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I don't get it.

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  • I don't get it.

    Maybe it's just because I am tired and grouchy, but I am not following this:

    1. David Letterman: When not married, he had several consensual (and, from all details, long-term) sexual/dating relationships with adult female staff members, none of whom charges that it was exploitative. In fact, most have nothing but positive things to say about him. That is, he did nothing illegal--but there are now calls for his resignation...

    2. Roman Polansky: Plied a 13-year-old girl with booze and drugs, then proceeded to anally, orally, and vaginally rape her, over her verbal protests and physical resistance. He then plead guilt to charges stemming from the crime, then fled the jurisdiction before he could be sentenced. And, when he was finally apprehended on the outstanding felony warrant, and is being held pursuant to extradition, half of Hollyweird is calling for his release. They claim that he's "paid for his crime" (uh, how would that be, exactly?), or that she was not a victim (?!?!?!), or that she consented (which is IRRELEVANT to the rape of a minor), or that he should be released because he is such an accomplished artist.

    So...the message to young women is: if youu exercise your sexually in a legally permissible way, take responsibility for that, and are treated like a fully fledged grown-up, you may still be a victim. But, if you are a minor who is "lucky enough" to be wanted by and raped by a brilliant director, you're not a victim.


  • #2
    Yes, you have that summarized correctly. In fact, Letterman should be fired and Polanski should be rewarded after his years of suffering...

    THINK, people. Isn't is amazing?



    • #3
      I know. *shrug* I really don't get the defending Roman Polanski thing. He's been on the run from the law for years and so that counts for paying his time? Certainly his life is complicated given his childhood and the murder of his wife but that doesn't change what he did and is fully responsible for. Crazy.

      I'm assuming that the women with whom DL had relationships did not feel their jobs depended on it or that other women did not feel they were passed up for promotions and such if they didn't sleep with him. I'd be pissed if I were....can't remember the name of his long-time girlfriend and now wife. Between this and the Montana kidnapper deal, he's had some scary things happen with people looking for money.
      Last edited by cupcake; 10-07-2009, 08:31 AM.


      • #4
        Regarding David Letterman I myself was wondering why it was such a scandal (I mean I know a boss shouldn't have affairs with employees because it can easily be viewed as sexual harrassment - but that is HIS stupid move which he will have to deal with)? Is there a possibility that any of these affairs occurred while he was with the woman who is currently his wife?? Resignation is a little bit overkill - but I figure that is what the media does best. I think the embarrassment he is going through is sufficient.

        Regarding Polansky the ONLY reason I can think that people would feel he shouldn't be charged is for the sake of the victim. I have heard that she has forgiven him and wants to move on. But I think that is the ONLY reason not to charge and sentence someone for a crime. And even that does not mean that the victims preference should be the end all, I just think it should be CONSIDERED as one of many factors.
        Loving wife of neurosurgeon


        • #5
          Originally posted by cupcake View Post
          Between this and the Montana kidnapper deal, he's had some scary things happen with people looking for money.
          What is this? I will have to google it!
          Loving wife of neurosurgeon


          • #6


            • #7
              Thanks Nellie
              Loving wife of neurosurgeon


              • #8
                Once again, totally agreeing with Abigail. I think Polanski is scum who in no way has paid for his crime, and Letterman, while disappointing (and yes, he was with the woman who is now his wife when these things were going on) shouldn't lose his job.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Shakti View Post
                  Once again, totally agreeing with Abigail. I think Polanski is scum who in no way has paid for his crime, and Letterman, while disappointing (and yes, he was with the woman who is now his wife when these things were going on) shouldn't lose his job.
                  Well if our president doesn't get fired over having an affair I don't know how/why a late night talk show host would....
                  Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                  • #10
                    I am in complete agreement with Abigail. To me, the Polanski issue is clear cut - he served 42 days? Paid for his, not even close. I am glad that his victim has found peace with the crime, but that is irrelevant. In any other case, running from the law for decades is NOT serving time. His crime was horrendous and unfortunately, my opinions are changing on many Hollywood personalities who seem to support his release. *sigh*
                    Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


                    • #11
                      This world is going to hell in a hand-basket I tell ya!
                      I don't get it...


                      • #12
                        The Polanski thing makes my stomach turn. I had the misfortune of reading the case files on The Smoking Gun....and the testimony leaves NOTHING in doubt. I can't see how anyone would find that the thirteen year old was in to it. (As Abigail points out, that doesn't matter -- but in the court of public opinion, it often does -- BUT she wasn't in to it AT ALL except maybe in Polanski's mind.) I can't imagine ANYONE calling for his release legitimately. I think Woody Allen made a statement in his defense. Woody, huh? Great reference there when you are charged with sexuallly exploiting a minor. Neal Conan had a show on it on Talk of the Nation the other day. All the calls were for Polanski's prosecution. Conan kept stating the "he's a great artist" and "he's paid his price" line but you could sense that even HE didn't buy it. Not one call agreed with that ridiculous "defense". Who cares if he was a great artist? I don't even like Jack Nicholson anymore because it happened in HIS house! Creeps.

                        As for the Letterman thing, I've missed the calls for his resignation. When did that happen? I read about it and was surprised. Still, it hasn't really crossed my news radar screen much. (Must be the sources I use - NPR, overly liberal newspapers and Salon/Slate/Politico/AP news feed )
                        Last edited by Sheherezade; 10-07-2009, 06:36 AM.
                        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                        • #13
                          Totally agree about Polanski. How and the world can his supporters justify a "great artist" exception to rape laws? Are they also creepy old men who deem themselves "great artists"? Yuck, yuck, yuck.

                          I haven't really followed the Letterman thing. But I'm not surprised he's had affairs and also not surprised to hear he's facing off with the morality police.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Selu View Post
                            Totally agree about Polanski. How and the world can his supporters justify a "great artist" exception to rape laws? Are they also creepy old men who deem themselves "great artists"? Yuck, yuck, yuck.
                            I saw a clip where Whoopi Goldberg said the girl wasn't "RAPED, raped", where I assume she meant the girl was in to it. While I've never been a big fan of WG -- that made me lose whatever remote interest / respect I may have had for her. Absolutely sick.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Shakti View Post
                              I saw a clip where Whoopi Goldberg said the girl wasn't "RAPED, raped", where I assume she meant the girl was in to it. While I've never been a big fan of WG -- that made me lose whatever remote interest / respect I may have had for her. Absolutely sick.
                              I could be wrong but I think that she was referring to the CHARGES, not necessarily what actually occurred.

                              Regardless of whether it is called "unlawful sexual intercourse" it is still rape.
                              Loving wife of neurosurgeon

