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Coming Back

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  • Coming Back

    I used to post here (was it already almost two years ago?) under Deb7456. My account is still there, but I can't get it to work. Anyway, I was going to post a question about finances, so I'll try to rebuild my post count in case that's one of the private forums!

    We've ALMOST made it through to that light at the end of the tunnel. DH has one year left of fellowship, so we're in the process of negotiating employment contracts and looking at houses. It's hard to look at this last year as anything but a preparation for the REAL life, but DH still has a lot of research left to do, and it's not likely to be a fun year for him.

    I'm staying home with our 4 young kids (twins age 3, girl age 1.5, newborn boy). Nobody is potty-trained yet. Part of the preparation for real life is just hoping to able to see over the mountain of diapers at the end of this year.

    Anyway, it was nice to read through some of the threads and see familiar people. Just like before, you all make me laugh, get mad, feel sad, and mostly think a lot.

    Hope it's ok to rejoin.

  • #2
    Welcome back!!! Glad things are going well, and good luck with finishing residency! I don't know about DH, but I'm certainly going to have senioritis next year!
    My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


    • #3
      I stand in salute... I thought I was going to die when my twins were 3 and not potty trained yet and I had one baby. I didn't have an 18 month old to throw into the mix. Yikes!!!

      We're still firmly in training, but I know lots of people are making your transition right now too. You'll get good advice. And of course it's OK to rejoin-- think of it as an extended hall pass. I think you've been a tad bit busy these last couple of years...

      Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


      • #4
        We always have an open door. Welcome back.
        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          Welcome back!
          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Deb745 View Post
            I'm staying home with our 4 young kids (twins age 3, girl age 1.5, newborn boy). Nobody is potty-trained yet.

            . . .

            Hope it's ok to rejoin.
            First...HOLY COW!! I would go broke just on diaper costs! That's a LOT of poo to deal with!

            And second, great to have you back!


            • #7
              Thanks, everyone! Yes, I feel like I'm constantly changing diapers. I've tried jellybeans, new Matchbox cars, whatever. The twins are getting there... but it's still pretty inconsistent. This wasn't exactly our family plan. The twins were a result of IVF after 7 years of other treatments. So of course we never expected baby #3. Baby #4 was all our fault. But now we're just as frantically looking into permanent birth control as we were into infertility treatments! LOL

              Could I ask a huge favor of one of the admins? (I'm not sure who to ask.) Is there a way to enable posting on the old Deb7456 account? I can still log in and VIEW the private forums - I just can't post, not even in Grand Rounds! I wanted to ask a question about contracts. I did a search and couldn't find a similar thread. I'll try to get my post count up quickly, with the new account, but I was hoping to get some thoughts on it in a week or so, if possible. It seems like a question that people would be more comfortable answering in a private forum.

              Maybe I'll post a potty training thread in Parenting. I definitely could use some tips.


              • #8
                Welcome back! The Admins have bolded usernames. There's a thread on looking for the job in "Colonoscopy" which is a private forum for those in residency/fellowship. I don't believe that there is a minimum post count, you just need to be in training and not a troll. I could be wrong. I'd pm an admin, they'll be able to help you out.

                Funny that you're back. Honestly, I was just wondering about you a couple of weeks ago. I remember pictures of you gardening or something in your new house with the twins and you being pregnant. You're from KS, right. Never mind, if my memory is all out of whack. Either way, welcome back.
                Last edited by madeintaiwan; 07-30-2010, 06:50 PM.


                • #9
                  Yep, that's me! We're in NM right now. One more year and we should be back in KS. I think I'm friends with a couple of members on fb. I'll look for the thread in Colonoscopy. (I have to log out & log back in under Deb7456 to see if I had access to that area.) What I'm wondering about is how common sign-on bonuses or salary advances are... whether it's reasonable to ask for one, since it would be nice for buying a house. I didn't find any threads like that when I searched. But I'll pm somebody. Thanks for the welcome back!


                  • #10
                    And by the way, our garden this year totally flopped! We couldn't even grow zucchini!


                    • #11
                      Welcome back!!!
                      Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                      • #12
                        Hey Deb, welcome back stranger! I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering if you guys were still here! Looks like you've been incredibly busy! Congrats on the new baby!
                        Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


                        • #13
                          Welcome back! I wish you all the luck in the world with potty training!! Sounds like you have your hands full!!
                          Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


                          • #14
                            Welcome back!
                            Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                            • #15
                              There is a min post count for colonoscopy as well - just fyi. PM Kris or Angie - they should be ale to fix your account.

