I don't condone her behavior, but think the punishment is over the top. She has basically lost every sponsor, her cooking show, and her book publisher stepped back .... Before the case went to trial.
Like I said, I don't condone the use of the n word...I do think with PD there is some cultural/social context to consider. I also think its ridiculous that the n word is used in every rap song by African Americans...and that it is bantered about playfully between some, but that that's ok. I understand white privilege, but still find if the word isn't okay, it shouldn't be said at all.
ETA: (now that I'm not on my phone) Full disclosure .... I heard what sounded like the n word coming from the back of the van this week and flipped out and pulled over to the side of the road while we were on the highway. I had two very shocked teenagers who were laughing over an actual song called nigga nigga which I find very tasteless and disgusting. It is mainstream music though. Mainstream rap. I do not approve, I told them that this makes them trash and that I am ashamed of them and the people they are. "Mom, it's a song," my 14 year old, otherwise very good kid said. "We are in our van. We are not talking about black people. It's just a song." No, it's not just a song...not to me....but it pisses me off that there is this song out there, put out by back rappers who would definitely be offended to hear my kids use the word in our van. Teenagers aren't generally able to understand about white privilege and oppression the way that we do. Damn, it makes me mad that this song is out there, that my kids heard it and that they repeated it.
I am ashamed to even tell the story.
Like I said, I don't condone the use of the n word...I do think with PD there is some cultural/social context to consider. I also think its ridiculous that the n word is used in every rap song by African Americans...and that it is bantered about playfully between some, but that that's ok. I understand white privilege, but still find if the word isn't okay, it shouldn't be said at all.
ETA: (now that I'm not on my phone) Full disclosure .... I heard what sounded like the n word coming from the back of the van this week and flipped out and pulled over to the side of the road while we were on the highway. I had two very shocked teenagers who were laughing over an actual song called nigga nigga which I find very tasteless and disgusting. It is mainstream music though. Mainstream rap. I do not approve, I told them that this makes them trash and that I am ashamed of them and the people they are. "Mom, it's a song," my 14 year old, otherwise very good kid said. "We are in our van. We are not talking about black people. It's just a song." No, it's not just a song...not to me....but it pisses me off that there is this song out there, put out by back rappers who would definitely be offended to hear my kids use the word in our van. Teenagers aren't generally able to understand about white privilege and oppression the way that we do. Damn, it makes me mad that this song is out there, that my kids heard it and that they repeated it.
I am ashamed to even tell the story.