Recently, a fashion show in Madrid banned “overly skinny” models or those with BMIs of less than 18.5. I have a problem with this ban, in that I believe models should represent ALL sizes, from underweight to obese. There are women of all sizes in the world who purchase clothing, and how are they supposed to judge how something would look on them when the model is not representative of their shape. Different styles look different on different shapes and sizes. I think they should show what flatters each shape.
I am tired of the fashion industry dictating to women what shape is beautiful. We do not live in a “one-size-fits-all” world. The fashion industry is just that: the fashion industry. Leave health matters and weight issues to the medical and counseling professionals.
This issue is a personal one for me in that at 32 years old, my BMI is still under 18.5, and I have never been anorexic, bulimic, or amenhorrhic. I am perfectly healthy, this is just how I am built. I shouldn’t be made to feel like a freak because of my shape. As well, no healthy person with a BMI greater than 25 (considered to be overweight) should be made to feel like a freak either. If one is healthy and in good physical fitness, what the he!! does it matter????
Aside: I will admit that the picture of the model’s back is pretty creepy-skinny, but I probably looked the same way when I was 18.
Okay, I am officially off my soapbox, and the floor is open for comments. ... index.html
I am tired of the fashion industry dictating to women what shape is beautiful. We do not live in a “one-size-fits-all” world. The fashion industry is just that: the fashion industry. Leave health matters and weight issues to the medical and counseling professionals.
This issue is a personal one for me in that at 32 years old, my BMI is still under 18.5, and I have never been anorexic, bulimic, or amenhorrhic. I am perfectly healthy, this is just how I am built. I shouldn’t be made to feel like a freak because of my shape. As well, no healthy person with a BMI greater than 25 (considered to be overweight) should be made to feel like a freak either. If one is healthy and in good physical fitness, what the he!! does it matter????
Aside: I will admit that the picture of the model’s back is pretty creepy-skinny, but I probably looked the same way when I was 18.
Okay, I am officially off my soapbox, and the floor is open for comments. ... index.html