I don't know...I think it depends on how you define "universal healthcare"....basically, the assumption here in this thread is that it is like some sort of socialist model where doctors go broke and all patients get shitty care. I'm assumig this is Laker's pre-emptive anti-hillary kick-off. :>
There is a middle ground, people and Americans need to get out of the black/white hysteria and start focusing on the gray middle ground.
Here are a few tips to discuss how we can save money in healthcare right now to provide care for younger uninsured people, etc.
1. Allow people to die. Medicare pays more in the last 2 months of someone's life than at any other time because we insist on dialysis, chemo and ICU stays for 93 year old end stage cancer patients with dementia and multi-organ failure. Now....THAT might cut into some doctors salaries, but....is it the wrong thing for the patient?
2. Not every sore muscle/ache/pain needs an MRI/CT. Our hospital ER has instituted a mandatory CT scan for anyone who comes in with abdominal pain. Over labor day weekend we had some physician friends visit us. She was on call and was called into the ER for a 15 year old with left lower quadrant abdominal pain. The kid had been in the ER for 7 hours and had not been examined the entire time. They were waiting for a CT. Basically, this doc examined the kid and said "he's constipated"....but they did a CT anyway and....he was constipated.
MN is one of the top states when it comes to everyone having health care insurance...and our healthcare costs are amongst the lowest in the nation. Doctors here earn a good living, too. Contrast that to TX, one of the states with the highest number of uninsured and nearly the highest healthcare costs in the nation.
In a nation this "great", no working American should be denied healthcare insurance for basic healthcare. There is no excuse and providing it will not break us financially.
Are you afraid of....getting a catastrophic illness and having your private insurer dump you, like my chemo buddy? Are you afraid of your private insurer refusing to pay for expensive medications like my father's wife? They have excellent private insurance but are having to forego medication for her becuase it is over $1000/month. Are you afraid of your private health insurer telling you that you can't see the doc once a year or that you have to pay for it if your doc doens't find something wrong with you?
Re: Universal Auto Insurance. That's a stupid argument. Cars are not alive. Worst case scenario is that you have to scrap your car and buy a junker for a couple thousand dollars to get you to and from work. If you get cancer, who the heck is going to pay for that, Jenn? Your kids can't just scrap you for a junker. When you guys were going through med school, I thought you did get some additional assistance at one time. What if you had gotten sick then and that net hadn't been available?
Most states REQUIRE drivers to have automobile insurance. You can't drive in TX or MN without it and if you're caught or have an accident without it...you are super-screwed. This way if you cause injury to another person or damage their vehicle, you are covered.
I'm baaaaack
There is a middle ground, people and Americans need to get out of the black/white hysteria and start focusing on the gray middle ground.
Here are a few tips to discuss how we can save money in healthcare right now to provide care for younger uninsured people, etc.
1. Allow people to die. Medicare pays more in the last 2 months of someone's life than at any other time because we insist on dialysis, chemo and ICU stays for 93 year old end stage cancer patients with dementia and multi-organ failure. Now....THAT might cut into some doctors salaries, but....is it the wrong thing for the patient?
2. Not every sore muscle/ache/pain needs an MRI/CT. Our hospital ER has instituted a mandatory CT scan for anyone who comes in with abdominal pain. Over labor day weekend we had some physician friends visit us. She was on call and was called into the ER for a 15 year old with left lower quadrant abdominal pain. The kid had been in the ER for 7 hours and had not been examined the entire time. They were waiting for a CT. Basically, this doc examined the kid and said "he's constipated"....but they did a CT anyway and....he was constipated.

MN is one of the top states when it comes to everyone having health care insurance...and our healthcare costs are amongst the lowest in the nation. Doctors here earn a good living, too. Contrast that to TX, one of the states with the highest number of uninsured and nearly the highest healthcare costs in the nation.
In a nation this "great", no working American should be denied healthcare insurance for basic healthcare. There is no excuse and providing it will not break us financially.
Are you afraid of....getting a catastrophic illness and having your private insurer dump you, like my chemo buddy? Are you afraid of your private insurer refusing to pay for expensive medications like my father's wife? They have excellent private insurance but are having to forego medication for her becuase it is over $1000/month. Are you afraid of your private health insurer telling you that you can't see the doc once a year or that you have to pay for it if your doc doens't find something wrong with you?
Re: Universal Auto Insurance. That's a stupid argument. Cars are not alive. Worst case scenario is that you have to scrap your car and buy a junker for a couple thousand dollars to get you to and from work. If you get cancer, who the heck is going to pay for that, Jenn? Your kids can't just scrap you for a junker. When you guys were going through med school, I thought you did get some additional assistance at one time. What if you had gotten sick then and that net hadn't been available?
Most states REQUIRE drivers to have automobile insurance. You can't drive in TX or MN without it and if you're caught or have an accident without it...you are super-screwed. This way if you cause injury to another person or damage their vehicle, you are covered.
I'm baaaaack