I guess I have a hard time swallowing these from a country that still limits their citizens to the number of children and therefore have caused the vast number of orphans in the first place.
I can kind of see where they're coming from on the age one (I can see how an older couple that never had children could adopt so that someone could take care of them later), but the BMI and depression (especially the depression) are out of line IMO.
We got into a discussion about international adoptions at DH's aunts' that is the only one that asked us the question over the holidays. She couldn't understand why so many americans would rather adopt internationally, it was eye opening to say the least.
I can kind of see where they're coming from on the age one (I can see how an older couple that never had children could adopt so that someone could take care of them later), but the BMI and depression (especially the depression) are out of line IMO.
We got into a discussion about international adoptions at DH's aunts' that is the only one that asked us the question over the holidays. She couldn't understand why so many americans would rather adopt internationally, it was eye opening to say the least.
