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Straight from the source: Boxer's comments/ exchange w/ Rice

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  • Straight from the source: Boxer's comments/ exchange w/ Rice

    I keep hearing all this spin about Boxer vs. Condi... and the spin masters' attempts to turn this into an issue other than what it is...I feel this clip is worth a watch for all, before jumping on partisan band wagons.

  • #2
    I saw this too. I don't understand the whole "she must apologize now" hoopla. Ummm..Boxer is right. Rice won't pay a price in terms of losing a child...and if Boxer had said this to a white married or single man, I'd feel the same way. Frankly, they don't like the criticism and are deflecting with this.

    The people paying the price are members of our military...brave men and women who signed up to serve and protect.

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #3
      ITA...that is why I wanted to post the whole clip...I'm sick of hearing parts of it taken out of context and then used to flame the fires of trying to make it into some out of line comment or damage to the feminist cause, as soo many spinsters and deflectors would like to have it.

