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2008 Election

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  • #31
    Re: 2008 Election

    Bloomberg - He's a billionaire Mayor of New York City.


    • #32
      Re: 2008 Election

      Originally posted by Tabula Rasa
      Originally posted by Jane
      Bloomberg anyone??
      Who's Bloomberg?

      Now I'll have to do some Google research....
      of the Bloomberg Report before his current mayorial duties. He's a ga-gillionaire financial whiz.


      • #33
        Re: 2008 Election

        Wow. Well, after last night's debate I have to seriously question any possibility I might have of voting for McCain. In fact, if Romney doesn't get the nomination I will NOT vote for McCain. He's an entrenched politician with a huge mean streak it would appear. Seriously - I can't believe he actually cackled during the debate! In contrast to McCain's awful behavior during that debate the Democrats were MUCH more polite and respectful during their debate which followed. It's also interesting how Foxnews has been very positive about all of the Republican candidates - with the notable exception of Romney. Most of the political commentators on that news station seem to have as deeply personal a problem with Romney as McCain and Huckabee have. CNN, on the other hand, has been "fair and balanced" with ALL of the candidates on the Republican side. Romney has run such a good campaign at simply contrasting his position with his rivals whereas there have been such awful personal attacks on Romney AND his religious beliefs in return. Just makes me sick to my stomach.

        At 7pm EST tonight on CNN they will replay both debates.

        I will not vote for any of the Democrats that might win the nomination. Which means I'll be voting for Ron Paul if (ahem, when) he runs as a third party candidate. The reasons: 1) If McCain or Huckabee get the nomination the bottom line is that a Democrat WILL win the presidency - so I won't feel bad "throwing away my vote" for a third party candidate, 2) Ron Paul IS a nut but he's not the negative, horribly personal, mean nut that Huckabee and McCain have been.

        Strategically, Romney is the only candidate that can actually beat all three of the Democratic frontrunners. It's telling that independents in New Hampshire are deciding whether to vote for Obama or McCain! That tells me if these two meet each other in the presidential election Obama will most likely win if voters find him so similar to John McCain. And, Huckabee scares off as many voters as Hillary Clinton ever would.

        So, I have to vote. If I don't Jenn in SA will kill me! But, I agree with her - I need to vote as a citizen. But, this is the first time I've come to the realization that I might just be voting for a third party candidate. Way crazy!

        Something wild - but true - that I found out last night: Huckabee was the key note speaker at a Southern Baptist Convention a few years ago held in Utah (he has been the leader of the Arkansas Southern Baptist Convention). His topic? How members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are a nonChristian cult. During the convention every member received a free copy of a book claiming that as well. I went through so much growing up with Southern Baptist ministers telling my friends that we ("Mormons") were cult members to be shunned and now a Southern Baptist minister who has been in the thick of this behavior for years is running for president. It takes my breath away. And, that McCain has teamed up with Huckabee says tons about John McCain.

        Another quick note: I actually feel sorry for Hillary Clinton. I never, ever thought I would say that. I like her more than Barrack Obama and I feel bad for her that the media has seemed to turn on her. She has appeared much more human the last few days. And, I might add, she's seemed a bit more humbled and frail. I am also SO glad that her husband is standing beside her (would have been NICE if he'd been faithful to her during HIS presidency ) and pointing out the media's love affair with Obama. I won't vote for her - but I feel for her.
        Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
        With fingernails that shine like justice
        And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


        • #34
          Re: 2008 Election

          I should note that there is one degree of seperation between dh and I and Mitt Romney via several friends. I know quite a bit about this man (also, having lived in the state where he was governor) on a personal and political level. That's why McCain's personal pettiness, scorn, and general meanspirited behavior during that debate was breathtaking to me. Romney handled it well by not stooping to that level - although he's acted and reacted exactly as I would expect based on what I know of him (calm, collected, thoughtful, and respectful - even in the face of those who cannot behave in a mature manner).
          Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
          With fingernails that shine like justice
          And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


