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Age Wbetween kids....

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  • #31
    I agree more in spacing for mom's benefit. We timed our two to fit with dh's schedule and we got lucky both times. They are 18 months apart. We also wanted them close so that they would have each other as playmates. We knew we'd be moving, the match and all. It has worked out well for all of us. The boys are very close despite different personalities that seem like they shouldn't mesh.

    We get the "irish twins" comment frequently.

    We're working on the second set.


    • #32
      Mine are 17.5 months. Crazy for mom, fun for the boys.

      As for the Irish twins - tell people to shove it. They have to be born w/in 12 months to be Irish twins. My girlfriend and her sister are 11 months apart. SueC and her sister are 12 months and 1 day apart (her mom had an IUD and got pregnant w/Sue anyway!)


      • #33
        We don't have kids yet, but my brother is three years older than me. We fought a fair amount growing up (read: he picked on me a lot!), but once he went away to college, things changed. And, now we are really close friends.

        My thought has always been to have kids about three years apart, but DH wants them right in a row. I keep telling him, when men can get pregnant and deliver the babies, then YOU can have them however far apart you want!
        Wife to a urologist; Mom to 2 wonderful kiddos


        • #34
          Originally posted by Urowife
          My thought has always been to have kids about three years apart, but DH wants them right in a row. I keep telling him, when men can get pregnant and deliver the babies, then YOU can have them however far apart you want!

          We had always thought 2-3 years apart but with this baby being due 12/07 and DH finishing residency 6/11 I'm not sure what we'll do. Plus it took us 21 months to get pg with this one, of course now that we know what the issue is hopefully the next one won't take as long. I REALLY don't think I want one during his Chief year but I'm not sure I want one during fellowship either so we'll just have to see. I'm three years older then my little sister and two years younger then my older sister, we all have gotten much closer since we got out of high school though I'm closer to my little sister. DH and his brother are also three years apart by age but were two years apart in school - they get a long well but have never been really close.
          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

