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I cried through her speech....

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  • I cried through her speech....

    Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in....
    She is giving a beautiful concession speech...

    I still love her. I know she wasn't everyone's pick as a presidential candidate, but I so proud of her.

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Re: I cried through her speech....

    I missed it. I'll have to catch some clips. I didn't vote for her in the primary and still have mixed feelings -- in some ways I think she is a better candidate but I still think she would have been hit and bogged down with Whitewater redux and a million other things the day she took office. I heard someone on the radio say something along the lines of -- our kids will take advantage of the fact that a black man and a woman both ran for president. When I was bryn's age, that wouldn't have happened or at least been viable candidates. She has made history.

    It's going to be interesting to see what Obama and McCain do to try to capture the votes of her supporters. I think she will really have to throw her support to Obama because if doesn't win, people may blame her (not totally fair).


    • #3
      Re: I cried through her speech....

      She knocked it out of the park with her support for Obama, Nellie. Half of her speech was an incredible endorsement of him.
      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #4
        Re: I cried through her speech....

        "The way to continue our fight now to accomplish the goals for which we stand is to take our energy, our passion, our energy and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama, the next president of the United States," she said in a speech before cheering supporters packed into the ornate National Building Museum, not far from the White House she longed to reign in.

        "Today as I suspend my campaign, I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary campaign he has won. I endorse him and throw my full support behind him and I ask of you to join me in working as hard for Barack Obama as you have for me," the New York senator said.
        She also said that the democratic party was a family that has to unite and that she expects her supporters to get behind his historic bid and elect him president.

        Of course, now the pundits are putting every word under the microscope.
        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #5
          Re: I cried through her speech....

          It was run-of-the-mill Clinton. All about Clinton. Even when it's supposed to be about someone else, it's really all about Clinton. If I had been Obama, I think I would have been a little disappointed. She spent approximately ten minutes of the thirty talking about him. I think it was pretty clear that her endorsement was grudging...just done in the most upbeat way possible. She clearly wanted to remind everyone about her, and her accomplishments, and her role. And she talked several times about what she and Obama needed to work together to do.

          If I were him, I'd let her extract her last few moments in the sun--apparently, what she wants--then lay low for a couple of weeks, before picking someone else as VP. I wouldn't pick her if I were him. He would be in a constant battle not to be eclipsed by her publicity machine and her angling to be a co-president.

          I think I'd pick Richardson. I know he's not the leading contender, but he might really help Obama with the Hispanic vote, which he tanked at capturing. I wouldn't worrying about rabid Hillary supporters bouncing to McCain if he doesn't pick her. I really think, from a numbers perspective, those people wouldn't have a real impact.


          • #6
            Re: I cried through her speech....

            Originally posted by cupcake
            I missed it. I'll have to catch some clips. I didn't vote for her in the primary and still have mixed feelings -- in some ways I think she is a better candidate but I still think she would have been hit and bogged down with Whitewater redux and a million other things the day she took office. I heard someone on the radio say something along the lines of -- our kids will take advantage of the fact that a black man and a woman both ran for president. When I was bryn's age, that wouldn't have happened or at least been viable candidates. She has made history.
            I agree with Nellie! As a woman, this definitely tugs at my heartstrings.
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              Re: I cried through her speech....

              Originally posted by GrayMatterWife
              It was run-of-the-mill Clinton. All about Clinton. Even when it's supposed to be about someone else, it's really all about Clinton. If I had been Obama, I think I would have been a little disappointed.
              Oh, you're absolutely wrong. She couldn't have thanked her supporters better or supported Obama with more class and grace.

              You must not have watched it or are relying on Faux News for their analysis.

              (with all due respect, of course. )
              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #8
                Re: I cried through her speech....

                Oops, I meant "take for granted" not "take advantage" of seeing both woman and a black candidate have a real shot at the presidency.

                ITA about Bill Richardson though for a different reason. I think he would be a good choice for experience and international experience.


                • #9
                  Re: I cried through her speech....

                  Oh sure...get me to answer something and then delete it!!

                  I'll have to read the Clinton speech. I think she's been judged very harshly all around -- but that's exactly why I was shocked that she'd run at all. I think she's always going to have 50% of the people at her throat. I'm tired of that level of division. If Obama or McCain can get us to 60% agreement in this country, I think we'll have some actual progress.

                  I've been hearing the rumors about the Supreme Court and Hillary. I'd LOVE to see that get pushed through. Can you imagine Hillary and Scalia going at it???
                  Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                  Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                  "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                  • #10
                    Re: I cried through her speech....

                    Oh shoot! Now you deleted your response!

                    I realized I should start it as another topic and did not. I'll try to remember it and post it here again. I've been wondering about this a lot lately and will just throw it out there. What do you all think about the concern that people will not vote for Obama simply because he is black and therefore not electable? To me, this doesn't make sense. Issues and personality aside, I think that if someone will not vote for him because he is black, they are also unlikely to vote or have voted for Clinton because she is a woman. In other words, if they are that biased on race, they would also have some bias based on gender.

                    I'm probably being overly-optimistic.


                    • #11
                      Re: I cried through her speech....

                      Originally posted by Sheherezade
                      I've been hearing the rumors about the Supreme Court and Hillary. I'd LOVE to see that get pushed through. Can you imagine Hillary and Scalia going at it???
                      Me too!

                      I did not hear her speech - I'll have to find it. I can't imagine that they would make a good team as Pres/VP, but I'd love to see her on the Supreme Court or in the cabinet. The cabinet would be a meatier job than VP anyway. She's not cut out to be second fiddle.

