Originally posted by peggyfromwastate
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Sending the mojo
Originally posted by peggyfromwastate View PostFor me personally, I am a Christian and I believe in the power of prayer. But I really think it's important to me to have "good vibes" or "good mojo" sent my way. And I think God knows these good thoughts, even though they aren't directed at Him. I believe He's omniscient, after all. I don't think he says "DCJenn doesn't believe in me and so I don't accept her thoughts of good mojo." More likely to me, in my point of view, he'd say "OOOHHH I LOVE DCJenn-- she has such a heart for the lost and needy people of this world. She is such a caring and wonderful mother to her child. She is such a blessing to her neighborhood. She sends good Mojo down on her friend-- Excellent!"
.Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!
"good vibes," "mojo," "warm fuzzies." Whatever. That's what I'm talking about when I'm talking about prayer. It's all caring enough about someone to remember him or her in your thoughts. In my (Christian) tradition it starts with "Dear God," but I think that's just one specific way of communicating love. If someone else has another "language" for it, it's no less meaningful to me.
Originally posted by Shakti View PostSo here you're saying that while it's none of your business, anyone who does not believe as you do IS praying to a "false God", and you, and others who believe in Jesus are the only ones praying to the REAL God. By that statement, you don't like it if Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists (I could go on) offer to pray for you, nor do you appreciate or accept anyone's wishes of "mojo" or "good feelings" or "love".
Or do I misunderstand?
Originally posted by Shakti View PostI will say I don't understand the concept of praying for random people with whom you've got no connection at all. I'm more than happy to send good vibes for any of you -- as in my weird little world, we're connected.It's the 'pray for random Steve and Sue' that confuses me, and as we seem to have an ever growing list of prayer requests, I even thought of suggesting a "Prayer Request" forum.
Originally posted by Lacy View PostI would gladly accept and appreciate anyone's wishes of of love, good feelings, mojo. I think its kind. Yes, I do believe that if you do not believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and God himself, and you are praying to buda, ala, or whoever else, you are praying to a false God. That doesn't mean that your prayers are any of my business. I believe that God is omnipresent, which means that God hears every thought in every persons mind, spoken or not, believing or not.
Let me state that I am a Sunni Muslim.This means I only follow the Quran and the authenticated/sound traditions & sayings of Mohammed(pbuh).
Allah is the specific name for God in the Arabic language...the letters g-o-d spell a general term. I remember being taught, when growing up (as a christian), that it was only considered "proper" when capitalized. The Christians in the Middle East, will even tell you they pray to & believe in Allah & Issa (God & Jesus)." They obviously believe in the trinity and ascribe divinity to Jesus/Issa(again his name in arabic) & the holy spirit. To say Allah is a "false god" is offensive & wrong to Middle Eastern Christians, not to mention to Muslims.
The Christians in the Middel East will tell you the name of their God (creator) & the name Muslims use, is THE SAME!
The only difference between me & my Christian family, is that as a Muslim I do NOT ascribe divinity to Jesus nor do I believe he died on a cross & came back to life.
Muslims believe that Mohammed was ONLY a prophet(a very special one) and was the final messenger sent from God/Allah.We believe that Adam was the first messenger & Mohammed was the last.We believe that Jesus was also a very special prophet and that he was saved from the hands of man and awaits w/ Allah to be sent again.
The Islamic creed says/translates to "there is no God but God and Mohammed is his messenger." The reason being is to remind & prevent humankind from trying/wanting to ascribe divinity to him, like what we believe happened to Issa/Jesus. Like my Christian family members, Jesus is also(in my faith /Islam) the messianic figure... IE he's also the messiah to the Muslims.
Seriously, it would behoove one to educate themselves on some of these facts/differences, especially if you want to avoid sounding so devoid of somewhat common knowledge!
BTW I didn't learn these "basics" from Muslims. I learned from Christian, Jewish and non relgious professors.
As Muslims we believe Allah "does not beget nor is he begotten." In other words Nothing/ Nobody is born of from Allah/God nor was Allah born. We don't ascribe any gender to Allah. The usage of masculine pronouns in texts does NOT mean what we, as English speakers, would naturally assume. The following explains this if you so chose to read:
http://qa.sunnipath.com/issue_view.a...cate=150&t=rssLast edited by Momo; 05-20-2010, 01:50 PM.
Originally posted by LilySayWhatThat was great information - thank you for that. Would you mind if I hit you up offline for more information? I don't know any active Muslims other than you!
Most of you know me by now...I really do not like posting about my faith, because I would NEVER EVER want to be considered to be proselytizing towards any of you !
I just wanted to help out and set the record straight on a few thingsLast edited by Momo; 05-24-2010, 02:21 PM.
Originally posted by Shazam View PostOh Lily... I am sooo flattered.. of course
Most of you know me by now...I really do not like posting about my faith, because I would NEVER EVER want to be considered proselytizing to any of you ! I just wanted to help out and set the record straight on a few things
-CWife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.
Originally posted by Crystal View PostFWIW - I really appreciated your post and found it informative and very far from proselytizing (I tend to be a bit sensitive about that too). Thanks!
-CFinally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!
Suz, that is well said. It is what I learned from a Rabbi. DH and I met with a Rabbi for several weeks before we married, not to convert, just to educate. DH is Jewish (non-practicing) and I was raised Catholic (non-practicing). It was very educational, but I could never had posted so eloquently. Thank you.Luanne
wife, mother, nurse practitioner
"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)