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Rev Wright just....

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  • Rev Wright just....

    killed Barack Obama's chances of getting elected in the fall. Anyone that watched his press conference in front of the National Press Club this morning that has any doubt at all....will run like the wind.

    This guy threw Obama under the bus by saying that Obama has only distanced himself to get elected and that it is all politics etc....and seriously this Wright guy is an absolute idiot...a total retard....who stood by his opinion that white america created hiv to kill black africans when asked today. If he was the pastor at a church that I attended, I would switch churches...even religions if I had to.

    The Wright thing was never even on my radar before this. Someone needs to tell this idiot to step back and Barack Obama should immediately walk away from him. Holy cow is this guy weird.

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Re: Rev Wright just....

    People have been telling Obama to just ignore the whole Rev. Wright-- I don't get it at all. It was so politically unsavvy. I think Obama will have learned something huge from this whole episode. I think he's probably out of it for this year, but he'll be back. A wiser, more politically savvy politician... Who attends a more mainstream church. :huh:

    Of course, if he's out I'm not sad to see him go. I'm not a fan, not at all.

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


    • #3
      Re: Rev Wright just....

      I'm off to go read about this.
      Thanks for the heads up Kris!

      Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

      “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


      • #4
        Re: Rev Wright just....

        Well, I haven't made it a secret that Obama doesn't give me the warm and fuzzy feelings, but Im not really interested in a McLame presidency either. I was just so surprised by this Wright guy this morning. He was so arrogant and was obviously loving, loving, loving the media attention. You really had to see it. Obama needs to get out today and say/do something to erase this....
        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #5
          Re: Rev Wright just....

          I'll have to keep looking. I found a couple of other clips but not that one.

          Geez...I wouldn't expect someone to agree with everything single opinion held by a pastor of their church but that is a pretty substantial (and over the top) opinion.

          There was an article on about why Obama should drop out of the race. I don't know if would play out quite like this. ... obama.aspx

          Sounds like Clinton is out of money or close to it. Someone needs to drop out.

          I can't believe that the primary here is actually going to matter!


          • #6
            Re: Rev Wright just....

            Originally posted by PrincessFiona
            killed Barack Obama's chances of getting elected in the fall. Anyone that watched his press conference in front of the National Press Club this morning that has any doubt at all....will run like the wind.

            . . . Holy cow is this guy weird.
            Honestly, it actually wasn't as over-the-top as I expected. The guy is a liberation theologist. I get the feeling that a lot of people don't know what that is (it's like no one can remember Central America in the early 1980s).

            It reminds me of an early thread, when we were chatting about the Che supporter of Obama. Obama, although not a Marxist, keeps ending up surrounded by people who embrace those ideals. It's one thing for some random campaign worker to hang a Che poster. It's another for your close advisor and pastor to be a liberation theologist.


            • #7
              Re: Rev Wright just....

              Nellie, you can't blame Clinton for the weirdness from this morning...though I agree that she needs to just bow out.

              I guess I was just shocked by this guys gallant manner...the arrogance and flagrant...stupidity. I felt like he made himself look badly and because he brought up Obama (and answered questions about Obama in a rather unusual way) that he hurt him. For the life of me, I can't figure out why this guy didn't just shut up until after November.

              I think that we do end up being judged by the company that we keep and other things that can be pretty trivial. To me, a pastor is someone that you look to for spiritual help, etc...and....this guy freaked me out. It won't stop me from voting dem in the fall, but I imagine that there are independents or potential republican cross-overs out there who will take a second look.

              I hope that the Obama camp comes up with some damage control. I see this Wright guy in many republican commercials to come if someone doesn't muzzle him.

              And have I mentioned that I think Clinton should step back? Well...I'll say it again. As much as I have supported her, there is no way she can win unless the SDs were to overthrow delegate and popular vote and if that is how it went down I wouldn't support her.

              wow....too much coffee for me today.

              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #8
                Re: Rev Wright just....

                Originally posted by Pollyanna
                Originally posted by PrincessFiona
                Well, I haven't made it a secret that Obama doesn't give me the warm and fuzzy feelings, but Im not really interested in a McLame presidency either. I was just so surprised by this Wright guy this morning. He was so arrogant and was obviously loving, loving, loving the media attention. You really had to see it. Obama needs to get out today and say/do something to erase this....
                He is nuts. I was just watching like this...
                I guess I've just never imagined him like that. I don't even care about sermons he may or may not have given or how those words were intended. He came off as a real nutjob.
                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                • #9
                  Re: Rev Wright just....

                  Oh, I know...I am not blaming Clinton for what Wright said. Totally unrelated, just an aside that she is running out of money and I wonder how much longer the party can keep this up -- for both of them.


                  • #10
                    Re: Rev Wright just....

                    I can't figure out what she is hoping to accomplish. :huh: She can't win it....
                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #11
                      Re: Rev Wright just....

                      I guess it is just too close for her to walk away from? :huh: I don't know. I suppose it is unlikely but who knows what will happen over the next few weeks -- maybe something could turn the last few primaries in her favor. Would that be enough though?


                      • #12
                        Re: Rev Wright just....

                        Even if she won every primary from now on she can't win it unless the superdelegates come to her rescue. She just can't.....the numbers aren't there. I think she would alienate a huge group of voters by getting the nomination like that. Sure, Obama wasn't my top pick, but I'll get behind the will of the democrats....not the will of a few superdelegates. I know it's close and that they are both practically in a tie...but at the end of the day, the person with the most delegates wins..and she can't overtake him. You know how much I wanted her to be 'it' but....she can't catch up.
                        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                        • #13
                          Re: Rev Wright just....

                          The Wright thing is just making me sick. I don't know WHY he's doing it. WHY .... if he stayed quiet during the initial "fury", after Obama's wonderful speech ... WHY would you do it NOW? Who on earth does he think he's helping? What the hell was the NAACP thinking by inviting him to speak? Who do they think this man is going to help advance? I didn't hear his speech this morning - and I don't want to. Wright just sealed it for McCain. :huh:


                          • #14
                            Re: Rev Wright just....

                            I have no doubt the man made lots of money from both the NAACP and the National Press Club this weekend.

                            It's not getting much play on the national news sites- maybe he's already "crazy dude/old news"



                            • #15
                              Re: Rev Wright just....

                              It's not getting much play on the national news sites- maybe he's already "crazy dude/old news"
                              that's what I noticed too...but then again if it turns out to be a slow news day the eveing news may run w/ it again! :thud:

                              I'm actually glad Miley Cyrus posed topless w/a bed sheet ...that seems to be what has been dominating the idiot box today

