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call me naive

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  • call me naive

    ...but there is something I DO NOT understand when it comes to politics.

    I don't get why a portion of the voting public try to "hate" "distrust" or otherwise "assassinate" the other candidate's character to make their choice more reasonable in their minds. :huh:

    How can people really believe (examples):
    • McCain is a warmonger pandering to big business..
      Obama is nuts -- believes Pastor Wright's views and is Muslim.
      Clinton will try win at all costs to country and party.

    DISAGREE with someone on healthcare, the economy, the war, or any other issue...HATE them? Dislike their speaking style or what they wear. Roll your eyes at how they handled a situation...actually believe they are nuts? I don't understand. :huh:

    I wish issues played more of a roll in all of this! :soapbox:

    Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

    “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore

  • #2
    Re: call me naive

    Oh, it's probably just like in life in general:

    It's easier to launch ad hominem attacks on someone than actually debating the issues. Naming calling doesn't take the intellectual investment that discussion does. Plus, reducing your competition to a bumper stick slogan of belittlement makes your point funny and blithe and obvious (though not necessarily correct), which absolves you from having to explain anything.


    • #3
      Re: call me naive

      I don't know. I imagine if it weren't the case, neither obama or clinton would be at the top of the tickets right now. Well, actually, Clinton's chances died a long time ago. I have no idea what she hopes to accomplish at this point. :huh:

      Personally, I don't think that the religion, personal life etc of a candidate should come into play...but it does.

      I also think that a problem with this particular election cycle is that we had the first potential woman candidate and will have the first african american candidate on the ticket. This is huge...but because they were so similar in their policy ideas people started looking more to their personal lives. There were and are a lot of hot button topics and the words racism and sexism have been wearing out the internet forums....

      I don't know if Obama (I assume this thread is an offshoot of the other one) believes his pastor's words and I honestly don't care that much. However, I think because he is and has been a very important figure in Obama's life that hid divisive speaking should be saved for a later time when it won't hurt Obama. My response to his talking this morning was one of sympathy for Obama actually. It seemed like he was intentionally trying to hurt him or something....

      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #4
        Re: call me naive

        Because the pundits assume that we're all idiots and therefore it's easier to name-call for the sound bite. I think there is a general assumption that Americans are incapable of thinking through issues and that we LIKE our news in 30 second increments.

        and I think ALL of the candidates have people working for them who TRULY believe this to be true.



        • #5
          Re: call me naive

          Originally posted by DCJenn
          Because the pundits assume that we're all idiots and therefore it's easier to name-call for the sound bite. I think there is a general assumption that Americans are incapable of thinking through issues and that we LIKE our news in 30 second increments.
          ITA. The problem is though, that these attacks and sound bytes WORK. Time and time again, they work. I makes me disappointed in the American public as a whole. Clearly the pundits wouldn't do it if no one was buying .... but apparently someone is.


          • #6
            Re: call me naive

            Originally posted by Jane
            Originally posted by DCJenn
            Because the pundits assume that we're all idiots and therefore it's easier to name-call for the sound bite. I think there is a general assumption that Americans are incapable of thinking through issues and that we LIKE our news in 30 second increments.
            ITA. The problem is though, that these attacks and sound bytes WORK. Time and time again, they work. I makes me disappointed in the American public as a whole. Clearly the pundits wouldn't do it if no one was buying .... but apparently someone is.
            OK you two have siad what I was thinking.
            The problem is Jenn, there are plenty of Americans that ARE IDIOTS, that vote on sound bites and not the issues THAT EFFECT THEM is infuriating to say the least!


            • #7
              Re: call me naive

              Originally posted by pinkpickles
              Originally posted by Jane
              Originally posted by DCJenn
              Because the pundits assume that we're all idiots and therefore it's easier to name-call for the sound bite. I think there is a general assumption that Americans are incapable of thinking through issues and that we LIKE our news in 30 second increments.
              ITA. The problem is though, that these attacks and sound bytes WORK. Time and time again, they work. I makes me disappointed in the American public as a whole. Clearly the pundits wouldn't do it if no one was buying .... but apparently someone is.
              OK you two have siad what I was thinking.
              The problem is Jenn, there are plenty of Americans that ARE IDIOTS, that vote on sound bites and not the issues THAT EFFECT THEM is infuriating to say the least!
              Yeah. You guys are right. These cheap shots work AND there are some voters who are complete idiots. SOOOOO depressing!!!!

              Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

              “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


              • #8
                Re: call me naive

                Do you guys remember the John Kerry stuff that circulated? I wasn't a huge fan of him either, but the media (and many people) just RAN with the whole flip-flopper thing...and the Dean Scream? That really got me....I turned off the news for a long time after that.
                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                • #9
                  Re: call me naive

                  Originally posted by PrincessFiona
                  ...and the Dean Scream?
                  Ok, even as a Republican, I didn't get why this was such a big deal either. I don't like Dean, but that "scream scene" just looked to me like a guy who was trying to get folks charged up. I don't understand why it brought him down the way that it did.

                  He's said WAY more outrageous things since then, and no one in the press is now suggesting that he's a kook.

