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Pregnant & homesick

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  • Pregnant & homesick

    Hello, we are in a new city with NO friends & family. My husband is busily beginning his practice and being pulled in a million different directions. We are currently living in an apartment in the "lesser desirable" part of the city (due to astronomical housing prices of northern california) to take advantage of the proximity to the hospital. And last but not least, I just found out that I am pregnant. Though I am thrilled about been pregnant, I am also scared & very lonely. We've met some of the other same specialty physicians & their wives, but unfortunately since they don't work for the same medical group...I sense a kind of a weird competitive uneasiness. DH & I have been together for 6 years (5 years of residency, 1 yr of fellowship) and it's been a long & hard road. As the future is uncertain with his practice (since he's just starting out), we are taking it one day at a time. I don't know if it's the pregnancy that's making me emotional, but I can't help crying everyday when I am alone in the apartment. Please any advise is welcomed.

  • #2
    Welcome youngwife-

    You've found the right home! We're nothing if not understanding about the roller coaster ride this medical journey can take us on (or through or under, depending on the day)

    Check out all of our various sections, and you'll find support in all aspects of your life.



    • #3
      Welcome aboard. Sorry you're having a tough time of it - new places and situations always seem to spark some depression with me too. Things will be brighter. At least it's not snowing, right?

      Originally posted by jloreine
      Check out all of our various sections, and you'll find support in all aspects of your life.
      Jenn you sound like a Scientology advertisement.
      Enabler of DW and 5 kids
      Let's go Mets!


      • #4
        Welcome, you didn't say where you are in northern CA but if you're in the SF area feel free to PM me and I can give you some fun places to go and things to do. This is a great site, hopefully we can all be of help to you.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          Welcome aboard and congratulations!

          I had my kids over 1000 miles away from family, so I can sympathize. I only had a couple friends too. But, by the time I had my second son I had built up a really nice support system of friends, fellow churchgoers, and neighbors.

          The good thing about less desirable neighborhoods and kids is it doesn't really matter until its time to think about school districts

          Maybe you could start signing up for prenatal classes at the hspt or a prenatal yoga class just to get out of the house? Sit in at a La Leche League meeting (thats where met one of my closest friends, we only went to a few meetings before starting hanging out LOL).?

          I know its cliche, but you can really meet interesting people at classes or in groups. maybe take a tai chi course in some park with old ladies who will ooh and ahh and give you a grandma fix when you need it. Knitting, Beading, scrapbooking?


          • #6
            Wow - that's a lot of transition at once, isn't it? I'm sure things will get better as you start to settle in to your new surroundings. I'm also sure the raging horomones aren't helping. At least you are thrilled to be pregnant and done with training. (Bright side ) There are a numbner of us on the site that are recently done with training and entering the new "phase" of life with doc. Some are even starting up practices, so you should find some commiseration for that stress as well. My advice is to take things one day at a time. Check in here for a daily dose of friendship and support. Get out of the house and try to meet some new people in your area. (After you have the baby, I'm sure you'll hook up with some other new moms. For now, maybe you could try a prenatal exercise class? Things like that are great for making new contacts.)

            I know the transitions are rough. It can seem especially cruel when you've FINALLY made it through training only to find more stress and uncertainty on the other side. I do believe it will get better soon as you meet new people and your body settles down. If all else fails, eat chocolate! Oh yeah---WELCOME TO iMSN!!
            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

