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Quick Introduction

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  • Quick Introduction

    Welcome Stephanie! You have found a wonderful place to come during these next oh, uhm ten years! Congrats on being sorta newlyweds! I've been married for seven months now and we are determined to be newlyweds forever!

    Surgery and four kids? Hee hee. I laugh yet I'm quite certain we will be in a similar situation. My husband and I want at least 3 kids and he is in his 3rd year of general surgery residency. I have the utmost confidence that we will be able to do it - as you said, the only real negative about this field is that you just don't get to see them as much as you would love to! I also think it's super that he comes from a "medical" family - I tend to think that makes it easier b/c you have a support group right there who really understands what you are going through. Again welcome!!

  • #2

    It is funny that you say that about using 'we' and 'us' mother in law, who is not a doctor, but married my father in law when he was a second year med student, always used those words when talking about school, residency, etc. I always thought it was kind of funny, but I have now found myself saying those same things - "when we are residents", etc. And the more time that goes by, the more I agree that this is totally a joint effort! Luckily, my husband, growing up in the family he did, is used to that and wants me involved in every step and fully includes me in all decisions - I am so thankful for that.

    Thanks for the warm welcome!



    • #3

      Thanks for the welcome - yes surgery and 4 kids...he is convinced we can do it - I just say 'we'll see'. Needless to say, we don't have any of those kids yet. My husband is one of 5 kids and his Dad was a Radiation Oncologist, so that is why he is so optimistic! But you are right, it is very nice to have his family be so supportive and really understand what we are going through - it helps a lot. On the flip side, none of my family are Drs., so I keep finding myself reiterating things to my parents to make sure they understand how long this is going to take, how little income we will have during that time, the hours, etc., etc. But it is difficult to know if they really get it...I guess time will tell. I like your idea about staying newlyweds - we definitely still consider ourselves part of that group!!



      • #4

        Wow, welcome to the medical world! I'm sort of giggling about the surgery plus four kids as well because that is what we originally set our goal to be. Let's just say that we're limping through the surgery part and have only one child right now. Like you, we plan to take it as it comes.

        Congrats on your recent marriage and welcome to the boards. Is DC your hometown?

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          Welcome Stephanie!

          I'm a DC area native and I am just sooooo jealous that you get to live there right now! My husband went to Uniformed Services University which is at Bethesda Naval Medical Center. We're currently in San Antonio.

          All I know about the kids thing, is that if I get as little assistance with a child as I'm getting with the new puppy....




          • #6

            I'm Luanne, my husband is a Pulmonologist in private practice for 15 years now. I am an RN and I work in the ER and Endoscopy. We have 4 children (2 each) all teenagers!!!!

            You are in for the ride of your life. From my perspective the hours NEVER get better unless you go into Dermatology. I look forward to getting to know you. This is a wonderful website with alot of support. We have all been through it or are going through it. Great support here.

            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


            • #7

              I just wanted to introduce myself quickly. My husband and I have been married for a year and half and he is in the midst of his first year of med school in Washington, DC (I know, we have a long way to go!). But I feel like I have been immersed in the medical profession ever since I met him almost 8 years ago. Becoming a doctor is all he has been talking about since then; his father, brother, sister in law, and a couple of uncles and cousins are all doctors, so I have heard all the stories...Anyway, he is plenty busy and I work fulltime so we don't see each other too often, but that is about the only negative think I can say just yet - I am sure that will change!

              He is talking about doing surgery AND he wants 4 I am sure I will have plenty of my own stories before this is over!



              • #8
                Welcome, Stephanie...

                The adventures are just beginning!!! I know what you mean about feeling immersed in the med profession yourself. When I talk about Thomas' training, I say things like "when we did residency, fellowship, etc"....and people will say.."Oh, are you a doctor too?" But really, in order to be supportive, you have to give up so much and really stand behind them...and you do go through all of these ups and downs with them.

                Congrats on getting into med school (he couldn't have done it without you )

                I look forward to getting to know you!



                • #9
                  Jenn and Kelly,

                  Thanks for the welcome. In answer to your questions, no I am not a DC native, I am from NY, my husband is from Chicago, we met in Boston and now we live in DC! But we really do like it here - we moved here 3.5 years ago. We actually live in Arlington, about a mile from the Pentagon, so it is a 5 min. car ride to the National Mall, Washington Memorial, etc. Of course Jenn, if you are from here, you know I mean 5 min. WITHOUT traffic. I like living in new places, so we are hoping we will have the opportunity to move to another part of the country for residency. Jenn, do you think you will move back to DC after residency?



                  • #10

                    Unfortunately, we get to move wherever the Army wants us to!



                    • #11
                      Welcome Stephanie.

                      I am Robin and my husband is a 4th year medical student. We managed to get the 4 kids ... now it is surviving residency that will be our challenge along with raising them. We did have three when we started medical school so only one came at the beginning of his second year. Kids and medical school/residency definitely can be done. Surgery and four kids is doable too but it will be a lot of HARD (but rewarding)work. My husband switched from surgery to anesthesia because of the kids but I know he would have gone for surgery if the kids were younger. My oldest is 10.

                      Anyway.... welcome to the boards and I hope to get to know you better.


