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Letterman/Palin Neverending Back&Forth

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  • Letterman/Palin Neverending Back&Forth

    A little bit of free advice I was thinking about...feel free to chime in to the contrary (or in confirmation!):

    Letterman: STOP making jokes about the joke you botched. You thought you were making a crude joke about an 18-year-old; you ended up making a crude joke about a 14-year-old. But, either wya, your real intention was to insult the mother. And you've done that. You called her appearance slutty and you suggested her daughers are easy. You once again showed that it is perfectly funny and OK to sexually disparage conservative women. And the complete non-reaction of the so-called feminists to your joke once again shows with crystal-clarity that non-liberal women are not really "women," at least the "women" deserving of the outrage and advocacy of purported women's interests groups that claim to stand up in the face of inappropriate sexualization of women. But please STOP acting as though the indignity has been done to you.

    Palin: STOP overreacting. Stop acting like you don't know that he got confused about which daughter he was making fun of: we all know that his joke-writers thought you were with Bristol, not Willow. That's what was supposed to make the joke "funny"--that your daughter who got pregnant outside of marriage supposedly has "loose morals"--not that your 14-year-old would actually sleep with a professional baseball player.

    And stop acting like this is considered over-the-line. Regardless of whether you agree with it, in our society, this is not considered over the line. This is the risk you run by being a conservative woman in our society--you are going to be de-humanized, objectified, and hyper-sexualized, because the left has absolutely no idea how else to handle women who aren't "their" kind of woman. And, it is considered perfectly OK to put your daughters on the targetboard to acheive this.

    At most, your response should be: "Well, it seemed like lame joke, honestly. Look, I know he doesn't have anything against my daughters. I am the target. The joke was just the usual liberal, ironic drivel that amounts to nothing other than misogyny toward conservative women wrapped in the acceptability of anti-conservative bashing. Liberals don't like me, so they call me a slut because I try to look attractive and call me a bad mother because my child experienced a difficult life challenge. It's easier than going head-to-head with me about my policies and principles. But that's the best they've got: name-calling me by victimizing my kids. Come to think of it, though, I don't really care to take advice from a party that holds Bella Abzug out as their example of the feminine and produces a President that says he supports abortion rights because he wouldn't want his daughter to be 'burdened' by the mistake of his own grandchild." Then never speak of it again. Please.

  • #2
    I don't think it has as much to do with her being conservative as it does with her daughter getting pregnant. I could see the same joke being about Jamie Lynn Spears.
    Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


    • #3
      Stupid on both sides. Did anyone see the Palin clip on Colbert, talking to the troops about her son - um, hardly a sound was her response, she was - not funny. And I'm sure her son wants to hit her for that.


      • #4
        Originally posted by MrsK View Post
        I don't think it has as much to do with her being conservative as it does with her daughter getting pregnant. I could see the same joke being about Jamie Lynn Spears.
        Oh, I totally disagree. I think that liberals absolutely despise her, find her appeal to be grating to their very existence, and revel in any potshots they can take to make her (in their view) look stupid on grounds that have nothing to do with her intellect. They love to call conservative women slutty, stupid, and backward--and she, in their minds, fits that bill.

        For the record, I am NOT a Palin-ite. Her inability to give cohert explanations of conservative theory make me cringe.
        Last edited by GrayMatterWife; 06-12-2009, 12:25 PM. Reason: add additional thought


        • #5
          She's target rich, that's for sure- regardless of her actual political stances.

          But Abigail, you're dead on in your analysis-

          None of the Letterman stuff was funny. It rarely CAN be when you're talking about someone's kids.

          It's over, it's done with, she should have taken the offer to go on the show to bury the hatchet. She would have appeared graceful and earned some brownie points. Now? Not so much.



          • #6
            Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View Post
            I think that liberals absolutely despise her, find her appeal to be grating to their very existence, and revel in any potshots they can take to make her (in their view) look stupid on grounds that have nothing to do with her intellect.
            I agree with this part of what you said. . .
            Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


            • #7
              Originally posted by LilySayWhat
              I think the only people who talk in terms of "liberals" and "conservatives" as if they are races of people are too entrenched in the crap being peddled by Air America and Fox to realize that the majority of the world doesn't think in those terms.

