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    :@ Ok here it goes, my boyfriend and I are both seniors in college and after this year is up he is off to medical school and I'll finish teachers college to teach kids art. I couldn't be more excited or more proud of him if I were his mother!!!! Anyway we're pretty serious and are talking about marriage after his first year. I'm not gonna lie I'm as frightened as I am excited. I guess I just have a fear of the unknown. It seems like anytime I tell people that my boyfriends going to medical school they pat me on the shoulder in sympathy!!!!! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. They should be patting him, he's the one with ten more years of school left. I think I'm doing a pretty good job of being supportive but I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips on keeping this relationship strong, maybe some do's and don't, ways to keep things close, or just some experiences of your own. I know this experience won't be easy, but it doesn't have to be hard...does it??

  • #2
    Oh I feel ya sista...

    My SO is starting M1 next month and we went through a similar situation graduating from college. We were serious and wanted everything to work, but he was starting his post-bach program (your SO should be proud he got in on his first try..haha) and I got a job an hour and a half away. We both took our opportunities and saw each other on weekends and I had the occasional week of work in his city due to my job. Anyway, I went in with the same "WTF" attitude and now I get what the pats on the back are for - and we haven't even started yet! Post-bach was a lot of work for SO but it paid off with a sweet 3.9 and an admittance to med school. Since then, I have moved so we are local now. I'm still scared to death but I'm also really excited. Most importantly, I'm proud we've made it through year #1 so I think going step by step really helped us.

    My advice as a fellow newbie is to stay really busy yourself. I get to see a ton of SO now that he is on summer break, but that's all going to change come August 5. Luckily you are still going to be in school, so you will be busy as well. I'm studying for the GREs now and I'll be doing grad school and working full time while SO is in med school. As long as you have enough to keep you occupied and you are fine with a quality night one to three times a week (and sometimes none ) you'll be fine.

    I've only been on this board for a little while, but as the veterans can tell you, I'm all over it!! It's been a huge weight off my shoulders and a tremendous encouragement! I look forward to having you around!! Where are you guys from??? Are you going to be at the same school?

    PS - Congrats on the marriage talks! SO is convinced it just isn't good timing until after 3rd year b/c we'll be so busy. I so don't want to be that girl who's dating a guy forrreeevvvvveerrrrr...

    Write often! :chat:


    • #3
      Originally posted by Momof4
      We could tell you all the reasons why you're getting the pat on the back but its one of those things you won't truly appreciate until you're in the thick of it and that pat on the back you think he deserves becomes more of a swift kick in the a#*

      Did I just say that?

      If you want to know what the pat on the back is for, stick around, and you will learn! Then you might... :!

      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


      • #4
        You deserve a pat on the back for finding this site and diving right in! Welcome. As one of those girls who HAS been dating the guy
        I would also like to offer congrats on the marriage discussion. As far as tips go, it's definitely dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks, but setting aside a date night is KEY. MS-1 will be a test for both of you. The coursework is hard and he will spend a lot of time studying and reading. If he's good at managing his time, you'll be in good shape. If he isn't now, by the end of MS-1 he will be

        Make it through the first two years, and MS-3 and MS-4 are definitely something to look forward to. Our relationship started during MS-3. He just started PGY-3 and I can say that the past 2 years have been 100x's more trying than the last 2 years of med school. Residency will be tough for you both. I agree with the advice to keep busy. I have a strong network of friends and have started doing endurance events, so between cocktails, weekends at the beach and training, I've been able to distract myself somewhat. It'll never be enough, but it really does help. So does date night


        • #5
          Thanks for your posts, I really appreciate the positive feedback this site seems like it's going to be a great place to come for support You all have a great sense of humour and I suppose I'll just deal with the pats on the back sinc he'll be getting a
          kick in the a#*
          Thanks again

