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I can't think of a catchy subject

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  • I can't think of a catchy subject

    Hi - thanks for this site! and thanks to all of you who (i can see already) so actively are a part of this support network. My name is Jill, and I am a high school Physics and pre-engineering teacher. During the school year, I try to keep myself pretty busy with "my own" activities, and that tends to dull the sting of having an at-times-absentee husband. This summer, it has been a bit more of a challenge to stay busy.

    Hubby and I moved to VA for MS after living in Pgh, Pa all of our lives. sooo... being a bit far away from home is tough - we're super thankful for our Church - that's really helped us to get plugged in. Jason (my hubby) is a musician, so he plays guitar in the worship band, and I sing, so that' s been a good non-medical activity for him (and me!) We LOVE it here, but i miss the fam, and the "big city" ( i NEVER thought of pgh as a BIG city until living in small town VA)

    um, what else? OH - jason is in HPSP (USAF is putting us through MS). seems like a lot of you are in the same boat.

    I look forward to having you guys as people with whom I can bounce around Ideas - it really is amazing just how much it seems we have in common, and just how unique a situation we all are in as med spouses.

    again - thanks!


  • #2

    UVA? That is one of the destinations that I'm dreaming about ending up in. I love Virginia. However, with our track record, I'm sure we'll find some fabulous position in Gnome, Alaska.

    Welcome to the boards. I hope that you find the friendship and experiences of the members here help you to get through the rough spots.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      Hi Jill!

      Welcome! There are several of us with ties to the 'burgh. My whole family is from there originally, although I've spent nearly my whole life in the DC area.

      We do have a whole lot in common- or more accurately, you will find at least one or two other people here with whom you will agree on just about everything- and you will also find some on the complete opposite side of where you might come from- and that what makes this such a dynamic and interesting site!

      You will also find people in the same situation as you and plenty who have been there.

      Again, welcome-



      • #4
        Hi and Welcome, Jill. Nice to meet you. I hope this board because a great resource for you. I have found solace in it for about two years now. It has been a lifesaver for me and my marriage. I use it to vent a lot!

        We just moved to Indiana three weeks ago as my husband just began his post-training years as a neonatolgist. So far so good. I am currently a SAHM to a toddler and due with our second child in 8 weeks. We will have two girls! My husband is going to have to deal with all the estrogen in the house!

        I look forward to getting to know you better.



        • #5

          This is funny...My situation is completely reversed from yours! My husband went to med school at UVA and we are now in Pittsburgh for his residency!

          I have to say, I loved Virginia and the location of UVA is just great. It is so close to DC yet also in the Blue Ridge mountains with excellent hiking and beautiful views.

          I have had a tough time getting used to life in the 'burgh. People are not as friendly as I thought they would be and I have had a tough time with my career. And the weather here is miserable! It seems to rain every day!! You will have to give me some advice for life in Pittsburgh, and I will give you some ideas for C-ville.

          Good to meet you!


          • #6
            Welcome, Jill. I am Jill, too, wife of a first-year ID fellow in Washington, DC. We have a lot of Jennifers on the board but I think we are the only two Jills!


            • #7
              Welcome, Jill. I believe you pm'd me a few days ago. I will be sure to get back to you today. I'm sorry for the delay and once again, welcome!

              Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
              With fingernails that shine like justice
              And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


              • #8
                Glad you found us. I am Luanne, my husband is a Pulmonologist and I am an RN. We are in New Jersey. I look forward to getting to know you.
                wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

