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  • Reintroduction...

    I'm Kelly, wife of a PGY-6 general surgery resident who currently is applying for a two year fellowship in peds. surgery for 2007. Match Day is May 10, 2006 for us. (And I'm not at all bitter about surgery plus fellowship....not one tiny little bit. Really.)

    I'm mom to two fantastic kids, and I'm not biased about this at all either! My first born is Cade: a fun loving, sweet, funny 5 year old in kindergarten who is one of the great loves of my life. Currently he is developing a great sense of irony in his humor. A real chip off the old block! Kendall, sweet baby girl, is just over a year and is developing the sweetest personality tinged with just a touch of onryness. She had a hard act to follow but she is doing it with grace and style. I truly feel blessed.

    As for me professionally, I'm pretty much a cog in the wheel. Seriously, I clerk for a judge in order to pay the bills rather than pursue a career. It's hard to keep any career, let alone a professional one when surgery is other woman in my marriage. I'd like to stay at home someday or better yet find that mythical perfect part time job. Apparently, the position of "heiress" isn't one that comes open all that often.

    We hail from Southern Ohio and currently reside in the tundra. I'm into marathoning, Spanish language, montessori education, beadwork and jewelry, reading, coffee, chocolate, Sting, and this website. Once upon a time, (read: pre marriage and kids) I used to be well traveled and well read. Now, I'm lucky to shower during the day.

    And since we're coming clean, I guess that I'd have to cautiously list my "-isms" as follows: Undecided politically, although I find myself adhering to more socially liberal ideas as I mature. Methodist. Montessorian. Feminist. American.

    Maybe now I'll feel comfortable in opening up a little more and not being so shy.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    Nice to meet you! Now, I don't want you to go back to being shy, so don't even think about it!!
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

