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Hillary's speech

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  • #16
    Re: Hillary's speech

    See what I mean about windbag? He probably was listening to NPR and got the idea.

    (what you guys don't know is that Tara and I go back a long way w/ Rush. (the oxycontin addict) She knows that I love her despite her one obvious flaw)


    and I notice that Rush failed to mention that the reason Beau won't be here in November is because he'll be deployed to Iraq w/ the JAG)


    • #17
      Re: Hillary's speech

      Originally posted by DCJenn
      See what I mean about windbag? He probably was listening to NPR and got the idea.

      (what you guys don't know is that Tara and I go back a long way w/ Rush. (the oxycontin addict) She knows that I love her despite her one obvious flaw)


      and I notice that Rush failed to mention that the reason Beau won't be here in November is because he'll be deployed to Iraq w/ the JAG)
      The problem is, being a windbag and a oxycontin addict doesn't make him in factual error or nullify his logic...Not a huge Rush fan for stylistic purposes, but can't say I disagree with the substance of his argument.

      I thought Beau did a great job last night. I mean, there's still no way I'd ever vote for his dad, but he was eloquent. I thought almost everyone knew about his deployment. There's been talk that if Obama/Biden win, Beau may seek his dad's Senate seat--provided that he logistically can.


      • #18
        Re: Hillary's speech

        Originally posted by DCJenn
        (what you guys don't know is that Tara and I go back a long way w/ Rush. (the oxycontin addict) She knows that I love her despite her one obvious flaw.

        i have tried, unsuccessfully, to get tara and my dh to hook up. they can both talk rush til their hearts content. dh *hearts* rush.

        Remember, Biden is the one who said (paraphrased) "this is the first time we have an African-American who is clean cut, well spoken" blah, blah, blah .... That's the first thing I thought of when they announced Biden. Geez -- someone is going to have to put a tape delay on his mouth!
        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


        • #19
          Re: Hillary's speech

          Originally posted by GrayMatterWife
          The problem is, being a windbag and a oxycontin addict doesn't make him in factual error or nullify his logic...Not a huge Rush fan for stylistic purposes, but can't say I disagree with the substance of his argument.
          Really? That's funny, b/c it seems just getting a BJ from an intern puts a damper on or clouds nearly everything Bill Clinton has to say, but Rush can take actual mind-altering drugs, while simultaneously slamming addicts as deadbeats and losers, but he still maintains a measure of reliability? At least Bill wasn't out there touting family values while screwing around.

          And back to the Tara love-fest ... I *heart* Tara. We agree on nearly EVERYTHING - except politics and religion.


          • #20
            Re: Hillary's speech

            Originally posted by Jane
            Originally posted by GrayMatterWife
            The problem is, being a windbag and a oxycontin addict doesn't make him in factual error or nullify his logic...Not a huge Rush fan for stylistic purposes, but can't say I disagree with the substance of his argument.
            Really? That's funny, b/c it seems just getting a BJ from an intern puts a damper on or clouds nearly everything Bill Clinton has to say, but Rush can take actual mind-altering drugs, while simultaneously slamming addicts as deadbeats and losers, but he still maintains a measure of reliability? At least Bill wasn't out there touting family values while screwing around.
            I agree: getting a blowjob from an intern doesn't discredit your veracity or intellect. It makes you a male with bad judgment. But lying about it to the American public when you are in a position demanding the public trust, then getting disbarred by the Supreme Court, certainly calls at least your veracity into question.

            Personally, I would never argue that Bill Clinton isn't brilliant. I think he clearly is. My issue is with his poor judgment and lack of integrity (which are unrelated to intellect)--traits that I personally require far more in my elected public officials than some commentator on the radio. He represents the entire executive branch of our democracy and I think he would lie rather than take responsibility. This personal failing of Bill Clinton are far more serious to me than hypocrisy in a radio personality, who is not elected and does not represent me or our country. He reflects badly only himself by indulging in his addiction then lying about it.


            • #21
              Re: Hillary's speech

              I'm not watching any of the DNC. Why get myself upset?

              Biden is going to be a liability when it comes to the economy.

              And, I honestly don't understand why Obama shot himself in the foot by saying that experience doesn't matter and then going for one of the guys whose been in D.C. the longest. :huh:


              Well, I'm sure we'll see her in another four years when she's trying to get the nomination against the Republican president running for re-election. She's not going to downplay herself while giving a speech for another candidate. It sounds like she highlighted just how close the primary was in her speech. There's a reason for her to remind people of this. She's got a long end-game going on. And, I don't expect her to disappear in the coming years.

              DH has been listening to the coverage on NPR. He told me his favorite speech at the DNC so far was by a governor who called on the Democrats to stop running on the message of, "We're not Republicans," and to start having some substance in order to beat the other side. It was along the lines of Bush isn't running so quit running against Bush. He thought it was probably the most insightful thing he had heard from the convention so far.
              Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
              With fingernails that shine like justice
              And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


              • #22
                Re: Hillary's speech

                Originally posted by Rapunzel
                I'm not watching any of the DNC. Why get myself upset?
                Personally, even though there's absolutely no way I would vote for the Obama/Biden ticket, I've been watching or listening to every second I can. It is cool to see people so enthusiastic about their candidate and the process. Too many people feel despondent about politics and have written off participatory democracy. They don't get engaged, don't vote, and just complain. The people who attend the conventions are the opposite. They get me inspired.

                Except for all the Hollyweird people that show up. They aren't inspiring; they're annoying and usually unintelligible.


                • #23
                  Re: Hillary's speech

                  Well, I find it disturbing/upsetting to see people get so fired up about Obama. I don't mind people treating rock stars like, well, rock stars. But, this current Obama-as-rock-star trend is something that I don't care to watch.

                  I've actually watched the DNC in all of the past elections in which I could vote. It is usually interesting to watch. But, this time around it's very different. And, I don't mean different in a good way.
                  Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                  With fingernails that shine like justice
                  And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                  • #24
                    Re: Hillary's speech

                    Well, trust me, from our perspective, it's better than good.

                    My mom said she'd never thought she'd ever feel this way again after JFK. (her bridal shower was the day of the funeral...)



                    • #25
                      Re: Hillary's speech

                      Originally posted by DCJenn

                      My mom said she'd never thought she'd ever feel this way again after JFK. Jenn
                      My parents are psyched as well. They keep saying "despite personal politics, this is fantastic!!!!"
                      When they were younger the political times were so electric, tragic, add your own adjective. They LOVE how many people are getting educated about BOTH parties and discussing politics again.

                      Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                      “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore

