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I saw Obama and Bill Clinton Live!

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  • I saw Obama and Bill Clinton Live!

    DH and I have spent the good part of the last two days going to political rallies here in Albuquerque.

    Yesterday President Clinton had a rally at the University and it was very inspiring. We took Gracie our 3 year old with us and she got a big kick out of it. It was so cute when he started talking about funding for early education, she started clapping and jumping! DH and I both got goosebumps and thought it was well worth the 2 hour + wait for that experience.

    Obama was here today and we got to the convention center at 11AM since the tickets said the doors opened at 11:30 and the rally would start at 1:15. OMG, it was so crowded. There was already a massive line formed when we got there, only to find out they had the line weaved in and out of two seperate massive ballrooms, so you really didn't know what you were in for until it was too late. After 3 hours of this we finally got to the auditorium only to have them rerouting us to an overflow room that had screens in it. We and everyone around us got frusterated. Luckily, I had made eye contact with one of the security guards and he waved me over and said there were a couple more seats left in the auditorium. They were even pretty good!

    Once Obama finally came out (started almost an hour late, I guess he personally visited the overflow room and the people still outside) he did a 15-20 minute speech, then he had a roundtable discussion with a panel of local politicians, and then he did a town hall meeting style Q & A. My expectations going in were high considering Jenn's experience in KC. I just wasn't feeling it. I didn't feel the goosebumps kind of inspiration. I guess I was hoping he'd have a longer speech too.

    DH all along has been pretty sure he's was going to vote for Obama and even he said the experience in the last 2 days has moved him to vote for HRC. Don't get me wrong, I will no doubtly vote for Obama if he wins the primaries and I think he's certainly qualified, but I'm really rooting for HRC right now. I think her experience will make a difference. I am thinking that she's an underdog at this point especially considering the turnout I saw for Obama today compared with the turnout yesterday for President Clinton. Granted, it was him and not her. I'm curious what the difference would have been.
    Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters

  • #2
    Re: I saw Obama and Bill Clinton Live!

    Yeah - you got snookered into the line just like I did!! But it is exciting to be in that atmosphere, isn't it?

    I imagine seeing Bill Clinton live could be a really moving / inspiring thing. I wonder if you'd get the same vibe seeing HRC? I think part of my thrill was being part of so many people so excited about Obama. Keep in mind that I'm in lily-white-Johnson County, KS. Nellie has joked before about getting me a yard sign that says "Johson County Democrat: Population 1" ... so just the abundance of people was a thrill for me!

    I really feel like Obama has a better chance in the general election .... can I sway you back to him??


    • #3
      Re: I saw Obama and Bill Clinton Live!

      I have to say the crowd control was well done. If we had seen what we were in for initially, we probably would have said "screw this" and left. I am glad we didn't because it is definitely a worthwhile experience.

      Albuquerque (Bernalillo County) couldn't be more different from Johnson County. The democratic population here is huge. It was also mentioned today that we are in the rare situation that we're a minority majority. I think the numbers thrown out there were 60%+ are hispanic, 80% native american, and 20% african american. There were lots of young people there which was good to see, especially since this was downtown and not at the university.

      I really wish HRC would've made the trip out here. She was in CA last night for the debate, and is staying there for good reasons. I would like to think that I would be just as inspired, but who knows. DH and I are huge fans of Bill Clinton's presidency (despite the scandal) and are yearning for the good ol' days. I would like to think she'd have a very experienced confidante while in office.

      With that said, what it's going to take to get you to vote for HRC on Tuesday? (imagine my best used car salesmen tone)
      Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


      • #4
        Re: I saw Obama and Bill Clinton Live!

        Yeah. Not happening.

        I also have fond memories of Clinton's presidency. I was shocked / disappointed by the scandal - but I can get past that a whole lot faster than lying and committing us to war.

        I just worry about HRC b/c people either love her or hate her ... and the haters will do EVERYTHING they can to make sure she loses.


        • #5
          Re: I saw Obama and Bill Clinton Live!

          Hey Charlene --

          The LA Times endorsed Obama -- and they haven't endorsed anyone since 1972.

          Here's a couple excerpts from the endorsement that I found particularly interesting:

          On policy, Obama and his rival Democratic candidate, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, are a hairsbreadth apart. Both vow to pull troops from Iraq. Both are committed to healthcare reform. Both offer candid critiques of the failed George W. Bush presidency, its blustering adventurism, its alienating stance toward other countries and its cavalier disregard for sacred American values such as individual liberty and due process of law.

