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 How/Where did you meet? ( 1

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  • #16
    I am a new member, but I am going to just go ahead & jump right in! Dave & I met when we both worked at Arkansas Children's Hospital- he was a Respiratory Therapist, I was in my last year of nursing school. He was getting a divorce from his first wife and I was engaged to someone else.

    We were strictly friends for a few months. His divorce finalized, I broke off the engagement (although it wasn't for Dave, I'll admit that the timing was a little suspicious!) and we went out a week later. Our first date was a lunch date- I made a tanning appointment for 2 hours later in case I needed an out! I was so scared of going out with someone new after just breaking off an engagement. Dave was such a gentleman, though, and even apologized for not opening the car door for me when he picked me up-- he'd just had knee surgery 2 days before. We went out several more times after that, then decided to make a trip to Memphis (it was only 2 hours away). At some point as he was opening the car door for me to get in, I turned around & looked at him and suddenly saw us doing the exact same thing 50 years later. I knew then that I was going to marry him, although I didn't share that with him until a few weeks later. He told me then that he saw the same thing that day.

    We dated for a year, were engaged for 4 months and have been married for 6 years. It has certainly been eventful, stressful, fun, frustrating, and wonderful. He is undoubtedly my best friend.

    I just love telling that Memphis story!



    • #17
      Wendy, Thomas and I had a short "engagement" period too. We met in February and by March, we had just sort of decided that we would never be apart. He never even asked me to marry him...we just couldn't separate ourselves. We made all of our plans for two after that point and never looked back. We were married exactly one year after our first date....I don't regret it even though it has been a wild roller coaster...that is just part of the fun....



      • #18
        I'm new here too, and I'll also just jump in. Jory & I met at work. He is a Pulmonologist and I am an Endoscopy nurse. We did Bronchoscopies together. We were both going through divorces. That was several years ago. We were married in November. We each have two children, so it is very interesting.

        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #19

 guys have 4 TEENAGERS....that is definately interesting!!

          Wendy is a nurse too...



          • #20
            Ha, ha! It was a long time ago when I was in high school and before my fiance's first year of college. We met at a night club in Hollywood. I was in a bad mood that night because my friend and I were driving all over LA. My fiance asked me to dance twice before I did because I was such in a bad mood. I was not excited to be there. We sat down with my friend, drank some soda, and was about to go when he asked me for my phone number. The rest is history. We have been together through college and now medical school for 7 years. We're not married yet, but we will be marrying soon. (I have been putting it off for awhile now).

            - Rachel : )


            • #21
              It was late August and I had just returned from a summer internship in Japan. Getting back into the swing of things included returning to drop-in step aerobics on Monday and Wednesday nights at the Rec Center.

              My husband played ice hockey on Wednesday nights at the Rec Center hockey rink. He stopped by the aerobics center before a game one night to see his friend from med school, who happened to be my instructor. He waved "hi" to her and waited for her to complete the class to chat. I went on my merry way not even noticing him!

              That following Friday night, my girlfriends and I decided to try out a new pub. We ended up going to a pub where my aerobics instructor and her friends happened to be. (There are NOT a lot of happening joints in Dayton, Ohio.) Sean was one of the friends with my instructor and she was teasing him about "checking out the chicks in her class" and asked him if there was anyone that he had his eye on. He played innocent (ha!) but did describe me. I walked in and she told him, "you owe me HUGE!" She came up to me and told me that her friend wanted to meet me and would I mind if she introduced us?

              So we met and talked for 3 hours straight. We didn't stop to get a drink or sit down or go to the bathroom. At the end of the night, we shook hands and said goodbye. He didn't give me his phone number, and I wasn't about to give my phone number to a guy that I just met! I did think that it was odd that I just had a three hour talk with someone and I didn't know if I would ever see him again. Nonetheless, it sounded like my luck with guys, so I didn't question it. But sure enough, he was waiting on the bench outside of aerobics the following Monday with his sweet smile. I was mortified because I was soooo sweaty and tripping all over myself on the step, but he didn't seem to mind.

              From there, we talked on the phone several times before he asked me out. After a few dates, he told his parents that he had met "the one", and I guess the rest is history.

              Thanks for reading!


              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #22
                Here is the story....

                For my church I was the president of the one night a week scripture study group, which when I had started there were only 3 people going and it grew to 50-75 people. Well I had been in this position for a little over 2 years and my church leaders wanted to have me been in charge of the Monday night social group, and they had informed me whoever the new president would be would be giving me a call. So I was switched over to that. Well one Sunday (Matt had only been in medical school for 2 weeks) I was talking to a friend in the hallway at church, and she introduced me to Matt and another guy. I was actually at the point in my life where I wasn't too interested in dating guys and wanted to serve a mission for my church. Well I started talking to Matt (come to find out later Matt had spotted me during the service and wanted to find a way to meet me). We talked about how I was interested in going to medical school, how he liked it, and how he and this other guy should attend the scripture study group, and the Monday night social. Then Matt and I were just talking and I thought "I am going to be so smart and funny..." I looked at Matt and said "Yeah the bishop told me whoever they ask to be the new president of the scripture group is going to have to call me because of all my wonderful knowledge." Matt leans over with a huge grin and a twinkle in his eye and says "Guess what?! I have a secret to tell you- I am the new president." I just slumped down in the coach I was sitting in. Well Matt asked me out on a date that same day, and I later found out that if the date went bad he figured he would talk to me about the scripture group. Needless to say that topic didn't come up. 6 months later we were in engaged- in fact Matt proposed to me in front of 75 people at the scripture group, and 4 months later we were married!

                We have been together for 4 years now, married for a little over 3, and life is great! We are expecting our first child in January (we find out tomorrow if we are having a boy or a girl!)

                Gas, and 4 kids

