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Dumb Bitches Of The Day

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  • Dumb Bitches Of The Day

    Dumb Bitches Of The Day

    Meet Republicans W. T. Mayhall, Jr. and John Read, and Democrat Bobby Shows. These three idiots are members of Mississippi's House of Representatives and came up with one of the dumbest bills in history. They are proposing a bill that will make it illegal for state-licensed restaurants to serve obese people. That means anybody with a BMI of 30 or above won't be able to eat with everybody else. This is a problem since 30% of the state is considered obese.

    The two page document states that any restaurant that breaks the law could get their license pulled.

    Obviously these three twits don't have anything better to do. Don't they have some tap dancing to do in an airport restroom somewhere?

    Source: The Smoking Gun
    full article:
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

  • #2
    Re: Dumb Bitches Of The Day

    um does anyone else think the second guy could have a BMI close to 30%????


    • #3
      Re: Dumb Bitches Of The Day

      Exactly what I was thinking.




      • #4
        Re: Dumb Bitches Of The Day

        I'm too lazy to read the full article (I'm cleaning the house today while DW is on call).

        But, seriously, I can't believe that Republicans would propose such a nanny-state bill. They need to turn their party cards in ASAP and I'm not joking.


        • #5
          Re: Dumb Bitches Of The Day


          I went back to the article to make sure that I'd read that right- two republicans and one dem.

          They need to be force fed at McDonalds for a year in punishment and then see what it feels like to be obese.



          • #6
            Re: Dumb Bitches Of The Day

            I hate every Nanny-state initiative. Usually, not always, but usually Dems propose nanny-state stuff.

            I don't smoke anymore (smoked for less than a year) but I absolutely hate smoking bans for restaurants and bars. Last night, the smoking ban just went in effect in Baltimore city.

            People need to vote with their feet and their dollars and the government where it can needs to stop meddling in private business. I just don't get why Smokey Joe's Pub can't be just that. And if people don't want to drink there, work there, etc. then so what?

            And the demand for good ventilation / non-smoking bars and restos will mean that owners who want that business will follow suit and create an environment like that.


            • #7
              Re: Dumb Bitches Of The Day

              I agree that article is retarted but the smoking thing is different. You being obese doesn't harm me, your smoking does if I'm nearby. I should be able to walk into a public building without having to walk through a cloud of smoke, I should be able to enjoy food at a restaurant I love without the taste being ruined by smoke.

              Obesity is one thing, smoking is completely different IMO.
              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


              • #8
                Re: Dumb Bitches Of The Day


                Don't hurt me like that! I am fragile.

                I'm there with you IF you're talking about hospitals, schools, government offices, etc. concerning prohibitions against smoking inside.

                But what's wrong with a pub for instance allowing smoking as a private business? You'd vote with your feet and your dollars and not frequent the business. On your way out, you'd let the proprieter know that you wouldn't be returning unless there was a separate ventilation system or room or until he/she banned smoking in his/her establishment.

                Many people feel the same way you do and you'd find that many places would have good ventilation or no smoking. Those would be places you'd frequent and support with your dollars.

                I mean what's next? Vegans attempting to close the local Pork BBQ joint because they feel eating pork would hurt them (and hurt the animal). So, in effect the Pork BBQ joint excludes them and somehow they have a right to close that business through government intervention instead of simply not darkening the door of one of 500 restos in their respective city?


                • #9
                  Re: Dumb Bitches Of The Day

                  Kevin, businesses that make most of their money from alcohol (bars, some pubs, etc) don't bother me, I agree people should be able to frequent those places or not. Restaurants is my big pet peeve, luckily our county and state just went smoke free. I loved it when we lived in CA and in Boulder, CO. Its nice to have it back.
                  Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                  • #10
                    Re: Dumb Bitches Of The Day

                    Originally posted by Pollyanna
                    Originally posted by uvagradk
                    They need to turn their party cards in ASAP and I'm not joking.
                    Apparently they are part of the McCain republican party. Once the government is done sucking the poor smokers dry they'll be sending out the food police in full force, it's just a matter of time.

                    Honestly, at first, I thought maybe the story had come off The Onion.

                    That a bunch of idiots. And anti-capitalists.


