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Primary Predictions

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  • #16
    Re: Primary Predictions

    From another link mentioned:
    "Like the vast majority of Americans, I've opposed same-sex marriage, but I've also opposed unjust discrimination against anyone, for racial or religious reasons, or for sexual preference," Romney said in an interview with the National Review magazine published online Thursday.

    Regarding abortion, Romney said — as he has said previously — that although he campaigned for governor as an abortion-rights supporter, he changed his position several years ago after being briefed on embryonic stem-cell research.
    Again, nothing to even cough about.

    The man is opposed to same-sex marriage, against discrimination against anyone (including for racial or religious reasons as well), and changed his mind on abortion years ago after being educated further on it. Big woop.
    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
    With fingernails that shine like justice
    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


    • #17
      Re: Primary Predictions

      Originally posted by *Lily*
      Gahhhh!!!!! I just deleted my whole post!!!!
      I think you just like to post that picture over and over again....
      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
      With fingernails that shine like justice
      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


      • #18
        Re: Primary Predictions

        Regarding Harry Reid and Mitt Romney, religion aside, I respect that they have their own position on abortion rather than toeing the party line. Or had, in Romney's case. He can change positions -- whatever. I think it is admirable when a candidate doesn't try to make themselves a package deal.

        Then it hit me. People may be less interested in what their leader posits as versus whether they can feel confident in that person's ability to lead--somewhere...anywhere!
        Good point. I think that does have appeal. I was wondering the same when listening to the NH coverage and speculation that people voted for McCain because Obama was projected to win. If the elections were today, I don't know who I would vote for. But like others have said, I will vote so that I retain my right to complain.


        • #19
          Re: Primary Predictions

          McCain is a career politician who divorced his first wife to marry this current wife for her political connections
          I don't know how any of the above quoted statements hold less water than your very strong statement about why McCain entered marriage, seeing how I'm assuming you don't know the guy and can't vouch this to be true, other than speculating from gossip you heard online or in the media.

          Oh, and did you read about Romney's connection to the hotel industry that supports porn?... and ousted by someone LDS?

          Pornography taints everything it touches. Mitt Romney should have understood that. So should the Marriott Corp. and other hotel owners who offer hard-core movies in hotel rooms.
          Romney caught a bit of flack last week because he spent nearly 10 years on the Marriott board and yet never tried to reverse the company's policy of providing pornography on demand, something J.W. "Bill" Marriott Jr., defended in a 2000 letter as being economically important. The corporation controls only a few of the hotels with its name on them.

          For a presidential candidate who has railed against pornography, this is not entirely insignificant. Even if the subject never came up at a board meeting, one can argue that at least part of the $25,000 plus stock he was paid annually for his board membership came from the money some hotel guests paid for access to the films
          To me I don't care about why Romney believes something, or 2. what his religon is. I do care about people who change a major political position, as it usually has to do with winning votes and not about personal character on the position. Just my 2 cents.


          • #20
            Re: Primary Predictions

            Sure, correcting political views, or say not exactly living the life you profess isn't a skeleton, it's not insignificant either, no? Same reason you seem to hate McCain.

