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 My Introduction...

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  •  My Introduction...

    Hello Everyone,

    I am writing to post my intro. I am engaged to a third year medical student. We have been engaged for three years, together for 7.

    As for me, I am NOT in the medical field. I have been in sales for 2 years in the technology industry. Apart from my work, I am interested in website development and currently have my own website -

    I'm joining this group as an avenue of support and to meet other spouses of medical students and doctors. I know dating or being married to a doctor can be rocky at times.

    I look forward to meeting all of you on-line and engaging in stimulating conversation.

    - Rachel

  • #2

    Hi...I really like your website...I'll definately add it to our Education and Career links at the main website!!

    Welcome to the group. I think that this is a great group of very supportive people. Being in a relationship with a medical student/resident/doc can be stressful and everyone here is very encouraging.

    I look forward to getting to know you!



    • #3
      Thanks, Kris!


      • #4
        Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

        Three kids! I'm envious of your energy. Please share your secret. I have one kid and I feel accomplished if I get a shower in the morning! Ha! Ha!

        My hubby and I have been together since the summer between his 2nd and 3rd year of medschool. He is now in his second year of Gen Surgery residency, so we are gluttons for punishment! Does your hubby have a specialty in mind yet?

        I look forward to chatting with you on the boards!

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          Welcome Rachel!

          My husband is just about to start his 3rd year of med school. Most everyone esle on here is past that point so I"m glad to have someone else back here with me!

          I look forward to getting to know you!



          • #6
            Welcome Rachel,

            My husband is in private practice (over 15 years now) but this group has been so helpful for me. We have been married for less than a year. I look forward to getting to know everyone.

            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


            • #7
              Welcome Rachel!

              3rd year is still somewhat fresh in my mind. Matt (my hubby) is only 2 months into his internship. Everyone here is so nice and helpful. Feel free to ask anything.

              Gas, and 4 kids


              • #8
                Hi Rachel! I just joined this group and my husband is also a third year medical student. I hope to get to know you better and offer each other support~



                • #9
                  Welcome Rachel! My husband is a 4th year med. student and we are in Arizona. This is a great bunch of people and it is a lot of fun to get to know new people.

                  Where are you from?



                  • #10
                    Hi Robin,

                    I am originally from southern CA. My fiance is currently attending Midwestern University in AZ. How about your husband? We are currently in the Phoenix area.

                    I look forward to getting to know you.

                    - Rachel


                    • #11
                      Hi Neighbor!

                      My husband, Russ, is at Midwestern too and we live just a few miles east of the school. How does your fiance like doing rotations? The 3rd and 4th years are much better as far as finding time to spend with each other goes. At least it has been for us. Of course, my husband is in Michigan for 2 months so I am getting really good at talking on the phone and sending e-mails.

                      I look forward to getting to know you better.



                      • #12
                        Hi Robin!

                        Can't believe you're in the neighborhood! Do you know many of the spouses in your husbands class? I only know one and that's because I did an interview with her for my website. We are on the East side too - right down the street from Arizona Mills. How are you liking AZ? I'm just now getting used to it. We're both from CA and I had a major prejudice to this place before we came. However, I don't miss the traffic nor the smog or the competitive job market of CA. What are you doing now? This is great! I thought you may be in Tucson with the U of A people. Where is your husband planning to do residency? We're plannning to stay here and if not go to the mid-west. I would love to hear from you. If you want, feel free to send me an e-mail at

                        - Rachel : )


                        • #13
                          Hi Rachel,

                          I know a few of the spouses. The first year we were here there was a strong auxillary club so I met many of the spouse once a month. The problem was that no one else really wanted to head it up and, as far as I know, it just died. I have a couple of good friends that also have husbands in the program. In fact, one of them, Curt, is in your husband's class. Anyhow....

                          I am currently trying to keep 4 boys (ages 9 to 2 years) happy until school starts in a week. Besides that, I do medical transcription work and a LOT of time researching residency stuff. What is your husband planning on going into?

                          We know we won't stay here for all of residency but I would really like to stay for an internship year. My husband is leaning towards anesthesia (he is applying for general surgery in the midwest too) but .... I think the time away from family and all the hours he is working has convinced him that anesthesia would be the better route to go. We would love to stay here if we could. We are looking at U of A in Tucson too.

                          I wasn't prejudiced about Arizona but I had no clue as to what I should expect except HEAT. I really feel comfortable here and my kids love it. I do miss the mountains and anything GREEN! I grew up in Oregon but am originally a Valley girl from Encino. My husband is from Colorado. We would like to stay in the west but the midwest would be all right too.

                          I am actually not on the east side of Phoenix but just east of the school. But... I know Arizona Mills! It is nice to hear from a fellow Midwestern spouse.



                          • #14
                            Hi, nice to meet a fellow californian! There's not too much west coast representation on this board, until now... My husband is from Phoenix (went to ASU) and I grew up in the Bay Area. We live in Pasadena now, in 3d year of residency. We're hoping to move back to northern CA, but it's hard when your hometown has suddenly become the most expensive place in the US to live. Welcome to the board - hope we can help with the clinical med school years!



                            • #15
                              Hi Karen,

                              Thanks for the post! How is your husband doing in residency in Pasadena? What's his field in? Both me and fiance had been in CA all of our lives before moving to AZ. At first, I was hesitant but I'm really glad we did it!

                              I look forward to getting to know you on the board.

                              - Rachel : )