          • #35
            Re: 2008 Election

            Originally posted by Tabula Rasa
            It's also interesting how Foxnews has been very positive about all of the Republican candidates - with the notable exception of Romney. Most of the political commentators on that news station seem to have as deeply personal a problem with Romney as McCain and Huckabee have.
            While we're all entitled to our opinions on the coverage, I don't agree with this analysis of the FoxNews coverage of Romney. Chris Wallace's FoxNews Sunday interview of him was quite even-handed, I thought. Britt Hume, Maura Liason, and several of editorialists haven't been abusive toward Romney. And their "man on the ground" in NH--I forget his name--the bookish guy--hasn't said anything derogatory. If the negativism is observing Romney's recent problems, that has to be covered. His showing in Iowa was a disaster for his "plan." He's got to do better soon.

            Their commentary (editorial, not reporting) on Fred Thompson has, the Thompson camp claims, been remiss. But then, so has Thompson's campaign, in terms of getting any momentum.

            I do think it's really funny that the Democratic front-runners won't go on FoxNews. Clearly afraid of being in a nonsolitious environment. Much easier to be pandered to be Stephanopolis and sucked up to by NBC. I credit Richardson, Biden, and Dodd, all of whom appeared on FoxNews Sunday and all of whom did, I thought, a good job with Chris Wallace. I mean, I don't agree with a lot of what they were saying, but they came across as approachable and thoughtful. Especially Richardson. He seems to have his act together.


            • #36
              Re: 2008 Election

              Right after I posted my previous response, I walked past the TV and the FoxNews analysis of tonight's GOP NH debate was on. Carl Cameron--the bookish, nerdy "man on the ground"--reported that the focus groups all called Romney the winner and complimented Romney on his "good-natured" ability to handle the swipes taken at him by other candidates.


              • #37
                Re: 2008 Election

                Perhaps I have only been tuning into Foxnews at inoportune times. I have noticed Brit Hume is not negative towards Romney. However, Bill Kristol and Juan Williams (I believe that is his last name) have been predicting Romney's death over the last few weeks no matter what the polls have said. I've also noticed several other prominant Foxnews commentators (whose names escape me) who have been quite biased against Romney. Rather than being observers they have appeared to try to be influencers on this primary.
                Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                With fingernails that shine like justice
                And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                • #38
                  Re: 2008 Election

                  Actually, Bill Clinton won the nomination (and the presidency) and he lost in both Iowa AND New Hampshire.

                  Romney currently has more primary votes than any of the other candidates. He's a smart guy and he's going about this in a smart way.

                  In other words: Reports of his death are premature and smack of bias against him when they come from the media who are ignoring history and current reality.
                  Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                  With fingernails that shine like justice
                  And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                  • #39
                    Re: 2008 Election

                    Originally posted by Tabula Rasa
                    Juan Williams (I believe that is his last name) have been predicting Romney's death over the last few weeks no matter what the polls have said.
                    Is Juan Williams really on FoxNews (you'll be so surprised to learn I don't watch it). He's a regular on NPR and is really, really left leaning. I can't imagine he'd be anything but negative towards Romney. Perhaps it was Fox's attempt to create some balance w/their really, really right leaning "reporters".


                    • #40
                      Re: 2008 Election

                      Originally posted by Jane
                      Originally posted by Tabula Rasa
                      Juan Williams (I believe that is his last name) have been predicting Romney's death over the last few weeks no matter what the polls have said.
                      Is Juan Williams really on FoxNews (you'll be so surprised to learn I don't watch it). He's a regular on NPR and is really, really left leaning. I can't imagine he'd be anything but negative towards Romney. Perhaps it was Fox's attempt to create some balance w/their really, really right leaning "reporters".
                      Yeah, they have a couple of NPR people as commentators on Fox. He's one of them. The NPR people and the Weekly Standard guys really cannot stand Romney - neither can all of the politicians he's running against. I think it's a good thing when the far left, the far right, and career politicians don't like you.
                      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                      With fingernails that shine like justice
                      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

