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For those who don't believe in global warming

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  • For those who don't believe in global warming

    What's it gonna take big is GW's ranch?? Is it as big as this??

    Immense ice shelf breaks off in Canadian Arctic

    MONTREAL (AFP) --An enormous ice shelf broke away from Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic, researchers said, warning it could be another symptom of global warming.

    The 66-square-kilometer (25.5-square-mile) ice island tore away from Ellesmere, a huge strip of land in the Canadian Arctic close to Greenland.

    The actual break took place in August 2005 and was detected by sensors 250 kilometers (155 miles) away, but at the time no one was able to pinpoint what had happened.

    The Canadian Ice Service contacted geographer Luke Copland at the University of Ottawa, who was able to reconstruct the chain of events by piecing together seismic data and satellite images supplied by Canada and the United States.

    "This loss is the biggest in 25 years, but it continues the loss that occurred within the last century," Copland told AFP, noting that ice cover was down by 90 percent since this area was discovered in 1906.

    "What is important and interesting is that it is sudden, quite large even. In the past, we looked to climate change (and) thought perhaps ice shelves ... would just melt apart by losing a little piece day by day, but it now seems that when you reach some kind of threshold, when you reach that level, the whole thing just breaks apart."

  • #2
    Yeah, G.W.B. caused global warming

    Remember Bill had 8 years to solve global warming and end terrorism, he opted to get lov'in instead.
    Husband of an amazing female physician!


    • #3
      I don't know if she's suggesting that GWB caused global warming, but whether the shelf could take out Crawford. :>
      married to an anesthesia attending


      • #4
        I like your interpretation, Cassy. Although it looks like Crawford'll get hit by a tornado before anything else "hits" W.
        married to an anesthesia attending


        • #5
          Laker, laker...don't go there....

          Besides, Al Gore was the environmentalist of the duo and I can say with 100% certainty the he did more to raise awareness and offer solutions bggoth while in office and after than Cheney has or ever will..



          • #6
            Well now that the dems have congress, I expect global warming to reverse, poverty to cease, cancer to be cured, terrorism ended, and New Orleans rebuilt within 6 months.
            Husband of an amazing female physician!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Laker
              Well now that the dems have congress, I expect global warming to reverse, poverty to cease, cancer to be cured, terrorism ended, and New Orleans rebuilt within 6 months.
              None of us claim that the dems are perfect and / or have a silver bullet - but I'm pretty sure that a whole lot more will be done in the direction of the things you cited. GW has had 6 years, and all he's done is get us horribly in debt, in an un-winable war, and lost us international credibility hand over fist. Clinton at least had a balanced budget in more international respect.


              • #8
                I think we can all agree that the label "New Orleans Politician" is a unique and different one.

                I certainly wouldn't have voted for Mr. 90k in the freezer but I don't live there.



                • #9
                  Ding ding ding!!!! Bingo!! we have a winner!!!

                  Sounds like she's wondering "what's it going to take for people to realize this is REAL?"


                  • #10
                    Sorry, I don't have anything too much to add about GW or anything else US politics (wouldn't be fair as I don't live there) but I have to admit that the thought of our little 'ol province being under water isn't particularly appealing.............


                    • #11
                      I think we can all agree that global warming is real. I think we can all agree that Gore did a good job of bringing it to the front when he was VP. However I think since Gore left office the only thing he has done is his movie, which I'll admit I haven't seen but we've added it to our Netflix list.

                      Not everything in this country is a republican problem or a democrat problem, they ALL need to pull their heads out and realize if they don't start making some changes their grandchildrens' world is going to be VERY different.
                      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                      • #12
                        Agreed, however, Gore did a number with social security. Gore's "locked box" idea is a lowsy idea that has infected the entire democratic party. I am still upset that the dems didn't want to us control our money that we are paying into social security. There will be nothing left for me when I retire.
                        Husband of an amazing female physician!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Suzy Sunshine
                          However I think since Gore left office the only thing he has done is his movie,
                          And has donated 100% of the his profits of the movie & book to a bipartisan educational campaign to futher spread the message about global warming.

                          The movie studio has also pledged 5% of the profits to The Alliance for Climate Protection.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jesher
                            Originally posted by Suzy Sunshine
                            However I think since Gore left office the only thing he has done is his movie,
                            And has donated 100% of the his profits of the movie & book to a bipartisan educational campaign to futher spread the message about global warming.

                            The movie studio has also pledged 5% of the profits to The Alliance for Climate Protection.
                            And I think that is great but I feel like his movie got press for a few weeks, maybe a month - someone (don't know who or how) needs to DO something to get, and keep, this issue front and center.

                            ETA: I think Michael J Fox has done an EXCELLENT job of keeping parkinson's front and center for years - until someone can get global warming to that point people will continue to brush it aside IMO.
                            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Laker
                              Well now that the dems have congress, I expect global warming to reverse, poverty to cease, cancer to be cured, terrorism ended, and New Orleans rebuilt within 6 months.

