to getting to know you.
                            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

