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the state in which i live.

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  • the state in which i live.

    i was reading in Readers Digest last night about teachers being moved around when accused of molestation, rape, any type of sexual behaviors.
    i think it is BEYOND horrific that people we trust our children with EVERY DAY are not checked nation wide, ONLY state wide on the preditor list. makes me sick. what state is NUMBER ONE when it comes to these teachers? west virginia. thankfully we only have to be here a few more years. *shudder* ... ntId=31756

    here is a link about another one of WV's finest. ... it,00.html
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

  • #2
    Last year I was sickened when a preschool/daycare teacher walked into one of their centers restrooms and caught a male teacher sexually abusing a 2 yr old little girl...apparently he had been dismissed/fired in CA for suspected deviant behaior...but somehow the idiots here in PHX/AZ failed to notice this!!!


    • #3
      Wild, wonderful...


      • #4
        OH MAN!

        Boston Magazine had an article on this months ago and it's apparently common in Massachusetts (although it's not at the top of the list like WV)!
        Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
        With fingernails that shine like justice
        And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


        • #5
          I know its not PC, but I am wary of any childcare places that have men working there.


          • #6
            Here's a website that freaked me out. It shows registered sex offenders in your neighborhood and what they were convicted of. -


            • #7
              Holy smokes! Had no idea.


              • #8
                wow ! this is really scary...

                thanks for the link...didnt know we had access to such a database...


                • #9
                  That makes me feel good - far better than we were when we were in Cleveland!


                  • #10
                    Oh good God, I have a rapist that lives .18 miles from my house! Quess I'm altering my walking route.


                    • #11
                      Note that many registered offenders might be people who, when they were 19, had an affair gone bad with a 17 year old, in some states.
                      Until you order the full report, there's no way of knowing (at least in CT) if it was a heinous offense or a youthful indiscretion.
                      Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                      Let's go Mets!


                      • #12
                        I agree with Fluffhead, thanks for bringing that up. I have a friend who I found out was only 15 when she had started dating her husband. He was a few years older than her. If her parents had pressed charges like they threatened, he would have been labeled a pedophile and his life could have been a living hell right now. In reality, he's a great guy and I would trust him with my children any day. And I don't trust anyone. ANYONE. So that term should be translated with caution.



                        • #13
                          Good point Fluff and Entropy! One thing I like about the site given above is that it lists the convictions. Unfortunately, the guy who lives so close to me was convicted of 2nd degree rape which in my state is rape effectuated through force. Yuck.

