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What are your thoughts about mandatory flu shots for hospital workers?

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  • #61
    Originally Posted by Luanne123
    Sunnysideup, I am curious as to what region you live in that has so many docs who are against the flu vaccine. Are you in the U.S.? Does your DH work in a hospital, or does he do something like Rehab where the patients are not necessarily medically ill or immunocompromised? I have been around a long time, and have rarely met a DOC/NP/Nurse who was against the Flu Vaccine. I'm not trying to be argumentative, just curious.
    There are docs/nurses who are against the flu vaccine, I know some. Many of them probably don't feel comfortable speaking up to others about their views because of the controversial nature of this topic, and because of the hostilities they will face, similar to the ones voiced on this forum. Who would feel comfortable sharing their views when they're going to be met with this kind of hostility? Why hasn't Pebbles posted more about her views--I for one really wanted to hear more about her perspective.

    It seems that nurses in particular are particularly vocal against it--so many of the articles from last year on the topic of healthcare professionals against the mandatory flu vaccine interview nurses who are against the vaccine. Interestingly, the American Nurses Association opposes mandatory seasonal flu vaccines
    Didn't really answer my question.
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #62
      DH got his flu vaccine earlier this week, I got mine yesterday at Target when I was picking up prescriptions anyway. I asked him if it was mandatory where he is; he wasn't sure, but I know he wouldn't have a problem with it if it was, and neither do I. *shrug*
      We're both *just* too young to have gotten smallpox vaccines as kids (people we know just a couple years older than us got them), but he's on a disaster medical team, and back when they were worried about smallpox being used as bioterrorism, he got vaccinated against that as a potential first-responder medical-type. We're not ignorant of the arguments against vaccines, but are absolutely convinced that potential downsides don't outweigh the benefits in the overall scheme of things, and the overall scheme of things matters more than we as individuals do (and yes, I realize that's heresy in this ultra-individualist country. I blame my Canadian ancestors on my mom's side ).
      Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


      • #63
        Hey guys, sorry I haven't been able to respond. I am at Annual Conference for Spinal Cord Injury all week, and before that I have just gotten a new puppy and competed in my triathlon: so it's been a very busy few weeks!!

        I'm def for most vaccines that I am familiar with out there. The flu shot has been around for quite some time now, and has been shown to be very safe. H1N1 was a newer vaccine, and because of the scare, was able to be made and distributed quickly.

        I personally am not quite comfortable with getting new vaccines, I prefer to have some time for outcomes and side effects to surface. I am not saying I think they are unsafe, but it's my body, my choice.

        I think that people with comorbities, diabetics, etc who are at a higher risk should be vaccinated if they chose. These people when they become ill they have a variety of health issues that can be affected and can become very ill and effect their other health issues that are preexisting.

        But this is just my view on it.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Pebbles View Post
          I personally am not quite comfortable with getting new vaccines, I prefer to have some time for outcomes and side effects to surface. I am not saying I think they are unsafe, but it's my body, my choice.

          I think that people with comorbities, diabetics, etc who are at a higher risk should be vaccinated if they chose. These people when they become ill they have a variety of health issues that can be affected and can become very ill and effect their other health issues that are preexisting.

          But this is just my view on it.

          But the question at hand isn't as much about personal comfort level for a vax, but if hospital workers who are exposed to immno-compromised people on a daily basis should be required to get the vax as a means of protecting their patients.

          I realize you (Pebbles) were asked to expound on your thoughts on vaccines, and that is what you did. I'm just curious if you have an opinion on the hospital workers end of it, too.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Pebbles View Post
            I'm def for most vaccines that I am familiar with out there. The flu shot has been around for quite some time now, and has been shown to be very safe. H1N1 was a newer vaccine, and because of the scare, was able to be made and distributed quickly.
            Pebbles, I would have to disagree with you that the H1N1 vaccine was "new", the only reason it was separate from the seasonal flu vaccine was that it was not discovered in such a timeline as to add it to the seasonal shot. I reference the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Informational Handout that stating "The same manufacturers who produce seasonal flu shots are producing 2009 H1N1 flu shots for use in the United States this season. The 2009 H1N1 flu shot is being made in the same way that the seasonal flu shot is made." (CDC, 2009)

            Further supporting this point: the 2010 seasonal flu vaccine or the vaccine that you say "has been shown to be quite safe" includes the H1N1 strain along with other seasonal strains. I've attached links to the CDC brochures below. Please let me know if either of them fails to work.

            2009 H1N1 Vaccine:
            2010 Seasonal Vaccine:
            Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


            • #66
              Oh hell, my husband has had the anthrax vaccine so at this point flu is just another shot in the arm.


              or in his case, a sniff up the nose.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Rapunzel
                I'm not a radiologist - I only play the wife of one on tv.

                (I joke)
                I love this!

                I am getting the flu shot and so is DH. Not mandatory at the hospital he is at, but I am making it mandatory for the workers in my OB/GYN clinic.
                And seriously sunshine how did your DH not learn about CT and the radiation connection in med school. Hell even I learned about during that year in med school.
                Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


                • #68
                  DH got a flu shot (though he did not want to) - he says to me "it's not worth getting fired over,"

                  Ya think? Duh!
                  Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                  • #69
                    Don't you love it when they catch on so quick?!? My husband would say the same thing...!

