Hi all!
My name is Kelly, and I am married to a MS4 that's hoping to go into EM. We're lifelong NWesterners living in Oregon (but maybe this summer we'll be moving to a town near you!) DH recently sent in all of his "paperwork" to start the residency process, and we're in a quiet lull between that and when the interviews (hopefully) begin. I'm trying to squelch it, but I'm starting to feel all jittery and "pins and needles-like" over it.
I just newly registered on Med Spouse though I have to admit I've been reading it for awhile. I found you all back when I got a decently fast 'puter (a hand me down from DH), but it was before I knew anything about forums and how to use them, so I just now have the time and know-how to register and start participating (I know! don't judge! My computer skills are puny
This a second career for my DH; he used to be a software engineer (that's why my skills are puny
) and it was a horrible fit for him. He finally got so miserable, and the industry got so miserable, that he (we) made the jump to medicine. That, of course, makes us NonTrads since we started the whole process when we were 36. We have two wonderful girls (14 and 10). Yup -- "wonderful" and "14" in the same sentence.
I didn't mean to be a SAHM, but I am and I do love it. I grew up the youngest of 4 so was never really around young kids. I didn't even think I _liked_ kids, but here I am and who knew? Life's definitely been full of twists and turns. We homeschool, too, which adds a lot to our general craziness!
During the time I've "lurked," I've really come to appreciate having a place where nearly everybody else understands what it's like to be a med spouse, both the good and the bad. Right now should be good for me and DH since we're in that lull, but we're butting up against issues that have built up over the past 8 months of really busy.
It's making me feel pretty blue some days, then other days feel great, then add in the residency app stuff, and I'm feeling like I'm on the Scrambler at the fair. I'd just like a little sanity to enter in...
So, thanks for having me in. I'm looking forward to getting to join in the conversations!
P.S. I think I'm going to like the emoticons, but I promise to try to not overuse them (once I figure out _how_ to use them)
My name is Kelly, and I am married to a MS4 that's hoping to go into EM. We're lifelong NWesterners living in Oregon (but maybe this summer we'll be moving to a town near you!) DH recently sent in all of his "paperwork" to start the residency process, and we're in a quiet lull between that and when the interviews (hopefully) begin. I'm trying to squelch it, but I'm starting to feel all jittery and "pins and needles-like" over it.

I just newly registered on Med Spouse though I have to admit I've been reading it for awhile. I found you all back when I got a decently fast 'puter (a hand me down from DH), but it was before I knew anything about forums and how to use them, so I just now have the time and know-how to register and start participating (I know! don't judge! My computer skills are puny

This a second career for my DH; he used to be a software engineer (that's why my skills are puny

During the time I've "lurked," I've really come to appreciate having a place where nearly everybody else understands what it's like to be a med spouse, both the good and the bad. Right now should be good for me and DH since we're in that lull, but we're butting up against issues that have built up over the past 8 months of really busy.

So, thanks for having me in. I'm looking forward to getting to join in the conversations!
P.S. I think I'm going to like the emoticons, but I promise to try to not overuse them (once I figure out _how_ to use them)