                    • #11
                      Re: Dumb Bitches Of The Day

                      Originally posted by rainbabies
                      That means anybody with a BMI of 30 or above won't be able to eat with everybody else. This is a problem since 30% of the state is considered obese.
                      Um, exactly how on earth would restaurants enforce this? How many restaurant owners or wait staff are going to know who has a BMI of 30 or not? I certainly don't.
                      Are obese people in Missisippi going to need an obese ID?
                      I can just see it now. Someone with a BMI of 28 getting kicked out of a restaurant because the waitstaff thought this person "looked like they had a BMI of 30" and suing!
                      What total nonsense.


                      • #12
                        Re: Dumb Bitches Of The Day

                        Originally posted by Suzy Sunshine
                        I agree that article is retarted but the smoking thing is different. You being obese doesn't harm me, your smoking does if I'm nearby. I should be able to walk into a public building without having to walk through a cloud of smoke, I should be able to enjoy food at a restaurant I love without the taste being ruined by smoke.

                        Obesity is one thing, smoking is completely different IMO.
                        I know I'm going to get flack for this post but here goes. I despise smokers. I really could care less about the health of someone who smokes. What I care about are the unwilling participants who are exposed to cigarette smoke. Smokers can smoke all they want, as long as they don't do it near me.
                        The habits of obese people don't directly affect the health of others around them. Granted something needs to be done to curb obesity in our country, it's a big problem. But forcing this kind of responsibility on restaurants is absurd and a waste of taxpayers time and money. I am appalled at the level of stupidity of these particular politicians.

                        I am going on my 5th week of bronchitis because I made the mistake of being around smokers (my mother) during the holidays.
                        Smoking cigs is a public health issue and it should be illegal. I mean really, if cigs were invented today they would be illegal and frowned upon just like heroin or crack. Cigs are more addictive than heroin and the effects on fetuses and children of smokers is undeniable. I could rant all day about this but I'll limit my hijack.


                        • #13
                          Re: Dumb Bitches Of The Day

                          I have heard the same argument for not having laws requiring seatbelts be worn while driving (ie the same argument that criticizes laws regulating smoking in public).

                          I also think smoking is a different thing. It is a public nuisance - just like walking into a restaurant and screaming at the top of your lungs. It affects ME directly as it does the entire group of people in the room. Now, I do think it is excessive to ban smoking from places where it is traditionally 'done'. Bars, for example, also serve alcohol which, arguably, ruins waaay more lives than smoking (but that's another argument).

                          As far as obesity: Yes, this law is crazy. It is unenforceable, truly, unless you are obviously morbidly obese.

                          Now, where I WOULD like to see some legislation that deals with a person's weight is in airplane seating. If a person sits next to me and takes up both their seat AND part of mine I think that person needs to pay for half of my ticket! THAT is when obesity becomes a public nuisance.

                          In short, we cannot save people from their own stupidity and/or wrong choices. We can, however, enact laws that prevent people from being public nuisances.
                          Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                          With fingernails that shine like justice
                          And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                          • #14
                            Re: Dumb Bitches Of The Day

                            Originally posted by Pollyanna
                            It all falls under the nanny state principle. Everyone always jumps on the smokers because they are an easy target, but we're all in the government cross hairs it's just a matter of time if we continue to allow the government to have control of our lives. Leave us alone I say, let the poor smokers smoke in peace and stay the hell out of my child's lunch box. :soapbox:

                            But I'm not worked up about this or anything.
                            How do you feel about someone stripping off their clothing and running through the streets of your neighborhood naked?

                            How do you feel about someone walking into your movie theater and yelling into a cell phone while you watch a movie?

                            How do you feel about someone throwing food in a restaurant?

                            How do you feel about your neighbor burning a pile of tires within yards of your back door?

                            These are all public nuisance issues. Certain laws are necessary when the actions regulated directly affect the surrounding people.

                            I agree that those actions which are private (such as what to eat and how much, smoking in one's own home, having a food fight in your own kitchen or talking loudly on the phone while watching a movie in your own living room) should not be legislated. It's a ridiculous concept.

                            However, those things which do affect everyone around you are fair game for legislation because they impinge on other people's rights, commerce, and general quality of life.

                            Smoking in a restaurant (a normal one such as Cracker Barrel where you will find many families) is a good example of such a nuisance (and, PUBLIC health issue such as has been pointed out).
                            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                            With fingernails that shine like justice
                            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

