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For better or for boards

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  • For better or for boards

    Hello everyone!

    I found this site recently, and it looks like a good place to find support. My husband and I have been married nearly a year. We were college sweethearts, and are now proud parents of a sweet little puppy (just try to tell him he's not our baby). My husband completed his M2 year a few weeks ago and is now immersed in study for the board exams. All day, every day, all the time. I stay busy as a teacher and coach (my track team just won the league championship Thursday!), and I'm preparing to start grad school a year from now.

    I know I'm lucky in that I have a very loving, supportive family. My parents are just over an hour away, so I get to see them often and be a part of family events. What I do miss are friends my own age (I'm 24). My college friends are now spread around the country, and my twin sister just graduated from law school and moved 4 1/2 hours away. I teach kids half my age and most of the wonderful people I teach with are my parents age. So . . . I guess I'm feeling at bit isolated. I'm hoping this forum will help me find people who can relate to my experiences.

    Looking forward to meeting you . . .

  • #2
    Welcome Tonya!

    You will hopefully find (like many of us) that we do form some very close relationships with each other here at the 'spouses. When we actually meet in person, it's like "oh, ok, and that's what you look like". We have someone in every possible stage of medical spousedom- from those whose spouses/SO are just thinking about a medical career, to those who finished their training decades ago. You'll find support here no matter where you are in the process!

    Welcome aboard!



    • #3
      Welcome to the site! Glad that to hear that you have a great support system near you, now you can have one in the cyberworld too!

      This is a great place to vent/cheer/moan/complain and laugh!


      • #4
        Welcome, and congratulations on finding this site. It is a great place for your sanity.
        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #5
          Welcome, Tonya! Yes, we are here for you and from personal experience of not having friends where I live, I can relate to what you are going through. Next month, my dh and I will be relocating back to Texas where our families and friends are. Just a couple of hours away and the support system is right there. That sure will be nice to get used to again.

          The support that you will find on this site is going to help you for now and for years to come. Welcome aboard!


          • #6

            Welcome and congrats on your track team's recent championship. Don't underestimate your influence over these kids. Over a decade later, I still rely on some of the things that I learned in track.

            Oh yeah, good luck with hubby's boards....What a pain.

            It is nice to meet you....Come on down and ask us anything. Go ahead. We love to chat around here.

            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


            • #7
              Tonya -
              Welcome to the sight! I just found it myself last week and have loved it so far!! I know how you feel about being isolated - we moved clear accross the country when my dh started medschool, and it is hard to hear about all of the get togethers back home. But in the end it is worth it (I think ).
              Good luck with surviving the board study schedule - it is grueling - especially on the spouse!! I think I saw even less of my husband during his marathon study time then while he was in regular classes... that is until our twins decided to come a wee bit EARLY - three days BEFORE the boards (they weren't due for another 1 1/2 months). But we did make it through - although I must say, when my husband walked into the hospital after taking the boards, he truly did look like he had been run over by a train. He literally had no energy to even stand up. The poor guy... I was ready to party on, and all he wanted to do was curl up and sleep for a week!
              Have fun and welcome to the sight!
              Jen (one of the many jen/jennifers here!)