              My point was that people who proudly claim to be feminists absolutely hate the exact opitome of what they claim to desire: a self-made woman who did not reach success by riding the coattails of her husband and achieved remarkable work-life balance (not having to negate any particular part of the broad experience of being a woman). It's just she's pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment, so she can't POSSIBLY really be worthy of support as a woman. So if you're a woman and you've "come all this way, baby" but don't agree with their politics, then despite your achievements in advancing women's complete participation in all parts of society, you still don't merit support of fellow women.

              It's not main stream America that draws the false "conservative v. liberal" camps. It's the people who cannot conceive of recognizing the worthiness of anyone who doesn't happen to agree with you. "If he's not with us on X and Y issues, then he must be destroyed as a threat." Sort of like, say, digging in your heels to reject Miguel Estrada's nomination to the bench for no reason other than the fact that he is a conservative--despite the fact that he is the embodiment of what any immigrant to this country might hope to acheive. It happens by both ends of the spectrum. People were freaking over Sotomayor before they even knew anything about her. There are plenty of reasons to vote against her, but you can't, in an intellectually credible way, claim that she is "unqualified."

              To compare AirAmerica of FOXNews is not a fair analogy. Air America's only reason for its(marginal and utterly financially failed) existence was for air far-left liberal editorializing. Like Michael Savage or Rush Limbaugh on the right. Editorializing. FOXNews, by contrast, regularly proves itself to be the least biased in its actual reporting of the news, as compared to the major three networks, which studies have shown all lean harder left than FOX leans right. And while FOXNews leans right compared to NBC, ABC, CBS, and MSLSD (and, personally, I think a lot of the perception of its "right wing bias" is based on the fact that it hires a number of intellectual and very strong conservative commentators like Charles Krauthammer), it is no way is a right-wing-only editorial machine like MSLSD is a lefty (although not truly hard-left). FOXNews employs a lot of very good (and very credible) left-wing commentators, too. People who can make the liberal argument intelligently, rather than simply slobbering that Obama "gives me a thrill up my leg" (thanks, Chris Matthews. Next time, please keep all references to what is closing in on your groin area to yourself.)

              What shocks me are the number of people I know (not here) that claim that FOXNews is this unabashed source of conservative propaganda, but who...have NEVER watched FOXNews. They just claim that it is what the left calls it. (Usually citing Glenn Beck or Bill O'Reilly...who are editorialists, of course, not reporters.) Um, the left makes that claim because FOXNews is wildly more popular than all of the other cable news networks...


              • #8
                I don't watch Fox because I hate their graphics. I also hate CNNs graphics, too. Not that I need my news to be visually appealing ONLY but I find those two to be especially bad and distracting.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by DCJenn View Post
                  I don't watch Fox because I hate their graphics. I also hate CNNs graphics, too. Not that I need my news to be visually appealing ONLY but I find those two to be especially bad and distracting.

                  You are so right. FOXNews graphics borders on the super-cheesy sometimes. I'd noticed that, too, but thought that maybe it was just me. Try HLN for no cheesiness. No personality, either, but no cheese.

                  IMHO, hands down, CNN has the best announcement--the classic: James Earl Jones announcing: "THIS IS CNN," in that incredible, rich, perfectly paced tenor. No one will ever beat that for suggesting authority. It's like it's God's network. Or Darth Vader's.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View Post
                    Or Darth Vader's.
                    Well, they are "the dark side"
                    Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View Post
                      IMHO, hands down, CNN has the best announcement--the classic: James Earl Jones announcing: "THIS IS CNN," in that incredible, rich, perfectly paced tenor. No one will ever beat that for suggesting authority. It's like it's God's network. Or Darth Vader's.
                      A wise and thoughtful Morgan Freeman would seem like a pretty good alternative.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by McPants View Post
                        A wise and thoughtful Morgan Freeman would seem like a pretty good alternative.
                        Yes, definitely...if he does his voice from the character he played in "The Dark Knight"--but not if he does his "Driving Miss Daisy" voice.

                        OK, I have now managed to spiral this thread into the completely ridiculous.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Pollyanna View Post
                          Well, they are "the dark side"

                          ahahahaha!! Funny! I'm going to have to tell my husband that one. He can't stand CNN. He pouts everywhere I watch the specials where Christine Amanpour hosts. I like her nitty-gritty style and real reporting (and the fact that she does nothing to look "TV reporter beautiful"), even though I don't like her politics.

