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  • #16
    I have known DH since I was 12 and he was 10. We got married after I graduated from college.....that was after his FRESHMAN year of college! I was 21 and he was 19 when we got married. We were each other's best friend and we couldn't imagine not being together, so we went ahead and got married sooner rather than later. 14+ years later, I wouldn't change a thing, but I think we were extremely blessed to have made it through the first few years of adjustment and financial challenges....we were so young! (although of course at the time we considered ourselves quite mature. )

    Good luck to you, and I hope to get to know you better through your posts.

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #17

      Your story amazes me every time I hear it.

      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #18
        I met my dh 2 weeks into his first year of medical school. We got engaged 7 mos later, and married 4 mos after our engagement (in between 1st and 2nd yr of med school). We couldn't see why we should wait, plus it was the best time- we had three months together without the pressure of school! We have been married 6 1/2 yrs strong now.

        Gas, and 4 kids


        • #19
          Hi there,

          I'm new to the group, too, and you and I sound like we're in similar situations, except your BF is a little farther along than mine! I also was born in TX (but haven't lived there for many years), and went to college in VT (Middlebury)! I loved my time there, and hope you're enjoying it as well!

          My BF just started school in AZ, but we met 2 years ago, so I was there with him through the MCATs and applications and all the horrible waiting. I moved with him out here, and I got some crap from people (luckily not my very supportive family) for moving without a ring on my finger, but all in due time, I say. We've had plenty of discussions about marriage and family, and it'll happen when we're ready for it. Right now he's too busy with school and I'm too busy with trying to set up a freelance editing business to worry much about it!

          Anyway, glad to meet someone in a similar situation---take care!



          • #20

            Hi-I'm new here too! My husband is a MS3-I met him when we were freshmen in college; we got married after we'd been together for about 3 1/2 years, right before MS started. We've now been married for almost three years. I can't believe that school has flown by so quickly and that we're almost getting ready to look at residency programs. Time flies when you are too busy to see each other!


            • #21
              My husband and I met in undergrad-2nd semester Freshman year- and got married the summer after we graduated and right before he started med school.


              • #22
                Hi and welcome to the boards!! It's a wonderful place!
                I met my DH during undergrad. It was love at first sight, except I refused to date him for 2 years because he was younger than I was. We began dating 2 years later, when I could no longer resist him! I was still head over heels in love after pretending to be "just friends" for so long.
                When he got into med school, I decided to move across the country with him without a ring or even talk of marriage. Many said that was a mistake, that it wouldn't last but being apart wasn't even a reality.
                We got engaged during his 2nd year of med school and married in his last year. We have known each other for 9 years (whew!!) together for 7 and married for almost 2.

