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Well, I would have married her, too.

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  • #16
    Re: Well, I would have married her, too.

    fickle, fickle :>

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #17
      Re: Well, I would have married her, too.

      Well I thought her speech was great. It was exactly what everyone was reporting is should be, a speech on a personal level to make her and Barack see approachable.

      I did DETEST the Teddy bit. I think it was very bad planning on some swagger dem when they did this video for Teddy. I mean we're sappose to awe him for all the things he's done for the common, little person, and let's celebrate it while showing him on an extremely expensive yacht? They totally played up, that on that yacht that is where they have their family time. And that is exactly what I think of when I think of the Kennedy's, well poised, well thought out positioned in everything, very very very rich, very very very UNaccessible. I think that video did the Dem's the opposite of what they were trying to get across. Then again, I was one of the few to even watch the Conventional live, and I'm not even a Dem. So, it probably doesn't harm them, as the common person probably never saw it. But really, I wanted to . This to me showed how OUT of touch they (the Kennedys) really are. I think Ted is just a big loud mouth, who likes nothing better than to think he's got an untouchable godlike legacy.

      But I did think Michelle's speech was great, and I even almost got teary eyed. I hear on NPR that night on Terry Gross that Obama tried to rent a car for the 2000 Dem Convention, and had so much debt that his card was denied and I think either he didn't even go to it, or someone helped him to get there. And now, he's the presidential candidate, now THAT is impressive, how ever you want to slice it. I keep going back and forth about who I'm gonna vote for, it's rough as I'm pretty independent I guess. Now that Joe Biden is the VP ticket, I'm more complexed. Joe Biden??? I read that he has foot-in-mouth disease and just had to laugh