                      I do love that my kids are this young, and a black man and a white woman ran for President. It gives me hope for the future. As far as Richardson - I like him, but I'm concerned that adding him to the ticket would bring the bigots out in full force.


                      • #12
                        Re: I cried through her speech....

                        Originally posted by PrincessFiona
                        Originally posted by GrayMatterWife
                        It was run-of-the-mill Clinton. All about Clinton. Even when it's supposed to be about someone else, it's really all about Clinton. If I had been Obama, I think I would have been a little disappointed.
                        Oh, you're absolutely wrong.
                        Always can agree to disagree on the subjective.

                        Originally posted by PrincessFiona

                        You must not have watched it or are relying on Faux News for their analysis.

                        (with all due respect, of course. )
                        Don't know which channel I was watching, but it wouldn't have made a difference. Contrary to Hillary's assessment of the news and its alleged bias against her and its resulting ability to mind-control the voters, my assessment of her speech would have been based observations. Yes, Hillary, people can draw negative conclusions about you, all on their own, based on your style, words, and message, not on the fact you're a woman.

                        It's been amusing to see a liberal whine about media bias, though. I watched primarily to see who she would blame by insinuation. I was not disappointed. She suggested that she was the victim of gender bias in this speech that was supposed to be a graceful, magnanimous exit. Wow, such respect for Obama by the implication that there is a deeper explanation to her situation. It's not that Obama is a worthy opponent who had a phenomenal combination of luck, intellect, timing, and pose. It was because she was a victim. Had the media only not been "against" her, she could have won. I don't know whose intellect that insults more: that of Obama supporters or of her own base. And then she coupled that with the observation that 3 of the past 10 elections have resulted in a Republican winning the WH...and how much better things could have been if a Dem had been elected. If the dumbas$ American public could only stop being duped into voting the wrong way. Good to see that she has so much respect for the American voters...they apparently are ignorant enough to vote in the primaries along purely gender lines (no explanation offered as to why gender bias resulted in her loss to an African American...someone from that group that just might have a claim to bias when running against a white person) and be snookered by bias in the media, and are also gullable enough not to learn from their past "mistakes."


                        • #13
                          Re: I cried through her speech....

                          Originally posted by Sheherezade
                          I've been hearing the rumors about the Supreme Court and Hillary. I'd LOVE to see that get pushed through. Can you imagine Hillary and Scalia going at it???
                          I've heard that talk, too. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised re: the timing.

                          For seven years, the Democrats have accused Bush of seeking the appointment of federal judges and Supreme Court justices based on "politics" (what they really mean is "ideology," but "politics" makes it sound sinister, rather than the guy elected President trying to appoint people whose thinking is consistent with his...). Several very good men and women--people who weren't the least bit "related" to Bush or put up for appointment as a result of the political buddy system--Pickering, for example, who had the endorsement of his state's NAACP--were absolutely maligned. The Dems--especially Charles Schumer--kept claiming that the process was being abused as pure politics. What the Dems did to some of those people, in the name of "politics" (more specifically, the abortion issue) was inexcusable.

                          Now, apparently as a Miss Congenitality, Second-Place award, they want to offer her a place on the US Supreme Court as a consolation prize, essentially. She deserves an appointment to the US Supreme Court because she...lost the primary to Obama, and Dems don't want to make it look like they don't still have the upmost respect for her (or, more specifically, her supporters). I cannot think of a more political use of a bench appointment. And I can't think of a bigger insult to the Supreme Court bench: we'll give you are losers to make them and their supporters feel better. The highest court in the land is the dumping ground (which, conveniently, would also neutralize the appointee in the political future). Think about what the Dems would do if Bush had tried a stunt like that in 2000.

                          Besides, I can't figure out why she would want that position. It would be as an associate justice (unless the very young, very fit Roberts unexpectedly drops over). She would have a lot more overt power as a junior Senator from NY. One of 100 in that crowd gets you a lot more power than one of nine--even though the raw math wouldn't suggest it. It is a dramatically different job that requires a completely different set of skills than what she has honed for the past 30 years.

                          She's young and has a very bright future in the Senate. And there's always 2012...


                          • #14
                            Re: I cried through her speech....

                            Originally posted by GrayMatterWife
                            . She spent approximately ten minutes of the thirty talking about him. I think it was pretty clear that her endorsement was grudging...just done in the most upbeat way possible. She clearly wanted to remind everyone about her, and her accomplishments, and her role.
                            I just read the text of the speech and I wholeheartedly disagree. Everyone knows I've not been a Clinton supporter - but I think it was a lovely speech. It was not only supposed to be about Obama. It was to conclude her campaign, and she was speaking to her supporters who have worked so hard - AND to endorse Obama. She has done an amazing thing by getting to this point in the race for the highest office in the land. It's not something one can shrug off whether you like her or not. She endorsed Obama. She said at several points that she wants her supporters to work to get him elected, that he's the only choice to correct the issues important to democrats. If she were out campaigning for him and started to talk about her accomplishments, that would be problematic. But to discuss what she and her supporters have managed to do during this campaign was not inappropriate in this situation.


                            • #15
                              Re: I cried through her speech....

                              Hillary doesn't know the least bit about being a judge, let alone a sup. ct. justice. That would be an epic mistake. She needs to stay in the Senate where she knows what she is doing.
                              Husband of an amazing female physician!

