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Three months down and...

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  • Three months down and...


    I've been browsing through these boards for a couple days, and thought I'd come out of the woodwork and introduce myself. My name is Amy and my husband is in his first (gulp!) year of medical school; we're both in our almost-late 20's. We've been married just over 2 years, and live in the DC area. We're both originally from the midwest. We've been out here for 5 years now, and I work in the Web industry (scary place to be these days), but luckily for a major publication, not a dot-com. I've survived three rounds of layoffs in the past 11 months (including one at the dot-com where I used to be). So it's kinda scary, with me being the only income earner (and him just draining it away ). Especially since we just bought our first house 3 weeks before he started med school. I know, weird timing. Even if we end up leaving the area for residency, we just couldn't bear another 4 guarenteed years of paying rent in this expensive area.

    He's still adjusting to life as a med student, but thankfully doing very well. And man, as you all know, it is a LOT of work. I am still adjusting to my pseudo-single lifestyle, and learning to be self-sufficient again. I mean, it wasn't THAT long ago that I was fiercely independent, but after several years of living together (then marriage), it does change your perspective.

    Now I am getting used to coming home to an empty house every night, making dinner for one, often not seeing him for several days at a time (he is out the door early before I am up, and often not back til midnight or later). I guess this is all practice for things to come. We do reserve one night a week as "date night" where he kisses the books and library goodbye and we hang out, either with friends or just the two of us, and relax. I already live for date night!

    As it is, I can't imagine it getting more intense, but I know it will. Probably even date night will become a thing of the past. It does get lonely, and I am trying to stay busy. I have lots of little projects, with the new house and also work-related stuff and friends to see. What I'd really like in the next few years is to have a baby, but I don't know if hubby will go for that. He is overwhelmed with the current lifestyle, and I know he feels a baby would just make things even harder (he does want to have kids, just not while in school - he'd like to wait for residency, but after the horror stories I've heard, I don't know that I want to wait til THEN to have a newborn!).

    Anyway, that's my quick intro. I'm glad I found this great resource. I know I'll have lots of questions in months to come!!!


  • #2

    It's nice to meet you! I read your parenting post this am...I'm working my way back down the board as we speak here...

    I just wanted to give you a hearty welcome! Congratulations on med and your dh have entered a brand new chapter in your lives full of adventures and challenges!

    My husband and I just finished almost 8 years of training and so I understand very well about coming home to an empty house...only now...we have three little ones, so the house isn't so empty anymore

    I look forward to getting to know you!



    • #3

      I am sooo jealous! I'm from the DC area- spent my entire life either in MD, VA or DC, in fact, have never lived anywhere else until I went and fell for this Army guy. We're in South Texas now and he's a 2nd year peds resident. Hopefully we'll get to go home, for a little while at least- he's looking in to a fellowship at Walter Reed (yes, yes, yes!)

      We don't have children and are older than most of the other residents and interns (and some staff for that matter- my husband is 6 months older than his training officer!) I didn't meet him until his 3rd year of med school and the tail end at that so I can't attest to what the immediate future might hold- some of the others here have been through the whole thing.

      As for baby-production- I can't imagine having a child during internship. Actually that's not true- I can imagine having an older than baby child- but definitely not a new born. And the peds internship is cake compared to some others.

      But anyway- welcome, this is a great group of people.



      • #4
        Welcome Amy,

        My name is Luanne. We live in New Jersey, my husband is a Pulmonologist/Critical Care atending. I am a nurse. This is GREAT website with lots of support. We have four children between us, 19,18,16 and 16, so I really can't imagine a baby!!!!!!!! I'm adjusting to teenagers with a driver's license.

        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #5
          Hi Jenn-

          Yes, I (we) really love the DC area. I came out here 5 years ago for a short 4-month internship after graduating from college. It was supposed to just be a 4-month thing... I didn't even bring winter clothes! And here I am still. Even with all the scary stuff going on around us (anthrax, terrorism, etc.) it's still a great place to be. I don't even want to think about the fact that in less than 4 yrs we might have to move to wherever his residency takes us...

          Anyway, thanks for the warm welcome to you and all the others!



          • #6
            Where did you intern Amy? I went to DC in college and interned at the DOJ. Welcome!



            • #7
              Hi Rachel-

              I interned at a nonprofit science association downtown. Really enjoyed the area, so decided to stay!



              • #8

                What did you do with the dot-com? Are you in the science profession? I'm jealous of both you and Rachel for the unique intern experiences in DC.

                We lived in PA for a few years and drove down to the DC/Baltimore area pretty regularly...My husband interviewed for fellowships in DC, but the cost of living there was sooooo high! I really sympathize with you right now. Have you found a new job yet?



                • #9

                  Welcome to the board and the medical experience! It will take a little while for the whole medical school thing to find a rhythm and in the end, you will be sad that it is over!. D.C. is an amazing area and I too, experienced a little pang of jealousy when you said that you all live there.

                  I am also a late twenty-something professional attempting to support my hubby in his professional endeavors. We moved to St. Paul, MN for my hubby's general surgery residency and we also just bought our first house.

                  I hope that these boards can provide you the same support that has helped me through some of the challenges of a medical marriage. I look forward to chatting with you below.

                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    I was editorial director for the dot-com, which for me lasted for a whole 11 months. I had to jump ship after they laid off my entire dept (except me) because my husband was about to enter med school and I needed a more "stable" work atmosphere (not to mention paycheck!).

                    I do have a bachelor's in zoology, but don't use it as much these days. The dot-com was science oriented, but now where I am is a more general-interest news national magazine so I rely more on my Web skills than any science expertise. I've been at this job almost a year and really enjoy it, despite some major ups and downs!



                    • #11

                      My name is Crystal, wife of a medicine intern (Matt), who will be doing anesthesia. I met my hubby his first year of medical school, and married right before his 2nd year. I thought med school was easy compared to internship.

                      Even with Matt's crazy schedule we still have date night, it just has gone from being on Friday, to any night of the week that will work best for his schedule.

                      As far as children, we have several friends who had their first during medical school. We also know of several who are having their first during internship. You just have to do what is comfortable to you. We are expecting our first child, a girl, in January. We found it was going to be easiest to have our first during internship- great insurance plan right now (everything is paid for!), The IM dept has scheduled Matt with all of his easy rotations after Dec. which means he will have no call or light call, and my family is still in the area.

                      The biggest piece of advice Matt gives med students is to make time for yourself and your family, and create a balance. Matt strongly believes that is how he got through medical school and currently getting through his internship.

                      Gas, and 4 kids


                      • #12
                        Congrats in advance on your impending new arrival! And thanks for the words of advice...



                        • #13
                          Welcome Amy! I'm Wendy, wife of Dave, a 3rd year student at KCOM. I can certainly identify with some of the things you're going through. My dh started med school at age 33. I was 27, so I was older than most of the other spouses. The child issue has been a long and well discussed one.He's now 35 and I'm 29.. so we're kind of feeling like it's time to take some action. The thing is, we've watched lots of other people sucessfully manage kids and med school. We hope that we are at least as competent as they are, so we're running out of reasons to put it off. that souns bad like we aren't sure we want them- I think we're just scared like everyone else must be when they are planning for their first child with only one income in the house and multiple moves ahead of them.

                          anyway- enough rambling. Welcome to the group! We're glad to have you!


