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Is the race really this close? Who do you think will win?

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  • #91
    I like the idea of that blog, too. I would absolutely participate in something like that.

    While it's unfair to be lumped in with racists, misogynists, backward-thinking folks -- it can be really difficult for the average person to differentiate between rank-and-file party members and those pols who say outrageously racist/misogynistic/backwards things on the national level as if it's a their normal discussion.


    • #92
      Originally posted by v-girl View Post
      And ignorant, uneducated, and elitist.
      Yeah, those, too. The funniest is when my neighbors say that in the presence of my husband. The MD-PhD neurosurgeon. Yeah, he's a real bonehead.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Sheherezade View Post
        If Now, it's my Republican leaning moderate friends that are quiet.
        We are afraid. We are afraid of being called racist endlessly. We afraid of jinxing any good luck that might be coming our way. And--at least for me--we are quiet because we are afraid of retribution, especially if we lose. We are afraid of being socially blackballed or having our kids humiliated at school by psycho teachers (both have happened to me). Or maybe I am just afraid that something worse will happen to my husband's truck, which got keyed because it had an pro-Romney sticker.


        • #94
          Well I'll say I live in a Republican small city and I hear Republican talk all day. Even today during Pickleball, I heard the "We need to take back our country." I and other Democrats are not very vocal here simply because the Republicans are so VERY vocal and don't want to get bombarded on why I NEED to vote for Romney. We have vote biblically signs everywhere around here.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Chrisada View Post
            We have vote biblically signs everywhere around here.
            What is "vote biblically"? I could see that demanding a vote either way...


            • #96
              I don't get the "take back our country" thing. What is it, a zombie apocalypse?


              • #97
                Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View Post
                Everyone assumes that everyone here thinks just like they do. They don't even bother to ask. So, it has been an enlightening and depressing experience into the soul of my neighbors. When they think it is socially acceptable to "speak the truth," they share.
                I feel ya, GMW. This is where I live too, except leaning the opposite way. I just don't engage when it comes up. It's really not worth it, especially with people I don't know that well (like total strangers in the grocery store -- I'd like my milk and bread sans political ranting, thankyouverymuch)

                Originally posted by Chrisada View Post
                Well I'll say I live in a Republican small city and I hear Republican talk all day. Even today during Pickleball, I heard the "We need to take back our country." I and other Democrats are not very vocal here simply because the Republicans are so VERY vocal and don't want to get bombarded on why I NEED to vote for Romney. We have vote biblically signs everywhere around here.
                Yep, here too. I actually chuckled a bit when one of our neighbors put out an Obama sign, but they put it up in the very corner of the yard next to the fence so you can really only see it from like one angle and probably not at all if you're driving by. It's like they wanted to show their support but were afraid of backlash so they sort of tip-toed it out there. They probably put it up in the middle of the night with ski masks on
                Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


                • #98
                  Here, the vote biblically means vote Republican, I'm assuming in regards to pro life. They are all next to Romney signs.


                  • #99
                    I think the shit falls from both sides tbh. I don't really talk politics with people anymore for the most part because I can't stand the vitriol. DH doesnt even know who I voted for this year. Ha... wait until he checks my FB. He'll flip. The arguments just don't seem worth it though when it comes to debate. If People end up feeling angry, victimized and hurt...
                    Abigail, I have been ripped to shreds on a personal level re my more liberal thinking. My dad didnt speak to me for a year when i voted for Kerry. He said if I voted for Kerry it was as if I personally had spit in my father's face when he came home from vietnam. The words stupid, uneducated and bitch were used before he hung up on me. It isn't just the dems hating on the Republicans
                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • Btw in MN this year there is a push to amend our constitution to only recognize marriage between a man and a woman. . It's hard for me to realize that neighbors I really like feel that this is something they have a right to decide.
                      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                      • Originally posted by Chrisada View Post
                        Here, the vote biblically means vote Republican, I'm assuming in regards to pro life. They are all next to Romney signs.
                        The Bible commands that you vote Republican? That is as obnoxious as my neighbors saying things like, "Well, I just don't understand how any educated, reasonable person could possible vote for ____ [or think that ____]." Wow. It must be nice to live in your bubble, where reasonableness is objective only in the sense that it is defined by your subjectivity.


                        • Here it implies marriage between a man and a woman...
                          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                          • Probably that also here. But it definitely means vote Republican.


                            • Funny bc my very liberal uncle who is the source of many rifts in the family says that it's unchristian to vote republican. That surely Jesus would be a dem. oh and he's a theologian so he does this for a living!!


                              I think it's as unfair to attribute every mysoginistic comment perceived from the right to all ppl leaning republican as it would be to attribute every whacky bill maher type comment to every democrat.

                              But it is ugly, it gets nasty, my kids have all been called names, and my middle schoolers were informed today at school that a vote for Romney is a vote to send every Mexican back to Mexico. I don't like elections bc I think they bring out the worst in people.

                              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                              • GMW- that's almost exactly why I don't talk politics with many people here. Afraid of losing jobs, afraid of my kids being ostracized, afraid of being called "un-American" and a fiscal idiot always looking for a hand out. The name calling and picking our friends and allies based on politics really needs to stop.
                                Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                                Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                                "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

