Female DNA has been found on some of the bomb fragments. Any thoughts? My first reaction is that their mother helped them. I have had this nagging feeling that she is involved, she just doesn't seem like a grieving mother when I see news clips of her.
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Boston Bombing
She's been out of the states for a few years as well, right? If it was the pressure cooker out of the older brother's home what is to keep it from being the wife's and her still not knowing anything about it? I'm still very skeptical that anyone else was involved.Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.
An official, who asked not to be identified because the investigation was ongoing, said there could be multiple explanations, including a store clerk who handled materials that Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother, Dzhokhar, used to make the bombs, or perhaps genetic material that unwittingly ended up on the explosive devices, perhaps from a marathon bystander.Veronica
Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy
Originally posted by CassyTotes involved. Russian intel investigated them in 2011 and there was a phone call between mother and one of the sons talking about jihad.
That mother is absolutely, certifiably bat shit insane. I read an article yesterday with my jaw dropped as it quoted her as adamantly saying her sons were not involved, no one died, they were framed, this is to create racism against Muslims and (my favorite) there was no blood at the scene (how could there be, since there were no deaths) and instead it was red paint. All a conspiracy against Chechans and Muslims.Last edited by WolfpackWife; 04-30-2013, 10:40 AM.Wife, support system, and partner-in-crime to PGY-3 (IM) and spoiler of our 11 y/o yellow lab
Depends on how they were discussing "jihad." I use the term correctly often. If they were discussing something nefarious and using the term then maybe I could see how that would be of interest, but seriously the context of how the term is used matters when it comes to this term.
Originally posted by CassyIt was not in an innocent manner.
But the parents. The parents are clearly crazy. The day they were caught (well, chased. Only one was caught) didn't the father release a statement to a news outlet about how his son couldn't have done this--he was a third year medical student on his way to being a doctor? I mean, had he even MET his sons? Doesn't sound like it.
Edit: just saw DD had clarified above re: reasons the mother's phone calls were tapped. Redundancy.Wife, support system, and partner-in-crime to PGY-3 (IM) and spoiler of our 11 y/o yellow lab
The woman is in horrific denial about...she's obviously has her own jihad going on. I mean she's a muhajibi (woman who wears a hijab/scarf) yet she a wanted shoplifter??!! I am not saying ladies who cover can't be criminals, but usually when you chose to wear a scarf it's because you want to practice/live your faith better?!!
She obviously has/had a "jihad" her internal struggle between trying to be the better practicing Muslim and the one w/deviant (shoplifting tendencies). I will say her GLARING major jihad is between embracing the the horrific painful truth and the obvious denial she is desperately trying to convince herself of.
I have no idea what her background was like (ie living the Russian/Chechnan war). She's messed up and horrifically the boys were/are too. There by the grace of God go I. I pray none of us nor our precious families are touched by evil tendencies.