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  • #16
    and I WILL be the crazy cat lady- it's my destiny.
    I'm right there with you. I've got the piano, too. (Isn't there a sub-category of "crazy cat-lady with a piano"?)

    We have two cats (or three....the elderly female cat that lives with my aunt is technically mine) and a dog. If I had to choose, though, I would have to go with the cats. So, Peter, is there something you want to say to me? Huh?

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #17
      We are Bi too! Two cats, two dogs, four kids.
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #18
        Originally posted by pstone
        Dogs should NEVER be in public eating areas, or EVER off a leash except in dog parks!

        I am a dog owner, but some people and kids are scared, allergic, or both.

        And I don't want your dog panting, barking, or yipping at me either.

        I mostly agree with you.

        I am back, but trying to get things done, so I still won't be online much for a few days, but how could I resist this thread.

        I don't think dogs should ever be allowed in public places, leashed or no, EVER (exceptions ONLY for highly trained therapy dogs). They are not human beings, and I should not have to be subjected to them. I feel the same way about cats, and I don't hate cats nearly as much, but why would I want to look at an animal's a-hole all day is beyond me. I could even pet a cat, where as a dog, well, I just want to poison the lot of them. Far to many people are allergic or scared, and it is unhygeinic. Keep them AWAY from me and my children. They do not have a right to public places any more than cigarettes do. They are harmful to my health and the health of my children.

        But, I bet you are all suprised by my reaction.

        I wish there was a DEET equivalent for dogs.
        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


        • #19
          Welcome back Heidi. I was waiting for you to join in this thread!!!!!
          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


          • #20
            I will tell you what is wrong with cats...

            1st, lots of owners let them outside, and of course not on leashes, stop letting your cat in my yard, killing my birds, and shitting in the sand box.

            2nd allergic

            3rd allergic


            • #21
              Here's my problem re: my cats

              1) I much prefer that they be inside kitties

              2) when they run out (and they do) I can chase the cats or I can keep an eye on the 3yo. If someone in my house is going to be squished by a car, it's going to be a cat and not my kid.

              3) I hate birds with the same amount of passion that Heidi hates dogs and cats. They're nasty little beating hearts with wings. ICK. I even get squeemy thinking about it when I eat chicken/duck/turkey. They are only slightly above rats/mice/squirrels.




              • #22
                Wow. Those are some strong feelings of dislike for our furry and feathered friends!

                I confess. I love animals. I love almost all of them. I brought my English Springer spaniel to college with me at times. She was actually invited and welcomed in to one of my classes. Otherwise she stayed at the door. From a 'kid's' perpective, I loved taking my pets out into the world with me. Now that I am a parent and see in the community how many kids have severe life threatening allergies, I absolutely would not bring a pet into a restaurant that was not specifically designated and advertised as pet friendly. I am not even comfortable anymore with the idea of leashing a pet outside of a restaurant. I think between fear, allergies/health concerns and legal issues, (because if the dog bites the kid it doesn't matter who started it) today animals belong at home, on the trails and in the wild.

                But for the record, I am totally comfortable dining with a dog at my feet, a cat on the table, a bird on the chair back, and a rat on my shoulder.


                • #23
                  Janet, I'm with you except for the rat, that is where I draw the line!!!!!
                  wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                  "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                  • #24
                    Note: wanting people to mind their pets does not make one a pet hater, I have always had a dog, as long as I can remember.

                    I don't let my dog run in other peoples yard, ruin their property, etc.


                    • #25
                      pet lover here. of course you probably knew that. dogs, cats, horses, cows(are they pets? ) goats, sheep, pigs, ducks, chickens(NOT ROOSTERS), pretty much anything.

                      but, outdoor cats bother me..i hate the smell of piss, the smell of poop on my dogs breath when he finds a morsel, the garbage mongers they can be. dogs should be on a leash when in public...and people should assume that others dont care for them, are allergic, or scared. until proven otherwise keep your dog away. (my golden loves people so much that he will knock someone over wagging his tail)

                      fer gawds sake, teach your pet some manners. sit, come, stay, down, no, etc. OHHH!!! and I HATE HATE HATE begging. my dogs are NOT allowed in the kitchen when im cooking or when we're eating. they're invited in after everything is cleaned up to hunt under the table.

                      also, i think it's discusting that cats are on tables and counter tops. yucky, nasty, gag!

                      heidi, im so shocked at your response. glad you're back. fill us in when you can.
                      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by rainbabies
                        also, i think it's discusting that cats are on tables and counter tops. yucky, nasty, gag!
                        I'm a BIG CAT LOVER but...I'm with you on this! I don't allow my cat to get on the table or the counters. Any other furniture is pretty much fair game.

                        I have an indoor only cat. It's so much safer and healthier for cats to live indoors. So my cat doesn't pee or poop in other people's flower beds, etc.

                        DCJenn, I think I might hate squirrels as much as you hate birds! You would not believe the hatred I feel towards those furry-tailed, rat-like creatures! Mostly because we spent a small fortune getting a small colony of them out of our attick. ICK!!!! I don't break for them when I'm driving...I don't!


                        • #27
                          Squirrels are on my list. Trust me.

                          as for cats on the counter, I feed two of them on a my island and one of them on the window pass-through because otherwise Petey will not leave their food alone. Since Nicki is on very expensive diabetic cat food it's as much a cost saving measure as anything else.

                          BUT, I don't prepare food on the island. It just sits in my kitchen in all of it's purple and tiger striped loveliness...



                          • #28
                            sounds like such a *pretty* island.
                            ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                            • #29
                              Now see how can you hate squirrel? they are wild, living like you are.


                              • #30
                                Actually, I love my island:

                                and so do the kitties!


                                PS- this was the day of the SuperBowl party so excuse the mess!

