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  • Originally posted by cupcake
    Originally posted by pstone
    Usually by page 7 of a heated debate, we've gotten to the "Oh YEAH?" "YEAH!" phase.
    It is a result of the calming affect a SAHD can have on all you women.

    Good point, Cheri! Thanks for the reminder. My feeling has been that more of our liberal leaning members participate in the debates and that adds to a perception of it being skewed. But what do I know. I need the purple vamoose guy emoticon :!
    I haven't read the entire debate at this point - good grief, anything going beyond seven pages is just too long! Besides, I have already said my piece.... No point in kicking the horse and all...

    Anyway, I just wanted to say to what Angie said -----

    After YEARS of feeling like the ONLY non-liberal voice on this website I cannot tell all of you how RELIEVED I am to finally have others express their viewpoints. What the Fair Queen said is true to some extent - not about all the members of imsn - but there is a definite anti-Christian sentiment from time to time in the Debate portion of the website (I will say that it is completely confined to this portion of the site). It does exist. And, it is such a relief that people are finally coming out of the woodwork and seeing what I have seen for so long and speaking up.

    So, nothing to add to the debate at hand (And, good grief - how many pages is this now? Nine? ) but I do want to express my happiness that I am now NOT THE ONLY ONE on this website expressing opinions opposite or altered from the majority here.
    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
    With fingernails that shine like justice
    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

