Sunnysideup, I am curious as to what region you live in that has so many docs who are against the flu vaccine. Are you in the U.S.? Does your DH work in a hospital, or does he do something like Rehab where the patients are not necessarily medically ill or immunocompromised? I have been around a long time, and have rarely met a DOC/NP/Nurse who was against the Flu Vaccine. I'm not trying to be argumentative, just curious.
There are docs/nurses who are against the flu vaccine, I know some. Many of them probably don't feel comfortable speaking up to others about their views because of the controversial nature of this topic, and because of the hostilities they will face, similar to the ones voiced on this forum. Who would feel comfortable sharing their views when they're going to be met with this kind of hostility? Why hasn't Pebbles posted more about her views--I for one really wanted to hear more about her perspective.
It seems that nurses in particular are particularly vocal against it--so many of the articles from last year on the topic of healthcare professionals against the mandatory flu vaccine interview nurses who are against the vaccine. Interestingly, the American Nurses Association opposes mandatory seasonal flu vaccines