          With two candidates so closely aligned on the issues, we look to their abilities and potential as leaders, and their record of action in service of their stated ideals. Clinton is an accomplished public servant whose election would provide familiarity and, most important, competence in the White House, when for seven years it has been lacking. But experience has value only if it is accompanied by courage and leads to judgment.

          Nowhere was that judgment more needed than in 2003, when Congress was called upon to accept or reject the disastrous Iraq invasion. Clinton faced a test and failed, joining the stampede as Congress voted to authorize war. At last week's debate and in previous such sessions, Clinton blamed Bush for abusing the authority she helped to give him, and she has made much of the fact that Obama was not yet in the Senate and didn't face the same test. But Obama was in public life, saw the danger of the invasion and the consequences of occupation, and he said so. He was right.
          By contrast, Clinton's return to the White House that she occupied for eight years as first lady would resurrect some of the triumph and argument of that era. Yes, Bill Clinton's presidency was a period of growth and opportunity, and Democrats are justly nostalgic for it. But it also was a time of withering political fire, as the former president's recent comments on the campaign trail reminded the nation. Hillary Clinton's election also would drag into a third decade the post-Reagan political duel between two families, the Bushes and the Clintons. Obama is correct: It is time to turn the page.

          An Obama presidency would present, as a distinctly American face, a man of African descent, born in the nation's youngest state, with a childhood spent partly in Asia, among Muslims. No public relations campaign could do more than Obama's mere presence in the White House to defuse anti-American passion around the world, nor could any political experience surpass Obama's life story in preparing a president to understand the American character. His candidacy offers Democrats the best hope of leading America into the future, and gives Californians the opportunity to cast their most exciting and consequential ballot in a generation.


          • #6
            Re: I saw Obama and Bill Clinton Live!

            Very cool that you saw Obama live! My brother has seen him live at a Hyde Park Walgreens, but that doesn't count!

            Bill Clinton is amazing in person - a really smart guy. (Years ago, I saw him give a speech in Seattle.) I don't care at all about his love life. Look at what the French president did just today in France. IMO, who cares?
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              Re: I saw Obama and Bill Clinton Live!

              Bill Clinton is amazing in person - a really smart guy. (Years ago, I saw him give a speech in Seattle.) I don't care at all about his love life. Look at what the French president did just today in France. IMO, who cares?
              I couldn't agree more.
              Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


              • #8
                Re: I saw Obama and Bill Clinton Live!

                I really wish HRC would've made the trip out here
                My hope came true! She was here last night and my sister and I went. Chelsea came with her. She had a lot more concrete ideas and plans for the country than Obama offered. I really felt she was dead on with some of the topics that concern me the most like Healthcare and the Environment. Again, it was a good turnout, but not like the turnout Obama got. That really concerns me.
                Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


                • #9
                  Re: I saw Obama and Bill Clinton Live!

                  OMG...That is so exciting. She was here in Minneapolis yesterday but Thomas was on all weekend and I just couldn't make it.

                  Don't worry too much about turnout. This isn't 'American Idol' (though I know some 'gobama' folks have been talking that up.) He draws in big crowds with a lot of young people...but....people like me..who will be caucusing tomorrow, btw, can't take time out from family/life to get out there.

                  I am much less impressed by a sense of stage presence and am more likely to vote based on my perception of substance. I like Hillary's healthcare plan because it will mandate coverage for all. That is a real sticking point with the Obama people who are doing the "no one is going to force me to spend money on insurance thing" (though conveniently missing the fact that Obama has suggested fining those who don't opt in and then require coverage!). We have to share the risk, and if someone doesn't choose to insure themselves doesn't pay into the system for several years and then is hit with a surprise diagnosis of cancer, diabetes or is involved in a serious accident, they will be entitled to benefits with no pre-existing condition. If they haven't been covered in the past, this means that once again, we will all stomach the financial burden. Share the risk....and everyone can be insured. The congressional plan will be opened up to those who need insurance. If you you like your insurance, you can keep the plan you have...if you are underinsured or uninsured, you will have several choices that are affordable....she will provide tax credits and other help for those who need financial assistance. I will be turning out tomorrow to caucus for her.

                  I'm so jealous.

                  ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                  ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

