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new relationship, new to site

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  • new relationship, new to site

    I've checked out this site for the past few days and it's been great to read what other are dealing gives me some hope. However, I've been a little hesitant to post as don’t exactly fit the mold and I feel that I might be “jumping the gun” with my concerns. I’m a 26 year old engineer and my….girlfriend (not sure at this point what to call her) of only two months is a 26 year old 4th year med student getting ready to apply for residency.

    I’m new to the game and I think I somewhat understand what I’m getting involved in. From the beginning she’s been upfront and honest about her schedule and concerns and what I could expect. Right now she is going through a difficult rotation which will be done on September 2nd, but in the last couple weeks she has expressed some pessimism and doubt as to whether she is ready to be in a relationship. I’m not sure if she is just stressed with the rotation as these comments always seem to creep up on a post-call day and then go away until the next post-call. Her typical sentiment is that she feels guilty about not being able physically or emotionally to give back to me the way I can give to her. I really don’t think with her it’s an issue of “do I want to be with him” but more “can I be with him” meaning can I be fair in this relationship, which I think she has been. I understand her feelings as I have dated in the past while working full-time and going back for an Engineering Masters’ (sometimes putting in 60 hour weeks, sometimes 80+ hours between work and school, not doctor’s hours but considerable). And I’m getting ready to start another quarter at school.

    I really want to continue dating her as we have a great time together, even if she is usually tired/exhausted/drained. We were together in July during a light rotation and I do notice a difference, but the main issue is the stress and exhaustion associated with a bad schedule. During the light schedule she had no such concerns. I think she gives back considerably given her schedule, but I can’t seem to make her realize that I’m happy being with her and helping her out however I can and that she shouldn’t feel guilty. If I wasn’t happy, I would be gone already. I’m just wondering if there’s any advise out there for someone entering a new relationship with a med student….how to ease her guilt of not contributing as much as she would like to the relationship (sometimes I have difficulty dealing with it, but I know it comes in strides and I do deal with it), what I can do to be supportive and make her realize that I’m happy and want to be with her. Maybe she’s worried that I’ll be able to make it to residency, but not through residency. Is any of this valid concern for a two-month-old relationship?

    Wow, sorry that was so long….Chapter 2 will be along shortly (kidding). I hope some of you made it all the way to my question and have some insight into my situation. I guess to be where you are now, you had to start somewhere. I look forward to any advice that will help me express my feelings to her, verbal or otherwise. Thanks.


  • #2
    I can relate at some level, although my husband and I started dating in undergrad we were still dating during the first 3 years of his med school before we got married. It is hard, my first suggestion would be to not do anything until her current rotation is over, bad rotations bring out the worst in the med student and the significant other. Once she's on a more level mind set then maybe the two of you can sit down and talk about it. 4th year of med school (or 5th year in my case) is great at times because most of the hard rotations are over, but its also bad at times because the residency app had to be done, interviews cause flying everywhere and its just a stressful time for the applicant until Match day.

    One thing you should keep in mind is that in 7 months she could find out that she's moving across the country depending on where she wants to go for residency and I know you guys have just started dating but you might want to consider what that might mean.

    This is a great group here and while most are resident spouses I'm seeing more and more med student significant others weekly. My biggest piece of advice is support them when they need it, leave them alone when they need that and all in all just be a support system. I hope that helps. It can be a rollercoaster being married or dating someone in the medical field but if the relationship is worth it, the sacrifices are worth it too!

    Good Luck and welcome!
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      Thanks for the input Cheri. My girlfriend just wrapped up an awful AI rotation on a renal team and is now in the process of transitioning to an off month during which she'll be applying to residency and studying for Boards. She told me this morning that she's finally decided on pursuing an OB/GYN residency, so at least that part of it is out of the way. I'm glad to say I was able to stay out of that decision for the most part (I was told by a friend at work who's wife is in Family Practice that that should be HER decision, especially considering the uncertainty of such a new relationship). I appreciate the insight into the possibility of her moving. We’ve discussed it very briefly, because we are still getting to know each other, of course, and the topic of jobs and careers came up. So far, she's mentioned staying in Cincinnati and moving to Cleveland as her two top choices....Cincinnati because she likes it here and Cleveland to be closer to family, so nothing too far at this point. Well, here’s to what’s to come. Thanks again for the advice.


      • #4
        Welcome to the site and the rolercoaster lifestyle. I look forward to getting to know you.
        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

