Re: Pelosi misrepresents the Catholic Faith
I can't get to the website that Suzy posted - but I thought the reference was to a tubal pregnancy. What do you do? If the pregnancy is in the fallopian tube, it isn't viable and the pregnancy is life-threatening/fetrility threatening to mom. Can you "remove" it or is that abortive too? Obviously, this would be occurring very early in a pregnancy, but if life starts at conception than the tubal pregnancy becomes an issue as well.
I can't get to the website that Suzy posted - but I thought the reference was to a tubal pregnancy. What do you do? If the pregnancy is in the fallopian tube, it isn't viable and the pregnancy is life-threatening/fetrility threatening to mom. Can you "remove" it or is that abortive too? Obviously, this would be occurring very early in a pregnancy, but if life starts at conception than the tubal pregnancy becomes an issue as well.