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Just a Hi and a question....;-)

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  • Just a Hi and a question....;-)


    I am Wifty aka Rebecca and I have been a lurker for a little bit. I wanted to wait until I was official....which I now am since hubby got accepted to KCOM. YEAH!

    I am in the Seattle area, and Kirksville will be quite a change! Here, there are tattoos and piercings and wierd hair galore....and those are just the professionals I know! Kirksville is very different.....but never have I met such friendly people! ANY tips, hints, bits of survival info that anyone has.....will be much appreciated!!!

    I am 31, a college student, trying to expand our family of hubby/me/2 weirdo cats, and I am the moderator of the Spouse/Partner forum on SDN.

    Hmmm.....what else would you like to know? Oh, Wifty is an old english word for 'eccentrically silly'....and fits me to a t! LOL

    Back to my lurking and my coffee,


  • #2

    My name is Luanne. This is a wonderful website. I look forward to getting to know you.

    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      Hey..rebecca...we have someone here whose dh was at KCOM...well, actually still is.....they are just in their clerkship years.........I hear it is a great place!!!!

      Really.....congrats about your hubbies acceptance...I know you guys were anxiously awaiting the news...I hope you all went out and celebrated!!!!!



      • #4

        Welcome and Congratulations! Seattle is an amazing city. Is it home for both of you?

        This is a great websight that has been my life line during the good and bad times. I hope that this is true for you too.

        Welcome aboard!

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5

          You are all so nice and very welcoming....I wish I could invite you all over for coffee.

          I can see how this website could be a lifesaver....I hope for everything to go along smoothly, but I want to be prepared for the unsmooth...just in case.

          We woke up this morning to 4 inches of snow!!! Wow!! We live in a pretty wooded area, and its absolutely beautiful!!!

          I love the Seattle/Olympia area and hope to return one day although hubby and I are from other places. I was born in Hollywood, and hubby in a tiny town in Montana. Plus, I have lived in Germany, Scotland, California, and Las Vegas....a total of 24 moves in my life (UGH!).

          But, none of them were quite like being in the midwest and so going to KCOM in Missouri, will be an adventure.

          Need more coffee.....

          Thanks and smiles to all...



          • #6
            Welcome Rebecca! Congrats on going to KCOM. My husband interviewed out there and I went with him. It was beautiful though I must admit to getting car sick from Kansas City to Kirksville with all the rolling hills! It was a quaint little town and we would have gone there if Russ hadn't been accepted at AZCOM. We decided to stay in the west where we had more family. BUT... I am excited for you. It will take some getting used to from Seattle but it sounds like you are used to moving to many different places!

            I grew up in southern Oregon and I love the west coast. My husband is in his 4th year of med. school and is in the process of interviewing for residency so we are getting ready for our next adventure. We have four boys ranging from 10 years of age to 2. They are a lot of fun and keep me out of trouble!

            This is a great site to get support and meet people in similar circumstances. You need to talk to Wendy whose dh went to KCOM. Good luck!



            • #7
              Hi Wifty! I'm Wendy, wife of Dave, a 3rd year from KCOM.

              So are you living in Kirksville now?

              It will indeed be quite a change for you from Seattle. It's kind of hard to explain K'ville. You kind of go through this range of emotions about the place, then get a little nostalgic for it when you leave. Not like "I can't wait to go back" nostalgic, but more like "it wasn't all bad." I went through excited, happy, depressed, angry, frustrated- all the emotions you can think of. Now there's little things about it that I miss, like the coffee shop on the square where you always saw people you knew and the Mexican restaurant where everyone gathered on Friday night. Those kinds of things really helped to make me feel less lonely through the first 2 years.

              Tips--- get involved in activities. SAA will practically tackle you when you walk in the door. They have a ton of things going on-- some more interesting to the highly conservative types, a few more interesting to those less conservative. Go to the school's welcome activites- it's a little overwhelming, but helps you start meeting people in the same boat you're in. You'll find a lot in common with people if you're looking at having a child- K'ville has more young children in one place than I've ever seen!

              My other tip- get out of town w/ you dh once in a while. The bad part about running into everyone you know everywhere you go is that you never feel like you escape med school. Make the 2 hour road trip to Columbia- go eat sushi or something- whatever- just get away just the two of you. It makes a difference.

              I'll be glad to talk about it more, especially as you're going through it!


