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If it looks like Rove and smells like Rove...

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  • If it looks like Rove and smells like Rove...

    So, anyone catch the latest 'news' on Fox?

    Seems they reported that Hillary's campaign "had questions" about Obama's "Muslim Education" in Indonesia. However, their source was a right wing website that actually named NO sources, either for the Clinton concern OR the "Muslim Education".

    Brilliant- you can smear BOTH of the top Dem contenders, play on the irrational fears of Americans, look like you get a scoop and then get to say, "oh, well. we were wrong but he should expect this kind of scrutinty on the National Stage".

    (and CNN just covered the story and actually went to Indonesia to the school that he attended at age six and there's not a rage-filled Anti-American Cleric to be seen. and it's public school.)

    Could we get the full slate of candidates before we start slinging?

    Damn, that man is an evil genius.


  • #2
    Jenn was it this website they cited? ... bama_2.htm


    • #3
      Yup, that's the one. Sneaky, huh?



      • #4
        Very sneaky.
        I find it sad how the revelation that he had/has ties to Muslims is seen as such a negative thing. I guess to them Muslim is synonymous with terrorism.


        • #5
          The whole thing is pathetic. Not only for the automatic assumption that Muslims are bad (which is beyond idiotic) but also how it plays on EVERYTHING that people automatically assume about both Clinton and Obama.

          I can't believe you guys have to put up with this crap on a daily basis in a country that supposedly prides itself on religious freedom.


